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  • Piyush5767


    Use This Custom Plugin to overwrite any anguage files whether it is plugin or any theme language files

    class Textdomain_Overwrite {

    // used to store the current locale e.g. “de_DE”
    private $locale;

    // used to store the folder with the overwrite files
    private $overwrite_folder;

    // flag to check if running a multisite environment
    private $is_multisite;

    // used to store the multisite blog_id
    private $current_blog_id;

    function __construct() {

    // get current locale
    $this->locale = get_locale();

    // set folder for overwrites
    $this->overwrite_folder = WP_LANG_DIR . ‘/overwrites/’;

    // check if multisite
    $this->is_multisite = is_multisite();

    // if it is a multisite, get the current blog_id
    if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
    $this->current_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();

    // register action that is triggered, whenever a textdomain is loaded
    add_action( ‘override_load_textdomain’, array( $this, ‘overwrite_textdomain’ ), 10, 3 );

    * Overwriting strings from all loaded textdomains, no matter if they are used in Core, Plugins or Themes
    * The .mo file has to be named [domain]-[locale].mo
    * e.g. for the plugin Jetpack with the textdomain “jetpack”
    * and the locale “de_DE” is has to be
    function overwrite_textdomain( $override, $domain, $mofile ) {

    // if the filter was not called with an overwrite mofile, return false which will proceed with the mofile given and prevents an endless recursion
    if ( strpos( $mofile, $this->overwrite_folder ) !== false ) {
    return false;

    // if an overwrite file exists, load it to overwrite the original strings
    $overwrite_mofile = $domain . ‘-‘ . $this->locale . ‘.mo’;

    // check if a global overwrite mofile exists and load it
    $global_overwrite_file = $this->overwrite_folder . $overwrite_mofile;

    if ( file_exists( $global_overwrite_file ) ) {
    load_textdomain( $domain, $global_overwrite_file );

    // check if a overwrite mofile for the current multisite blog exists and load it
    if ( $this->is_multisite ) {
    $current_blog_overwrite_file = $this->overwrite_folder . ‘blogs.dir/’ . $this->current_blog_id . ‘/’ . $overwrite_mofile;

    if ( file_exists( $current_blog_overwrite_file ) ) {
    load_textdomain( $domain, $current_blog_overwrite_file );

    return false;


    new Textdomain_Overwrite;

    Cheers —-:)

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