Michael Clark
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Plugin causes all stories to show up on homepageHi, Wow, that’s an interesting case. Let me play with that.
A potential very easy workaround while I try to recreate this. Make a new category (called empty or xxxx or whatever.) Then exclude that category from the Main page. Try that for now, and let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Plugin causes all stories to show up on homepageArgh! Please email me the info that is found at the bottom of the UCE settings page. Sorry you’re having trouble.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] UCE testers neededI installed the theme that a couple of you told me you were using, and was finally able to reproduce the bug. So I’ve got another new version ready for testing. Please email me at mclark -at- planet mike.com if you’d like to test it. You need to be able to manually update your plugins to do this. Thanks very much for your patience during this time. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] On my search results page, UCE gives a php errorYeah, you need to exclude at least one category in the search column, save your settings, then uncheck that category from the search column, and save the settings. That should fix it. Let me know if it doesn’t. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Update broke pluginI have a new version of the plugin available, but I need testers. Please email me if you’d like to test the new version. mclark -at- planet mike.com
I think I have this problem fixed. At least on my iPad, it is working now. Would you be able to test the new version of the UCE plugin? Email me at mclark -at- planet mike.com Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Error on upgrade to 0.91 and workaroundYeah, that’s what I posted here and on my blog yesterday. I’m still working on it, and the other bugs I introduced. I have fixed some stuff.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Update broke pluginPhotocurio, That’s a problem I haven’t heard before! Sorry you’re having a problem Please double-check your settings for the plugin. If possible, try clearing all the checkboxes, saving the options, and then re-choosing the categories you want hidden, and saving again. Let me know if that fixes it. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Latest Update 0.91 Breaks Plugin!Great! Would you send me your system settings so I can try to figure out why UCE works for some people are not for others. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Update broke pluginHi all, for now, you can download the old version from https://www.planetmike.com/uce84.zip . Replace the file ultimate-category-excluder.php in the /wp-content/plugins/ultimate-category-excluder folder with the one that is in this zip.
Many people aren’t having problems. I’m sorry it bit you. Please email me the info that is found at the bottom of the UCE settings page. I am not seeing a common denominator yet on what the problem is. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Category Excluder] Latest Update 0.91 Breaks Plugin!Hi,
I’m sorry this hit you. To fix this, simply choose any category to be excluded from searches. This is the right most column on the settings page. Save that option. Then you can go back and uncheck that category and save the settings again. That should fix the problem. Let me know this does or does not work. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BruteProtect] Stats? Privacy Policy?Excellent, thanks for the update. Mike
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Liveblog] [Feature Request] turn around post order in archived liveblogsThis request is exactly what I was about to suggest. I’ve now used the LiveBlog plugin for two events, quite successfully. I was looking at the first one, and noticed it didn’t make sense to have the posts in reversed order now.
I’ve got the code tweaked to add this feature, how do I submit it be a part of the plugin? Mike
Perfect, that line fixed the problem, under WP 3.5.1. Thank you marcusstenbeck!
Wow, interesting. I’ll explore the problem. Where are you excluding categories from? Home, feed, archives?