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  • Ah, I see.

    Well, here is a start (I’m still learning the ins and outs of WordPress but took this as a challenge) Take a look at wp-includes\classes.php. I don’t know how well this will translate in a reply, but around line 366 you can see the following…

    if (” != $q[‘name’]) {
    $q[‘name’] = sanitize_title($q[‘name’]);
    $where .= ” AND post_name = ‘” . $q[‘name’] . “‘”;

    I think this is where the query parameter is added to help find the post by name. Perhaps this could be modified to debloggerize ™ the name. Unfortunately, I can’t see how. The only thing that comes to mind is to add an extra column in the DB (through some sort of automatic plugin) to each post with the bloggerized name and search that instead of post_name.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    1. Not sure I can help much, but here is what I think might be a start. First question – does Blogger truncate the post “slug” to the same number of characters every time? If so, is it possible to modify the permalink system to truncate the WordPress slug or at least recognize shorter versions? I don’t know, I’m just thinking out loud. For example, is it possible to write a plugin that could modify the post slug on the fly? I know you don’t know the answer, but maybe someone else will. If that would work then it should be easy to do, I just don’t know enough about how the permalinks work.

    2. You can make your WP permalinks end with .html by adding “.html” to the end of your permalink string.

    3. Not sure what you mean?

    Perhaps a link to your blog would help.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Blogger Import

    When it works it is very smooth.

    However, if you search around you will see that people have had problems. Most of them (including me) are due to configuration problems with their host.

    There are also solutions to that posted around here for many of the problems, mostly in the form of make your own server on your PC so you can control the config and then copy the DB.

    Heck, the top 10+ posts with the tag “Blogger” are about importing problems.

    I don’t know if there is as simple a solution. I’ve been using Hello (from Picasa) to upload my photos to Blogger and I am still “working on” the move to WordPress. I’ve already written two plugins to help with this process, but I don’t like the image upload facility in WordPress much.

    For one, the thumbnails are quite small by default (if it creats a thumbnail at all). I was thinking of hacking the upload tool so that it at least makes thumbnails the same size as I want. I don’t know if this can be done in a plugin or not (I suspect it is just a matter of modifying the script around the image uploader).

    If I ever get around to doing it I will post what I did here. Until then, check out the other plugins I’ve written to help with Blogger importing…

    Take a look at Sueeus’ tutorial on migrating your WordPress blog to your own PC first, and then migrate that DB to your live WordPress server.

    Well, if anyone is interested, I’ve updated the title fix plugin to include options to set the length of the title, and whether to cut it on word boundaries.

    For anyone that cares, I have posted the initial version of the “Blogger Title Fix” plugin. It is a dirt simple plugin that replaces the ugly numerical titles inserted for title-less posts with the first 48 characters of the body (just like Blogger does for current posts with no title). There are improvements to be made, but it is better than nothing.

    Oh well, I’m going to complete it anyway for myself and anyone else who hasn’t yet done it the hard way.

    So has this been resolved and was this the cause of the missing titles? I see that your blog has been “fixed” but it looks like you went through and replaced all the titles yourself.

    I’ve started writing a plugin that replaces the numerical titles with the first part (48 characters) of the post (like Blogger does). It is working but I haven’t published it yet – it still needs some work. If anyone is interested in trying it, let me know.

    Ah, so you didn’t add that inline style yourself? So if you look at your post in the blogger post editor does that style appear or does it get added when you publish? How do you specify that the images should be right aligned?

    I use Picasa/Hello for uploading photos to Blogger and it just inserts an “a href” around an “img” tag. Blogger doesn’t add anything. But then again, I don’t have anything right aligned.

    Regardless of how you should write your post, it seems strange that the text is modified by the importer. Perhaps it has something to do with the template so the default template inserts the style while the importer template does not. Sorry I can’t help more.

    I’m sure if you search this forum you will find many similar problems.

    When WordPress is importing your blogger blog it has to change your template so that it can import your posts with as little extra formating as possible. However, if something goes wrong during the import and it is not able to reset your template then it might be left in a bad state, as is yours.

    Just reset your template back to the one that you backed up before you started the import (you did back it up right?). If you didn’t back it up then you can just select one of the default templates to get something a bit more readable.

    Also, sometimes the import process does not complete 100% the first try. When this happened to me I did it again and it finished.

    If you are using WordPress 2 you don’t need to follow those instructions. Just go to the “import” tab in the admin interface and follow the instructions. You should MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR BLOGGER TEMPLATE FIRST.

    That is impressive, there are some people around here who would really like to know how you did that (Some because they want to do the same and others because it is impossible).

    It will make a lot more sense if you post links to both blogs.

    I see, so it didn’t remove the align tag, it removed the style tag. I wonder if that is on purpose (seems strange though). I assume you inserted that style tag yourself in the post code? It didn’t get added by blogger did it as part of some template did it? Maybe someone with more knowledge of the blogger importer can chime in with some help here.

    As for the plugin, it should just show up in the plugins page to “enable” when you put it in the right place. Have you successfully added any other plugins? Make sure you just download the text – I didn’t make it clear how to do that in the tutorial – you can get the latest from here

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