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  • hallsof montezuma. thanks for the advice – i had found the code and it was in my footer and once removed my feed became valid. i will also check out the security plug in.

    I have another problem though in that my stats counter and wordpress stats are no longer working. this happened today but I made the changes to the footer on the weekend. could there be a link?

    I have the same error as well which would have occurred at about the same time. Have you found a solution?

    I also am unable to create categories. i have wordpress v 2.3 and have the folloiwing other problems as well. My website is :

    -Contact form doens’t work. It works nicely from the input end, but I don’t receive the emails.
    -When I use the <!–more–> tag to split the post it does not work on the blog. The whole entry is listed, but when I receive the feedburner email it has split the post.
    -Neither will it display the Share This plug in on the post, but it does in feedburner.
    -I could not upload files, but the upload plug in has worked around this problem
    -I have tried to change how the date posted is displayed, but cannot get it to bring up the day as well as the date.
    -When it brings up the posts in Archives, they have no date on them

    I am very new to wordpress and have very little knowledge of code, but was wondering if there is a link between all these problems?

    Any help on any of these issues would be greatly appreciated.

    PS. I am not using the visual text editor.

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