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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: How to Add iFrame

    If you have just one page then yeah publish directly from the HTML editor. You can always use the preview button to see what it will look like.

    I would try Samuel’s suggested plugin first.

    In your config file there is a prefix you can set for all the databases tables. It defaults to wp_. If you made a change to the prefix all your tables will look like they are missing. Change it back to the default.

    If you log into the database and do a:

    use web126-a-wor-829;
    show tables;

    Do the tables above exist?

    1. If no, then try restoring the DB from a backup or unfortunately you have to start over.
    2. If yes but they are named wrong change your prefix to match.
    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: page titles

    I would add an is_single check to the template where you make the change so that the full title is shown on index and category pages. Try this:

    ` <?php if( is_front_page() ) : ?>
    <title><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>
    <?php elseif( is_404() ) : ?>
    <title><?php _e(‘Page Not Found |’, ‘titan’) ?> | <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>
    <?php elseif( is_search() ) : ?>
    <title><?php printf(__ (“Search results for ‘%s'”, “titan”), attribute_escape(get_search_query())); ?> | <?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></title>
    <?php else : ?>
    <title><?php wp_title($sep = ”); ?> | <?php bloginfo(‘name’);?></title>
    <?php endif; ?>`

    That should give you what you are looking for.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: page titles

    Edit your theme. The title | name piece is written in your header: Appearance->Editor->Header.

    If you publish an article the permalink becomes fixed. You can then change the title to be different than the permalink. I’m also pretty sure the permalink is editable when you are writing the page or post.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: How to Add iFrame

    Sometimes the visual editor will add line breaks that will kill code or it will change code to encoded html.

    If you write and publish the article without ever switching to the visual editor you should be OK. This is the only fix I have seen that works 100% of the time.

    We dont use tags at all and barely use categories but still manage to rank at page #5 or higher. We mostly land on page 1 & 2 for some pretty popular words.

    I would place less emphasis in tags and categories unless you’re a store front and more on links like suggested pages etc…

    Download a related posts plugin. At risk of angering the moderator gods I will suggest Arkayne.

    Seeing as this is an SEO thread, SEO plugins should be OK. This one just happens to be one I built.

    Just install Disqus, its what you should be using anyway.

    Sorry my best advice seeing the two bumps.

    You are correct it looks like it is calling the_content() directly.

    Thematic is an abstraction layer. Form looking through the WP code and working on a few plugins I can tell you that the_excerpt() calls the_content() and runs a filter on it. Try commenting out the filter in the_excerpt() and see if you get the same behavior.

    In this case I suggest looking at the_content within thematic, they may have over ridden the function. Is thematic an essential part of your site or just the theme?

    Sorry I always found extra abstraction layers like thematic a pain. Unless you have a seriously compelling reason for it removing it may be easier. If you modify it you will have to maintain it.

    My apologies for being of no further help.

    Start with a simpler theme and setup. WordPress is easy if you don’t try to learn it all at once. There are alot of people out there who make a living from designing and building WordPress sites, getting help in this arena is going to be tough.

    I suggest looking through your CSS files under Appearance->Editor->StyleSheet

    You should be able to change the background there. Some of the store bought themes are actually tougher to use than the free ones.

    Also I suggest installing “minimum essential wordpress plugins”. If this is more than just a hobby.

    I’ve used this trick before, In your theme:

    Modify the call that lists the pages to require a specific meta key:

    There are examples at the link above. Then when you publish your pages only add the meta key to the ones you want shown.

    You can also choose to include only specific page ids. You can see that with the above function in your theme you could do it 100 different ways. Whatever works best.

    You need to modify your CSS.

    The title should be an . Just create a css entry like the following:

    a.blahblah:visited, a.blahblah:hover { color: #f00; }

    or if that doesn’t work…

    a.blahblah:visited, a.blahblah:hover { color: #f00 !important; }

    That should do it.

    You want to change the theme not the function. Edit your archive.php or your index.php and replace the call to the_excerpt() to the_content().

    Messing with WordPress innards is no bueno.

    I’ve done this before for a few sites. If you are using anything other than Vimeo or Youtube your best bet is to code up an html file that you can include in the theme.

    Then whenever you need to use the video and the chat you can just call the include directive in your template.

    If however you are doing this on a per page basis then you may consider a more complex template that reads meta tags from the page to determine which video to play if any.

    The plugin route would be a bit much for this. To get an idea look at how your current template determines the post title and id you are logged in as admin or not. You would need to create basically the same logic.

    I didn’t knock YARPP in this one, and I didn’t plug anything here…

    Mitcho himself has commented on this, see comments:

    I happen to know a thing or two about this arena of WordPress so I’m trying to help. I think I’ve actually left tips for people that have nothing to do with YARPP or my plugin in the past few hours.

    I noticed you removed the other post where I suggested an alternative so I haven’t been suggesting any since. I got the hint.

    I do however think habboubih should try my suggestion as it is a reasonable thing to do.

    Theres a difference between knocking YARPP and trying to help this guy get his site running.

    Table optimization won’t solve this alone, you’re running into a thrashing problem.

    Off the bat try disabling: All in One SEO Pack, its been having issues lately with bringing servers down due to inefficient code. See if that makes a difference.

    Second, YARPP is a bit of a CPU/Memory hog on larger sites. It computes alot of different variables. Try this to see if it helps.

    Third, make sure that your Google Sitemaps is running in the background. Its one of the options, running it in the foreground could kill your machine.

    Those are the top 3 culprits, if that does the trick you need a bigger machine or live without those plugins. If not then you definately have an issue with your DB or hardware.

    Keep in mind even machines have limits, don’r try to run thousands of visitors an hour from a $7.99 a month hosting account.

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