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  • Thread Starter popmon


    Hi Sunny

    I followed your instructions to the letter and the sidebars don’t appear on the site it just displays the sidebar I’d set it to replace. I’m sure it’s probably my error, just can’t see what I would have done wrong.

    Anyway, no need for you to support this, I found a different solution.

    All the best

    Thread Starter popmon


    Ooops, sorry I should have closed it off. Thanks for you help

    Thread Starter popmon


    Thanks for all your help. Very much appreciated

    Thread Starter popmon


    I’m completely lost here. What should I be editing so the feature image doesn’t show? I’m not a php expert so I’m way out of my depth now.

    $sidebar = $minti_data[‘select_bloglayout’];

    if($sidebar == ‘sidebar-right’){
    $sidebarlayout = ‘sidebar-right twelve alt’;
    $sidebarorientation = ‘sidebar-right’;
    elseif($sidebar == ‘sidebar-left’){
    $sidebarlayout = ‘sidebar-left twelve alt’;
    $sidebarorientation = ‘sidebar-left’;
    $sidebarlayout = ‘sixteen’;

    get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”page-wrap” class=”blog-page blog-single container”>

    <div id=”content” class=”<?php echo esc_attr($sidebarlayout); ?> columns”>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php get_template_part( ‘framework/inc/post-format/entry’, get_post_format() ); ?>

    <?php if($minti_data[‘switch_sharebox’] == 1) { ?>
    <?php get_template_part( ‘framework/inc/sharebox’ ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php if($minti_data[‘switch_authorinfo’] == 1) { ?>

    <div id=”author-info” class=”clearfix”>
    <div class=”author-image”>
    “><?php echo get_avatar( esc_attr(get_the_author_meta(‘user_email’)), ‘160’, ” ); ?>
    <div class=”author-bio”>
    <h4><?php _e(‘About The Author’, ‘minti’); ?></h4>
    <?php the_author_meta(‘description’); ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php if($minti_data[‘switch_relatedposts’] == 1) { ?>

    <?php //for use in the loop, list 5 post titles related to first tag on current post
    $tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
    if($tags) {

    <div id=”related-posts”>
    <h3><?php _e(‘Related Posts’, ‘minti’); ?></h3>


    <?php } // end if $tags ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php comments_template(); ?>

    <?php if($minti_data[‘switch_blogpagination’] == 1) { ?>
    <div id=”post-navigation”>
    <?php previous_post_link(‘%link’, ‘<div class=”prev”></div>’, FALSE); ?>
    <?php next_post_link(‘%link’, ‘<div class=”next”></div>’, FALSE); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>


    <?php if($sidebar != ‘no-sidebar’){ ?>
    <div id=”sidebar” class=”<?php echo esc_attr($sidebarorientation); ?> alt”>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php } ?>


    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Thread Starter popmon


    Thanks for the response. Looks like I’ll have to edit single pages.

    Thread Starter popmon


    Thanks for getting back to me.

    Looks like it is a theme issue. I fiddle about with the layout in the lddbd_display.php

    managed to get the map to display correctly but for some reason the “view bigger” link gets squashed to the point where you can have a word more than three character long. I don’t seem to be able to fix this.

    Theme is called: Vantage Premium

    You can view the install here:

    ` $map_query = $options[‘google_map’];
    if($map_query==’Yes’) {

    <div style=’width:50%; background-color:#0CF; padding:5px’><a target=’_blank’ href=’{$address}&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear={$address}&t=m&z=13&source=embed’ style=’color:#000000;text-align:left;text-size-adjust: auto’>+Map</a>
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <div id=’lddbd_map’><iframe width=’100%’ height=’500′ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ marginheight=’0′ marginwidth=’0′ src=’{$address}&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear={$address}&t=m&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&typecontrol=0′></iframe>
    <br />
    </div><br />”;
    } else {
    $map = “”;

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