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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery] Plugin’s errorHi, Is there any news on how to solve the problem?
U mnie to samo. Jako najni?sza cena wy?wietlana jest ta promocyjna. Musia?am ustawi? w?asny opis i r?cznie wpisa? odpowiedni? cen? w ustawieniach, przy wi?kszej ilo?ci produktów w promocji ni? 1 nie sprawdzi?oby si?. Wersja wtyczki 3.0.2
Unfortunately it still doesn’t work. In my case, nothing changes. When ShopMagic is enabled, wordpress does not send woocommerce emails about the purchase. Shop Magic automation also doesn’t work. Do you have any idea what to do next?
So, what can we do? Should I wait? Do you work on this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsAllen, could you please tell me how to add the RSVP form to the “Add a New Event” form that users fill in on the website? How can users create their rsvp?
Is it the same bug as above, that I can’t set this?Regards,
DariaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsI did it yesterday before I sent you a reply. Disabling LiteSpeed Cache plugin has changed nothing. Obviously, I cleared my browser cache.
Please help me find the bug ASAP, there are already several hundred people waiting for the records of events through this site.- This reply was modified 3 years ago by pomojejstronie.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsHome URL
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Daria Boroch-Ilińska
[email protected]
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Ajax Load More version 5.5.1 by Darren Cooney (https://connekthq.com)
Code Snippets version 2.14.3 by Code Snippets Pro (https://codesnippets.pro)
Contact Form 7 version 5.5.5 by Takayuki Miyoshi (https://ideasilo.wordpress.com/)
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Display Posts version 3.0.2 by Bill Erickson (https://www.billerickson.net)
Yoast Duplicate Post version 4.4 by Enrico Battocchi i zespó? Yoast (https://yoast.com)
Event Tickets Plus version 5.3.3 by The Events Calendar (https://evnt.is/28)
Event Tickets version 5.2.3 by Wydarzenia (https://evnt.is/1aor)
The Events Calendar PRO version 5.12.0 by The Events Calendar (https://evnt.is/20)
Avada Builder version 3.6.1 by ThemeFusion (https://theme-fusion.com)
Avada Core version 5.6.1 by ThemeFusion (https://theme-fusion.com)
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights version 8.3.4 by MonsterInsights (https://www.monsterinsights.com/?utm_source=liteplugin&utm_medium=pluginheader&utm_campaign=authoruri&utm_content=7%2E0%2E0)
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TaxoPress version 3.4.5 by TaxoPress (https://taxopress.com)
SVG Support version 2.3.21 by Benbodhi (https://benbodhi.com)
The Events Calendar: Community Events Tickets version 4.7.10 by The Events Calendar (https://evnt.is/1aor)
The Events Calendar: Community Events version 4.8.11 by The Events Calendar (https://evnt.is/1aor)
The Events Calendar version 5.13.0 by The Events Calendar (https://evnt.is/1x)
Ultimate Member version 2.3.1 by Ultimate Member (https://ultimatemember.com/)
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WP Add Mime Types version 3.0.0 by Kimiya Kitani (https://kitaney-wordpress.blogspot.jp/)
WP Fusion version 3.38.41 by Very Good Plugins (https://verygoodplugins.com/)
Network Plugins
MU Plugins
Avada Child
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Mo?liwo?? zapisu maksymalnie dwojga dzieci na jednego opiekuna
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Community Add
Community List
Community Options
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WP Timezone
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WP Date Format
j F Y
WP Time Format
Week Starts On
Common Library Dir
Common Library Version
4.14.12Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsHi Allen,
Unfortunately, after switching to the default theme, the date picker is still not visible. What else can I do?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Community Events – changes in the Add Event FormThis topic is resolved.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsI have a one more question: is the calendar’s view as on your demo also possible only with additional paid add-ons? Mine looks bad: https://test.jestemnaptak.pl/dzialaj-dla-ptakow/akcje-i-dzialania/noc-sow/kalendarz-nocy-sow/ ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Tribe Events Bar – how to display the relevant fieldsI only mean this one option:
“Now – March 22, 2023” when choosing a date.
Is it in additionally paid add-on? My client has already paid for the additions to your calendar $436.
I was sure this option is available in The Events Calendar Pro, which we bought of course.Hi Champ!
It works, thank you very much! ??Yes, I tried using UM Terms & Conditions plugin but it isn’t what I want. The plugin puts the entire page of the Terms Conditions and Privacy Policy in the checkboxes and the whole thing becomes unreadable. I would prefer to link a some text so that the terms and conditions page will open in a new window. It was possible on another website with UM: https://ogrod.ptakipolskie.pl/ogrodnicy/rejestracja/
- This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by pomojejstronie.