Secure downloads plugin just make uploaded files to save in secure folder. The uploading itself is making by WordPress. So relative uploading and saving files here have not to be any issues.
But during sending secure links to users you as admin select file in dropdown list and here, if you will have 100000 options can be an issue with selecting in browser (too many items).
Also you are configuring, what exactly files to list in this selctbox, at the configuration form at settings tab. It’s a text form, here have not to be issues with configuration, but it’s not very handy if you will have too many items to edit theme.
In other settings tab possible to reaorder and edit files specific field (like file title or version), where exist one input for one file option. And if you will have too many items (10000), so system will not be able to handle sorting and editing (saving) data for each file options in this settings tab. Sorry.
Kind Regards.
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by