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  • Det ?r sv?rt f?r mig att veta vad som inte fungerar. G?r det inte att v?lja gruppen? G?r det inte att hitta inst?llningarna? Fungerar inte inst?llningarna?

    Vilken mall ?r det du vill ?ndra?

    There are commonly four types of blocks that show the same content if you place them in the header and footer:

    • Site Logo
    • Site Title
    • Site Tagline
    • Navigation block -if both blocks has the same menu.

    Is this the type of content that you mean?

    When you activate links in this theme there’s a black border around the link — how can I change this property by default?

    The theme increases the thickness of the focus outline to pass the recommended accessibility requirements. If you must remove it, please make sure that you replace it with something that is equally or more accessible.

    The theme adds both the text decoration and the outline thickness in the style.css file.
    Remember to not edit this file directly. If you do, you will loose your changes when the theme is updated.

    I tried to follow your instructions but I am not able to get it to work.
    How did you add CSS to the query loop block using the Additional CSS field? I think I am misunderstanding which block is the parent block.

    I have opened an issue in the Gutenberg GitHub repository, since this is not a problem with the theme, but with functionality in the editor. I will add a link to this topic.


    Du kan minska marginalen p? gruppen som inneh?ller rubriken:

    G? till Redigeraren.
    ?ppna mallen som du vill uppdatera.

    Du kan antingen v?lja gruppen ur listvyn, eller till exempel klicka p? rubriken och sedan klicka p?
    “V?lj ?verordnat block”, dvs, ikonen f?r gruppen som ?r l?ngst till v?nster p? toolbaren.

    N?r gruppen ?r det aktiva blocket s? v?ljer du “Stilar” och skrollar ner till panelen “Dimensioner”.
    D?r finns inst?llningen f?r marginalen.

    Eftersom den h?r marginalen ?r en del av mallen, s? beh?ver du uppdatera den p? alla mallar som du vill anv?nda.

    I could not find a way to “deselect a theme typeset” without refreshing the page or undoing changes by using the revisions feature.

    Oh actually, on my second attempt, looking closer, the change is saved as a custom style.
    The typeset that is added by themes is not updated, instead a custom typeset is saved and used.
    So you need to deselect the theme typeset to see the changes you saved.

    ?if you click on a font, and select another font or make a different font selection, it looks like you have changed the fonts in that Typeset. But you have done no such thing. Click on the Typeset you thought you changed, and the font changes you made and which show in the Fonts section are gone.

    I am not able to reproduce this.

    Note that you must save any changes that you make to a typeset.
    If you make the change, and then leave or refresh the page or similar, the changes are not saved.

    The Font Library and the Manage fonts feature is part of WordPress, it is not part of the theme.
    I want to explain again that the theme is not changing the Font Library in any way, and the theme can only support what is already available in WordPress.

    The “Manage fonts” option is still available from the Typography panel in the Site Editor:

    • This reply was modified 5 days, 1 hour ago by Carolina Nymark. Reason: Trying to repair a broken image
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 1 hour ago by Carolina Nymark.

    TT5 is slightly slower because of the large number of patterns.

    It is up to you if you want to switch or not. If you are happy with your current theme there is no reason to switch.


    I did not understand all the questions.

    2) No. It is not possible for a theme like TT5 to change how the user’s customisations are saved. The theme is limited to what is made possible by WordPress. Many settings and features that are built into WordPress can not be changed by themes.

    3) All themes need to follow what is called the template hierarchy. It means that template files must have certain names for WordPress to be able to load them.
    Custom page templates may have custom names. The answer is that some templates will have the same name, and some wont. TT4 has more custom templates than TT5.

    4) No. The theme is limited to what is made possible by WordPress. WordPress 6.7 does not have an option to duplicate templates.
    – I would assume that the purpose of adding a template in a child theme is to override (replace) the template that is in the parent theme. So I don’t know why you would have the template in the child theme, if you don’t want it to replace the parent.

    5) TT5 uses theme.json version 3, which is the latest.

    7) TT5 enqueues style.css on the front and an editor stylesheet in the editors.

    8) You will need to look in the theme.json file and the JSON files in the styles folder to see the variables that the theme is using.

    These settings only styles blocks that are not already styled.

    Lets say that you have added two heading blocks:
    H1 heading Hello world !
    H1 heading Hello back !

    You select “Hello back!” and you set its size to 22px.
    Now you go to Editor -> Styles -> Typography -> Headings -> H1 to Size Large L

    Only “Hello world” will be set to large.
    This is intentional. The individual styling must not be overwritten, because that would mean the individual styles would not work, they would have no effect. Nothing would happen when you changed the styling of the individual block, and the controls would appear broken.

    Another example with titles:

    In a template, in the list of blog posts, you add a Title block and set it to be level H2, and you make it 26px large, bold, and use a serif font.

    Then when you write your post, you use several H2 headings to structure your content.
    You decided that you want all the H2 headings in your content to use a san-serif font.
    Instead of selecting each heading individually, you want to style them all at the same time.
    So you open Editor -> Styles -> Typography -> Headings -> H2. and change the font to san-serif and change the size to 24px.

    If this had changed all headings with the H2 level, the style you selected for the Title block would break, because you want it to be 26px and use the serif font.
    If the site wide, global styles would override the styles on the individual block, there would not be a way to have more than one style for the same heading level.

    @anastas10s may know for sure. I am not not part of the Woo organisation.

    I closed the trac ticket because this is not a problem with the theme Twenty Twenty-Four. It is a problem with the Minicart block, and it happens in all six block themes that I tested. I only had WooCommerce active, not the WooCommerce blocks plugin.

    It is possibly an issue with timing or with the page content not updating when the browser is resized: If I refresh the page while the browser developer tools are open, it sometimes shows.

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