2 years ago
And I tried disabling or deleting other plugins except generateblocks, which still showed up to be the old version of layout.
There is no relevant setting, and as with the old version, I have upgraded to 1.7
I don’t see this button on my page, it’s still the old layout, even though I updated to 1.7
I replaced new test site, never installed generateblocks, the features of the 1.7 update appeared, how do I convert from the old version to the new version?
I didn’t have the same introduction after the update, such as flexbox, button lights
2 years, 10 months ago
I checked the code, it will add p tag automatically, try to use remove_filter(‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’) but it doesn’t work.
Thanks for your answer, but this doesn’t work, it doesn’t recognize some code tags like <style>.