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  • RE: Max days instead of Max results

    That is a valid request, and I am willing to consider it in future versions. If anyone is willing to propose a specific fix it might happen sooner.

    As for the one-many day events, it is interesting that I have a request that multiday events should show up multiple times, one for each day, which is clearly not what srizvi1 wants. I will have to remember to make that an option, not a default.

    Good point. I suppose you would like it to appear under all the days as a full day event?

    I will add it to the list of requests, though I’m not sure that is what everyone wants, so I may make it an option in future versions.

    If anyone has a fix to try that would be helpful until then.

    The date is formatted by the date.js library and you can change the formatting quite easily. Take a look at for more information about the formatting options.

    Look for the following line in ko-calendar.js.

    dateString = startJSDate.toString(‘MMM dd’);

    If you change The ‘MMM dd’ to ‘dddd, MMM d’ then you should get what you want.

    Sorry, I haven’t been paying enough attention to this forum. I will add this to the todo list. I haven’t looked into it, so if anyone knows any solutions, please feel free to post some info, thanks.

    When I did this to my own site a few years ago I wrote a wordpress plugin to do it for me. You can see it here

    As you can see from the comments, some people have had some problems getting it working recently, and this could be because of some of the Blogger changes since I wrote it. It might work for you or it might not. To be honest, it is almost too restrictive, which is why it might not work anymore (it enforces very specific rules so as to avoid making any mistakes, but some of those assumptions and rules may no longer be valid).

    I haven’t updated it in a while, and I don’t need it anymore, so I don’t plan to fix it, but I’m sure it could be fixed by someone who was motivated to do it (I used it as a WordPress/PHP learning experience when I wrote it as I had no experience with either). Feel free to use it, fix it, and/or publish your fixes for others to use.

    Well, it is a bit late, but I have fixed some bugs in the blogger-title-fix plugin and made it work correctly in WordPress 2.5. I haven’t tested it with older versions, but the changes should still work.

    Well, it looks like you have almost resolved it as your wordpress links look almost like your blogger links now. You should reply back with what you did to make the permalinks the same as this is a frequent question.

    Your best bet is to not do regular imports from Blogger to WordPress.

    Why do you want to have two copies of all your posts? What is the advantage? Maybe there is a better way to accomplish what you are trying to do?

    I don’t know much about the RSS importer, but if you put your atom file anywhere on your server then it becomes an atom feed that you can reference anywhere. If there is an online tool that takes an atom URL and generates an RSS feed, you could post the atom file to your server and use that as the atom url, no?

    I’m not saying that will help much, but maybe they are better a converting the file than the tool you used. Perhaps you could also post a link to that file once you upload it so someone could suggest what might be wrong with it.

    Well, there is always the old tried and true way of doing imports on hosts that don’t always work. Import the posts to a WordPress server running on your PC and then copy the database to your public server.

    I wrote about how I did it with the old Blogger, but the same steps basically apply (though the actual import step may be different).

    Since you are moving to a new domain you can’t expect Google or any other search engine to be able to correlate the content between the two locations.

    In that case, the category/permalink format is irrelevant when compared to your old blog. It is just a new blog.

    You will have two blogs with the same content, yes, but there is no reason to delete your old blog after you import it to WordPress. In fact, I would suggest you keep your old blog after you import the content but update your template to include links to your new blog to direct people there.

    Let’s just hope you didn’t convert to the new Blogger service.

    That “New” blogger is the same as what was Blogger Beta, which doesn’t work with the WordPress import. Search through this forum for other problems with “Blogger Beta” and you will find a lot of people with the same problem and some solutions.

    If you are serious about requiring help then feel free to leave a comment on my site ( or email the contact information there.

    I’m sure you could use the same process on a MAC with a different Apache/PHP/MySQL package. I’m sure I’ve seen them available (the one time I played with a new MAC the first thing I did was install Apache to see how easy it would be, and it was). With OSX or newer it should be a breeze.

    Most of the my steps are how to transfer the files between the servers and what to edit, which doesn’t change with the platform. Heck, it would also work with a Linux Apache/PHP/MySQL setup.

    That looks like a server configuration problem. Curl is used to download the content from your Blogger blog and if it won’t work correctly then the import won’t work.

    You should discuss this with your host and see if they can remove the restrictions. If not you can import it to a different server and copy the DB tables to your public server. That is what I did when I had import problems…

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