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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3 total cache with oxygen builderMm we will wait for the team response so…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3 total cache with oxygen builderOn the web of my client that use this cache plugin, I double-checked, and finally I de-actived page caching and minifying for him…
Maybe there is still some issues with oxygen builder…
If you can post here @eyefly your tests… maybe W3 cache can do something for you.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] W3 total cache with oxygen builderYes it’s resolved for me, I de-activated the plugin and it worked. Thanks.
That would be awesome to get more feedback and control over a cancelling payment or something like that for stipe plugin.
No problem for me to pay, if features are there. Thanks!b) in case of unsuccessful payment:
user fills in the form -> clicks to submit/pay -> payment doesn’t work for some reason -> Stripe informs that payment failed -> form issues error -> post is not created.
This is where it stops. User can submit form again of course (e.g. using different payment details) but Forminator won’t do anything else.
First, thanks for your reply, support is awesome.
1> So in case of an unsuccessful payment, even if the user send again another form, with the right infos, forminator will not be able to publish the post? that’s correct? (maybe because there is already a post in review mode?)But I’m really not sure what exactly do you have in mind. Would you mind explaining a bit more how this “metabox compatibility” and such form should work? An example simple use case scenario would be helpful too.
Metabox (.io) can create relationship of multiples custom post together. So having a compatibility with forminator would allow me to let user choose a relationship directly onto the form, allong with the forminator post creation of course.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builderThe strange thing is that’s all thoses codes were functioning for some years in production (on a old php 7.4 and with an old wordpress maybe).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builder<?php Class CT_Code_Block extends CT_Component { var $shortcode_options; var $shortcode_atts; function __construct( $options ) { // run initialization $this->init( $options ); // add shortcodes add_shortcode( $this->options['tag'], array( $this, 'add_shortcode' ) ); add_oxygen_element( $this->options['tag'], array( $this, 'add_shortcode' ) ); // output code add_action( "wp_footer", array( $this, 'output_code' ), 100 ); add_action( "oxygen_inner_content_footer", array( $this, 'output_code' ), 100 ); add_filter( 'template_include', array( $this, 'ct_code_block_single_template'), 100 ); // woocommerce specific if(isset( $_REQUEST['action'], $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) && stripslashes($_REQUEST['action']) == 'ct_exec_code') { // do not redirect shop page when its a builder preview add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'ct_code_remove_template_redirect')); } // add specific options add_action("ct_toolbar_component_settings", array( $this, "code_block_settings") ); } function ct_code_remove_template_redirect() { global $wp_filter; if(isset($wp_filter['template_redirect']['10']['wc_template_redirect'])) { unset($wp_filter['template_redirect']['10']['wc_template_redirect']); //echo "WooCommerce Shop page is essentially a redirect to Products Archive."; } } /** * This function hijacks the template to return special template that renders the code results * for the ct_code_block element to load the content into the builder for preview. * * @since 0.4.0 * @author gagan goraya */ function ct_code_block_single_template( $template ) { $new_template = ''; if(isset($_REQUEST['action']) && stripslashes($_REQUEST['action']) == 'ct_exec_code') { $nonce = $_REQUEST['nonce']; $post_id = intval( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ); // check nonce if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'oxygen-nonce-' . $post_id ) ) { // This nonce is not valid. die( 'Security check' ); } if ( file_exists(dirname(dirname( __FILE__)) . '/layouts/' . 'code-block.php') ) { $new_template = dirname(dirname( __FILE__)) . '/layouts/' . 'code-block.php'; } } if ( '' != $new_template ) { return $new_template ; } return $template; } /** * Add a [ct_code_block] shortcode to WordPress * * @since 0.3.1 */ function add_shortcode( $atts, $content, $name ) { if ( ! $this->validate_shortcode( $atts, $content, $name ) ) { return ''; } $options = $this->set_options( $atts ); $id = $options['id']; // save to instance $this->shortcode_options[$id] = $options; // save to instance $this->shortcode_atts[$id] = $atts; // don't run code during CSS caching global $oxygen_vsb_css_caching_active; if ( isset( $oxygen_vsb_css_caching_active ) && $oxygen_vsb_css_caching_active === true ) { return ""; } // lets base64_decode all the code types, if they are not coming from the if (!oxygen_doing_oxygen_elements()) { if(isset(json_decode($atts['ct_options'])->original)) { if(isset(json_decode($atts['ct_options'])->original->{'code-php'}) ) { $options['code_php'] = base64_decode($options['code_php']); } } } else { $this->shortcode_atts[$id]["json"] = true; } //$code_php = htmlspecialchars_decode($options['code_php'], ENT_QUOTES); $code_php = $options['code_php']; ob_start(); if ( isset($options['unwrap']) && $options['unwrap'] == 'true' ) { // don't output } else { ?><<?php echo esc_attr($options['tag']) ?> id="<?php echo esc_attr($options['selector']); ?>" class="<?php echo esc_attr($options['classes']); ?>" <?php do_action("oxygen_vsb_component_attr", $options, $this->options['tag']); ?>><?php } // make sure errors are shown $error_reporting = error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); $display_errors = ini_get('display_errors'); ini_set('display_errors', 1); eval(' ?>'.$code_php.'<?php '); // set errors params back ini_set('display_errors', $display_errors); error_reporting($error_reporting); if ( isset($options['unwrap']) && $options['unwrap'] == 'true' ) { // don't output } else { ?></<?php echo esc_attr($options['tag']) ?>><?php } return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Echo custom JS/CSS code added by user * * @since 0.3.1 */ function output_code() { if ( is_array( $this->shortcode_options ) ) { $all_code_js = array(); $all_code_css = array(); foreach ( $this->shortcode_options as $component_id => $options ) { $component_id = esc_attr( $component_id ); $selector = esc_attr( $options['selector'] ); $atts = $this->shortcode_atts[$component_id]; // lets base64_decode all the code types, if they are not coming from the default if (!isset($atts["json"])) { if(isset(json_decode($atts['ct_options'])->original)) { if(isset(json_decode($atts['ct_options'])->original->{'code-js'}) ) { $options['code_js'] = base64_decode($options['code_js']); } if(isset(json_decode($atts['ct_options'])->original->{'code-css'}) ) { $options['code_css'] = base64_decode($options['code_css']); } } } $code_js = $options['code_js']; $code_js = str_replace("%%ELEMENT_ID%%", $selector, $code_js); if (!in_array($code_js, $all_code_js) && trim($code_js) !== "") { $all_code_js[] = $code_js; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" id=\"ct_code_block_js_{$component_id}\">"; echo $code_js; echo "</script>\r\n"; } $code_css = $options['code_css']; $code_css = str_replace("%%ELEMENT_ID%%", $selector, $code_css); $code_css = preg_replace_callback( "/color\(\d+\)/", "oxygen_vsb_parce_global_colors_callback", $code_css); if (!in_array($code_css, $all_code_css) && trim($code_css) !== "") { $all_code_css[] = $code_css; echo "<style type=\"text/css\" id=\"ct_code_block_css_{$component_id}\">"; echo $code_css; echo "</style>\r\n"; } } } } /** * Output settings * * @since 2.0 * @author Ilya K. */ function code_block_settings() { if (!oxygen_vsb_current_user_can_full_access()) { return; } ?> <div class="oxygen-sidebar-flex-panel" ng-show="isActiveName('ct_code_block')"> <div class="oxygen-sidebar-advanced-subtab" ng-click="showAllStylesFunc(); styleTabAdvance=true; switchTab('advanced', 'code-php')" ng-class="{'oxygen-active' : isShowTab('advanced','code-php')}"> <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/css.svg"> PHP & HTML <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/open-section.svg"> </div> <div class="oxygen-sidebar-advanced-subtab" ng-click="showAllStylesFunc(); styleTabAdvance=true; switchTab('advanced', 'code-css')" ng-class="{'oxygen-active' : isShowTab('advanced','code-css')}"> <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/css.svg"> CSS <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/open-section.svg"> </div> <div class="oxygen-sidebar-advanced-subtab" ng-click="showAllStylesFunc(); styleTabAdvance=true; switchTab('advanced', 'code-js')" ng-class="{'oxygen-active' : isShowTab('advanced','code-js')}"> <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/js.svg"> JavaScript <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/open-section.svg"> </div> <div class="oxygen-sidebar-advanced-subtab" ng-click="showAllStylesFunc(); styleTabAdvance=true; switchTab('advanced', 'code-mixed'); toggleSidebar()" ng-class="{'oxygen-active' : isShowTab('advanced','code-mixed')}"> <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/toolbar-icons/settings-icon.svg"> Mixed Code View <img src="<?php echo CT_FW_URI; ?>/toolbar/UI/oxygen-icons/advanced/open-section.svg"> </div> </div> <?php } } // Create instance global $oxygen_vsb_components; $oxygen_vsb_components['code_block'] = new CT_Code_Block( array( 'name' => 'Code Block', 'tag' => 'ct_code_block', 'params' => array( array( "type" => "textfield", "param_name" => "code-php", "value" => "<?php\r\n echo \"hello world!\";\r\n?>", "hidden" => true, "css" => false, ), array( "type" => "textfield", "param_name" => "code-js", "value" => "", "hidden" => true, "css" => false, ), array( "type" => "textfield", "param_name" => "code-css", "value" => "", "hidden" => true, "css" => false, ), array( "type" => "checkbox", "heading" => __("Unwrap Code Block PHP"), "param_name" => "unwrap", "value" => "false", "true_value" => "true", "false_value" => "false", "description" => __("Unwrapping Code Block PHP will result in ID assigned styles not applying to the Code Block on the front-end.","oxygen") ), array( "type" => "tag", "heading" => __("Tag", "oxygen"), "param_name" => "tag", "value" => array ( "div" => "DIV", "p" => "P", "h1" => "H1", "h2" => "H2", "h3" => "H3", "h4" => "H4", "h5" => "H5", "h6" => "H6", "section" => "section", "footer" => "footer", "header" => "header", "article" => "article", "main" => "main", "figcaption"=> "figcaption", "time" => "time", "summary" => "summary", "details" => "details", "aside" => "aside", "figure" => "figure", "hgroup" => "hgroup", "mark" => "mark", "nav" => "nav", ), "css" => false, "condition" => "unwrap=false" ), ) ) );
Here is the file, but there is not this function.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builderHere is the error displayed into the template of oxygen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builderWithout the plugin Co-Authors Plus I’ve got no errors :
No errors listed on the template page. And no bug while editing with oxygen builder. (white page)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builderDétails de l’erreur ====================== Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 7 du fichier /home/hart4801/test.com/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/components/classes/code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code. Message d’erreur : Cannot redeclare track_displayed_posts() (previously declared in /home/hart4801/test/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/components/classes/code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:7)
I don’t know if the error received by email is related to the plugin. Because I don’t see nothing into the
.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Co-Authors Plus] Crash with wp 6.3 and oxygen builderA critical error has occurred on this site. Please check your site administration email inbox for more information. Learn more about debugging WordPress.
In a template page of oxygen builder.
Using all the last versions :
Oxygen Version 4.7
Co authors plus Version 3.5.15
WordPress 6.3.1
I’ve got a working demo displaying the problem (I must send you private logins)
Maybe it’s related to this email, but can’t be sure :Détails de l’erreur ====================== Une erreur de type E_COMPILE_ERROR a été causée dans la ligne 7 du fichier /home/hart4801/test.com/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/components/classes/code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code. Message d’erreur : Cannot redeclare track_displayed_posts() (previously declared in /home/hart4801/test.com/wp-content/plugins/oxygen/component-framework/components/classes/code-block.class.php(133) : eval()'d code:7)
Yes, also the problem was onto the first main page of the plugin, (so no shortcode). (that’s show publications).
ThanksHello, thanks katie, I think it was linked to the fact the account setup wasn’t corectly entered. (got bad informations).
thanks!I don’t have this error with other role to choose from the list.