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  • Thread Starter poll0none


    @subratamal Just left you a 5 star review and I was going to donate, but I am completely against paypal. If you share a credir card option for a donation I will be happy to donate.

    Thread Starter poll0none


    Yes I thought of that @subratamal

    In my case, once the client has made 1 order, the rest can be just “cloned” as all the products are virtual and have the same tax rates(+I charge tax on Top Up, not on product)

    Thank you anyways, you have done more for me in a few hours than I would have never expected from any plugin developer. You are #1.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.
    Thread Starter poll0none


    @subratamal Oh god, I could cry!

    This is absolutely amazing, thank you for your time and help, its much appreciated.

    If anybody else is planning on using your plugin in a similar way, the code to detect if the client is redirected to Top Up from checkout because of insufficient funds is as follows:

    if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "from_checkout") !== false){
    // Client has been redirected from the checkout because of insufficient funds.
    $walletTotal = woo_wallet()->wallet->get_wallet_balance( get_current_user_id() );
    $cartTotal = WC()->cart->get_cart_subtotal();

    I am thinking of buying the referral add-on, but plesase let me know if I can contribute to your plugin in any other way. You are fantastic and you deserver to see your plugin skyrocket.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    Thread Starter poll0none


    @subratamal I edited previous answers thinking it would take you way longer to answer.

    This is a fantastic way to detect if customer is redirected from checkout and display message if so.

    The problem is that the code above just goes into an infinite loop as shown on this video:

    Thread Starter poll0none


    Please have a look:

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.
    Thread Starter poll0none


    @subratamal You are #1

    But I am now in an eternal loop ?? I will upload a video in a sec.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.

    @subratamal sorry to use this topic, but I can′t find the way to DM you in wordpress.

    In my case, all this tax thing is nonsense, the tax is applied whenever a client pays for a Top Up. So why should they pay for any other product′s taxes?

    In Spain(where I live) if your customer deposits X amount in your web or company but doesn′t use it at the of a term you still have to pay taxes even if the customer hasn′t used their balance.

    Sorry again for using this topic.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.

    I have nothing to do with the plugin or support team.

    You could have a look at this:

    Im not related to the plugin or the support team.

    To hide wallet TopUp option, just use css, find the class that wraps the option and set display to none. Example

    .topupwrapper{display: none;}

    Regarding the rearrangement of the other options, you will have to modify the plugins source code with Php which I assume you don′t know how to use.

    If you get somebody experienced, this shouldn′t take more than 15-20 mins to get done.

    The css code to hide the TopUp option on My Account is as follows:

    .woo-wallet-sidebar ul li.card:first-child {
        display: none;
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.

    I am in no way related to the plugin or part of the support team.

    I have been scrolling over the topics to try and solve my own issues and your topic got my interest.

    The wallet doesn′t have any category, the product itself is labeled as private and everytime you go into woocommerce>products it hides from you.

    I have gone to PhpMyAdmin and found the product link manually, that way I was able to access the product and checked that indeed it has no category, I haven′t tried to but there is the option to assign a category inside the product page.

    Here′s a video on How To:

    Kind regards.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by poll0none.

    Hi I′m in no way part of the plugin′s team or anything to do with support.

    But I have been looking through the support topics and yours got my interest.

    So… let′s talk taxes, I am assuming that woocommerce does tax the Top Ups your clients make, but then doesn′t tax whenever they use their wallet ballance. If this is the case, then don`t worry, the plugin is behaving like it should.

    The moment somebody deposits funds into their wallet, you are legally responsible for that amount and your taxes should be paid no matter wether they haven′t spent any credit from the wallet. If in the next term the client asks for a withdrawal, you only have to declare the withdrawal amount as a client refund.

    I hope this helps. ^^

    Thread Starter poll0none


    Oh! I forgot to mention, at the moment I am using a temporary fix, so if the customer hasn′t got enough money in the wallet, he will be prompted with a wallet top up form on the last step of the checkout, as you can see here:

    This is not optimal, as they will have to fill all the fields just to find out they have to do a top up…. but it may help somebody out there, so to achiveve this go to woocomerce/templates/checkout/payment.php and on line 32(at list in my file) you will find:

    else {
    				echo '<li class="woocommerce-notice woocommerce-notice--info woocommerce-info">' . apply_filters( 'woocommerce_no_available_payment_methods_message', WC()->customer->get_billing_country() ? esc_html__( 'Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.', 'woocommerce' ) : esc_html__( 'Please fill in your details above to see available payment methods.', 'woocommerce' ) ) . '</li>'; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine

    Well inside that else statement and under the echo just paste this:

    <form method="post" action="">
    			<div class="woo-wallet-add-amount">
    				$min_amount = woo_wallet()->settings_api->get_option( 'min_topup_amount', '_wallet_settings_general', 0 );
    				$max_amount = woo_wallet()->settings_api->get_option( 'max_topup_amount', '_wallet_settings_general', '' );
    					<input type="number" style="max-width: 70%;" step="0.01" min="<?php echo esc_attr( $min_amount ); ?>" max="<?php echo esc_attr( $max_amount ); ?>" name="woo_wallet_balance_to_add" id="woo_wallet_balance_to_add" class="woo-wallet-balance-to-add input-text" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Enter amount', 'woo-wallet' ); ?>" required="" />
    					<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Add', 'woo-wallet' ); ?>" />
    				<?php wp_nonce_field( 'woo_wallet_topup', 'woo_wallet_topup' ); ?>

    By the way, I have just tried rolling back elementor pro to 3.0.10 as @randon mentioned in and everything works fine

    Oh yes @p4fbradjohnson ! I can′t wait for a fix on this, I am still surprised on how laid back Elementor is with this problem in particular. Thank lord for @pacotole, vamos , dale fuerte!

    I have to update you on the info I′ve shared in my previous posts, for debugging sakes I deactivated all cache and found out that the archive category template is actually only displayed in one language not necesarilly the default, but only one at a time, as if the categories were not linked together.

    As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, if the update fixes my problem, I will repay with the translation of the plugin into spanish within the next couple of weeks. Ohhh and like many other people… I am also more than happy with the idea of paying a fee for future updates, in a way to compensate and show gratitude for your effort and make your time worthwhile.

    Can′t wait for the good news

    Quick update just in case someone may encounter a similar situation.

    It turns out there is a work around to this particular problem, i will do a quick recap of the situation:

    If I create the main template(for a theme builder specific archive′s category/taxonomy) the way you would normally do anything in Polylang: first you create the default language′s content and then you translate from the default via the +signs within the default template. Elementor will not point to any other category other than the default language′s(don′t ask me why, but it′s that way, in my case anyway…) hence it will only display the default language′s archive category template correctly in the frontend.

    Now I have been trying all sorts of approaches to try and tackle this issue, and believe me I have tried a lot… after nearly giving up, I stumbled upon a sluggish and not very orthodoxal way around this issue(me myself can′t recreate this solution in my testing web).
    If I create the template in other language than the default and before editing in Elementor I open my website in a new tab and select the language I am going to use the template for and hit refresh on the template creation page before, when I enter Elementor and hit display condition I can see the category/taxonomy in the language I am working. I select it and save, I do this with all the languages before the default… And although I have to keep my eye out on the browser language variable before editing the templates which are not in default language, I get to display specific category templates.

    I know this is a horrible fix, but I am against a deadline… So please let me know any thoughts, as I am itching to get a more stable solution.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by poll0none.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by poll0none.
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