Thank you!
I’m developing this plugin. So many new version in these.
– where are store the cache? /wp-content/cache/tr-cache/ (folder)
– I need active cache true in wp-config? this plugin auto active if your wp-config writeable.
– I think should be information with the size of cache: I will add it (thanks):)
– my .htacces and wp-config show “yes” in red… is a problem? I no can change with the plugin? It not problem. Only notify they are writeable.
– I think should be have a button for “default configuration”: good idea ??
– I think should be write in html code “render in x seconds with TR Cache and Security” or information about if really the plugin is working=> Ok
– The ban system, is automatic or manual? => Current It is manual, I’m adding automatic.
I will fix language and add backup featured.
Thanks for your feedback.