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  • So try fixing broken links — which post revision has the bad link? Search and search through many MB of old records just to find 1. Repeat process several hundred times. Dump author posts. Is it fixed? Run site map utility. No. Repeat until fixed.. DAYS later.

    And yes Google for one does indeed try to index all the revisions – not only does your site now have a massive number 404s, but broken links are everywhere the search engines and spiders look. So of course your site gets demoted. I’m sure the corporate entities using WP will simply adore this aspect of this so-called (developer) feature. If other single users were asking for post revisions, I doubt they had this version in mind.

    Then of course, the author (admin) who fixes posts other than his own, now owns the revision. If the admin goes away (is deleted) for what ever reason, then so do all the fixes and the original author’s post reverts to the original broken links and all.

    My host only allows a small fixed-size MSQL db, as do millions of other WP ‘ordinary’ users. Won’t they be surprised when they exceed the host limits! So how many of them are going to hand edit their dbs? Zero. Time to look else where for another system, even if it means going back to hand html coding. Nice feature? Not! Refusing (wontfix) to even entertain the idea of fixing revisions with on/off switch, is the height of arrogance.

    As for the customer service/support, if this board is any example of what to expect from WP developers (and certain other arrogant and abrasive WP bigwigs) going forward – ie the aforementioned rudeness and arrogance, it is time for someone very high up to step in and replace the current “support” team with one more customer friendly.

    This whole affair is like APPL telling its customers that the next version of MacOSX will no long use a GUI, move to a Linux interface telling customers to learn to use the Terminal from now on.

    Eventually more and more people will either revert to older versions or find another system – systems which, picking up on the arrogance found at WP, will listen and supply some better product. WP will fade. The price you pay for refusing to listen, for minimizing your customers concerns.

    I, for one, am sick of this schtick from WP personnel, and DO plan to eventually move on.

    Yeah, I can hear it now … WP: See ya!

    Here’s the fix I used:
    The problem is something in posts or author fields has become corrupt.

    In my case, there was an newer bunch of posts – 142 – by author1. These exported fine. Another 100 older posts were by author2 – these would not export.

    I created a new Admin account called author3. I then selected all author2 posts and saved them as author3.

    All author3 posts were exported fine. I now have all the posts, albeit not in a single file. I still cannot export all authors, but have to export each separately – thus, the conclusion something in author2’s db is corrupt.

    Unfortunately, the author2 account is the primary one, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to delete that – id=1.

    same timing out problem with 2.6.3 – no solution. So WPs fancy export format is useless.

    But don’t worry 2.7 will have a new UI and all will be well, except for problems like this one which languish untouched.

    Having tried the 2.7beta, I hate the Nav UI you all rave about. Those nice little UI thingies on the left side are atrocious. The previous UI allowed the user to see plainly on words what to click on for which result at the top of the page. Now the user has to scroll down to find the desired item. Worse, the UI jumps back up the page, forcing the user to scroll down again to pick another item from the same sub-menu! Even the color scheme sucks. It is so light than it forces the user to sit closer to see what to pick, Take some clues from Apple’s UI Guidelines, and stop trying to reinvent the wheel.

    If you can make elements customizable on the dashboard, then make those on the Nav UI also. Stop forcing the user to scroll.

    Some seem to think the less distraction the better when writing in WP. Fine. Go all the way then – use a bare-bones text editor and paste the result into WP. Else give the rest of us an option to return to the top menu bar.

    Get rid of the Post revisions Crap (yeah, I know a lot of you refuse, but there are a whole lot of us who want that option). Or at least make it useful and deletable. As it stands it is confusing. Which revision is which – time stamps are meaningless. What am I supposed to make of a non-editable screen? Select something and paste it into the current? Restore the whole when I only want one paragraph? Which old revision paragraph is different from the current?

    If ya gotta do this Revision thing at least use Word’s form or something like that – at least that’s marginally useful.

    What you are creating is an online word processor with a lot of bells etc. Stop trying to jam every thing together, if that’s your aim. Get back to the basics: speed, usability, and so on. WP has plenty of features already, adding more just because they are neat or cool does nothing useful for the writer.

    Yes same here – wp 2.6.3. BTW according to some guy named Otto 42 they have no plans for added any way to toggle revisions on/off. or remove them from the db. Claim is this would make settings too complicated for some users, even though a host would love that feature. He stated that one would never notice the revision feature, unless they were told about it. I replied that I noticed when my db began to expand by leaps (a claim he refuted to another poster) and that I noticed id numbers increasing by hundreds. Further I asked why I cannot like you see anything anywhere relating to Post revisions.

    The forum section was over 3 months old so I really do not expect an answer.

    The wordpress team seems to be comprised of numerous individuals who have let their success go to their heads big time. Otto 42 wasn’t the first member I encountered who refused to help – one is even quite well known.

    Meanwhile their is a procedure below (it did not work for me but maybe you wil have better luck:


    If nobody had told you about post revisions, if you had not scrolled down and saw the revision box at the bottom of the post… how exactly would post revisions impact you, in any way at all?

    Um I’ve read all this about revisions on/off. And first of all, I noticed this feature when my post_ids went from 200 odd to over 1000 with only a few post actually added. So yes I noticed it.

    Second, you say scroll down on the Admin (I assume) Write page to Post Revisions – I saw a screen shot of a triangle open to show the list of that post revisions.

    My problem is that there is no such animal as Post Revisions anywhere in the WP admin 2.6.2 interface! What gives? Is something wrong with my installation or what?

    After upgrading from .62 to .63 everything seemed fine, until this morning. Logging in to admin or loading a page, I see only a blank white screen. Viewing source shows no code at all on either.

    Repairing the db via the isp interface was no help.

    Now will manually replace all replaceable wp files with new .63 files to see if that helps. But first I’ll make a folder via ftp in the wp_contents: plugins folder for all the active plugins, so in effect they will be deactivated – see if that fixes things. If I don’t post again then that approach worked.

    The browser screen shot site’s address is

    Use the beta 0.4 link – the 0.3 version does not work, at least in 10.39 using Firefox 20011.

    The wait varies between 3 minutes and 1 hour, all shots are .png’s done on old Pentium machines. There is an option to start your own shot service with geeky directions.

    “There’s no difference between 1.3em and 1.5em for example.”

    There is a difference, if you use a different font family.

    They never will as you found out. Only solutions are to do it yourself or find a different host.

    Hey Tom!
    Just went to your site and tried the cartoons with Safari 1.3.2 (v321.6) and it crashed as the player was about to play. However, Firefox 20011 played them fine. I think this is not an OS issue but a flash player issue. I installed the latest version from Adobe a few days ago, and they said that that version only works in some browsers including the version of Safari I have, but not in the latest Firefox version. So there you have it.

    BTY, the sound volume in the higher number cartoons could be turned up a notch. While the scolling comments are interesting, I found my attention divided between the sound and the text.

    Thanks TW for the link, and thanks MichaelH for the info on how to gain privleges in the database. I’ve just updated my article (referenced by TW above) to reflect your input.

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