Forum Replies Created
no issue there, I just make it simple.
Hi, the bug was noticed a couple hours after the update release and fix immediately. That is why I dont change the version numbe.
So, please delete the plugin, and reinstall. Dont worry, your data is save.
I’ll check the rss feed feature, thanks for the info.
Ok, i’ll put it in the list ??
hi all, i am sorry, i still don’t have time to test the plugin in wordpress multisite.
the plugin was build for single wp blog, therefor, when activated it is only create one database table, but in wp multisite environment, we need to create several tables one for each blog in the network.
For my website purpose, I also add search excerpt (grabbed from search extract plugin) and search terms highlighter functions to the plugin.
Feel free to use it if you find it useful.
what do you mean by ‘undefined’?
fixed on v1.52
please update the plugin to version 1.52 where i make the plugin faster then before, and using minimum system resources.
in this version, i remove any need from mysql to build temporary table, and using caching for common db queries.
actually, that is because you are using an older version of wordpress v2.x.
please update the plugin to v1.52 where i rollback to the similar function which available in both wp 2.x and 3.x.
you can use the delete button in the admin page to delete those keywords from your database.
i think false keywords is a common problem when we have a list of recent posts/recent search terms etc that displayed site wide (in all pages). honestly, i still don’t have any idea how to work around this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2] SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 Multi Language Versionthanks mas, i’ll try to use it after v1.5
some user said that the plugin is not compatible with YARPP, and will create an error like above.
i am sorry, but i don’t really understand blogspot.
yes, if you over used it, it definitely keyword stuffing. please keep the max number of search terms in acceptable range ( 10 is OK ).