12 years, 7 months ago
No problem ??
$children = wp_list_pages('exlude=157&echo=0&title_li=&child_of='.$post->ID.');
Correct syntax above.
Your welcome!
You add the code I gave you in the template file that you want it to show up in. It calls the function you created in functions.php, so using your example, open up the sidebar file and add the code I gave you.
Why do you want one? It is a AJAX based search and does not require one.
You don’t just edit CSS for this. You have to edit your theme and add an area for a sidebar and style it.
Looks like the front is use excerpt and not content. If it is calling the_excerpt() function instead of the_content() then that is what happens.
Are you talking about a submit button?
Add the exclude param: ‘exclude’
<?php if ( !function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') || !dynamic_sidebar("PUT YOUR ID HERE") ) : ?> <?php endif; ?>
The above is how you call the widgetized area on your theme. So if you want it in your footer, then you call it in your footer.php etc etc
Looks white to me, what am I looking for?
#main { margin: 0 auto 0; width: 960px; }
You need to increase with width in the code above as well. All the width margins and padding have to equal or greater the container width.
Link to you site please.
No problem! Good luck.
Can you add some post to your site so I can take a look?