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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: designshantyHey, that’s pretty cool. Thank you you for the kind comment. I like your (other) site, too. The clever nature of the site name is something that will not leave me soon – I mean, anyone that sees it will quickly understand what you’re site is about – very cool! …. “The Noah Institute – Helping the church with design and technology.” I’m loving it! :o) I’ve blogrolled both sites and posted about them, too. Thank you!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: – redesign #458521134correction: That should be:
However, I love these gray, muted styles. Truly, I’m NOT going to find much to critique in this type of style.
Sorry. :o)Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: – redesign #458521134I do try and be critical when I see something that doesn’t seem quite right – not only for me, but for ‘the audience’.
Howver, I love these gray, muted styles. Truly, I’m going to find much to critique in this type of style.
I would say that, in the navbar, the muting of the gray text is so close to the background that a rollover is needed for these old eyes to actually read it. The point size of your ‘blockquote’ text is so small, I’d probably skip it – or, use “Control +” in Firefox. Having to increase text size that way used to bother me – but, now I’m ‘trained’ to do it. So, not a big deal.
You have ample white space. Navigation (except the gray text) is functional and easy to use. The design is a bit understated (which I like) and then, there is the flash. Well, it loaded in 2 secs. on my broadband. Although, in your site’s case (re: the posts you’ve made and content) it is not superfluous. The photos match the topics. Plus, when clicking the nav bar – you get a different picture at each screen. That’s cool. It renders equally well in Firefox and IE on my computer.
I love – not just like – the style.
This is, yet another of, the type of site style I’d like to see ‘zipped’ up and offered to the community. The theme alone – or with a ‘.fla’ file for adding your own photos – would be the ultimate kindness. ;o)
Regardless of whether it is shared – still, the site is very nice. Congrats.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: CourtneyElizabeth.comwow! a very customized site … you have put a lot of work into this … kudos! great job!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Tutorials back onlinegreat! more tutorials … I haven’t seen these… thanks for your hard work in creating them!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: My new WP blogthe color scheme is striking … it does make a statement … the small reversed text is (for me, at least) hard to read … but, I’m old! ;o)
upon opening the site – the quick load and the color scheme do ‘make a statement’ … cool!
as for the content, well – whatever your views are, i’m all for your right to ‘express them’ and be free with your thoughts
sadly, as we see, some people cannot be brave enough to sign their thoughts.
Now, the owner of “right on red” may have a pen name of “Johnny Walker Red” … but at least he has an ‘about’ post at the beginning of his blog!
expression is, after all, what blogs are all about – right? so “Johnny Walker Red” – don’t let critics like the goober of an anonymous poster (Posted: Sep 20, 2004 04:36:47 #) give you one second of bad vibes. not that I think it would bother you, but just in case.
oh, and hello birmingham!
your blog is cool!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Heads-up for KasLog and Nabeepcheni like the layout of kaslog and nabeepchen … clean, easy to read, easy to navigate … clean and simple, yet crisp :o)
your post about “Open Source weblogging tools” is especially helpful… nicely done.
thanks for sharing!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: surfiOnlinecool! a very clean and pleasant look … easy to read and navigate … the posts are interesting, too ;o)
i’m especially impressed with your “quote” CSS application
i.e., /*** MyCode ***/
do you plan to make a ‘zip’ of the style & CSS and share with the community? i think this would be a VERY popular style!
nice job … i take my hat off to you!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Check Out My Fly!well, the fly ‘effect’ is cool … but, ewe – it is a fly ;o)
i do like the yellow legal pad style …. that with the green/gray is a cool look
and your posts are interesting, too!
nice blog!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: designshantyi love it! both the style / template and the posts … a good blog!
that’s a ‘light grey’ style i haven’t seen before? will you share it with the community? or is it already out there and i just haven’t found it?
the two columns on one side is helpful for those with ‘lots o’ stuff’ to share …
and, your posts are fun to read – insightful :o)
great job!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Hello World!!!great beginning to your blog :o)
i like the styles at both alexking’s site and attthe404’s, too.
all of those styles are adaptable with just a little studying of CSS.
keep up the good work, aprionx. enjoy the blog!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: my wp siteI love the colors. Yes, the 120.47 KB (123365 bytes) banner size is WAY too big. Compress and optimize to 20KB or less.
However, that’s the only thing I’d point out as troubling. I really do love those colors together… very nice!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Ok, I have my thick skin on in readinessI like the design. And I do not usually like ‘reverse color’ sites. It is a bit different from other ‘gray’ sites / styles. The use of very little text (or minimal text) does make this easier to read and digest.
I realize that you’re placing images for a reason, and if you reduced each of the large images to below 20kb they’d likely lose appeal … how about thumbnails? clickable to larger pics? i’m just thinking of those dialup users. You did keep the images around, or below, 40kb. That’s good – and you kept the posts to 5 per page, too. On a T1, and also a aDSL, account they come up pretty fast.
The type point size for the right column is smaller than these weary old eyes can read, but that’s what Firefox’s “Control +” is for… :o)
Nice job! I like it.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: OK, I’m hooked!thanks Sushubh, serendipity and divrom …. you folks are great!
I really appreciate the links & minibb tip!! going to check them out now.
take careForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: installed well – but, when navigating to the direcThanks for checking … Well, I cleared the cache and rebooted … but it still happens for me. Don’t know what the deal is…