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  • Thread Starter pixelyzed



    So far I had updated 2 client sites (including dev copies of each). I didn’t notice it until I updated in the second site’s dev copy. The first site was already updated and missing the language link.

    And yes I use the following code I found in MSLS docs somewhere. Been using variants of this for years (sometimes the link’s html changes or I target menus by name vs location but I always use the same hook.

    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'zw3_lang_switcher_menu_item', 10, 2 );
    function zw3_lang_switcher_menu_item( $items, $args ) {
    	// Typical condition if menu is in normal menu location:
    	// && 'secondary' == $args->theme_location
    	// Typical condition if menu is not in normal menu location and needs to be targeted by name:
    	// && 'Secondary' == $args->menu->name
    	if ( class_exists( 'MslsOutput' ) && 'Primary' == $args->menu->name ) {
    		$obj = new MslsOutput;
    		$arr = $obj->get( 1 );
    		if ( !empty( $arr ) ) {
    			$items .= '<li class="menu-item lang-switcher menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom">' . implode( '</li><li class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom">', $arr ) . '</li>';
    	return $items;

    Returning back to 1.1 (the latest version I had downloaded) fixes it instantly, including the seemingly broken links between pages in different sites.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by pixelyzed.

    I’m getting the exact same error and would love to be able to fix it too.

    Hi Gioni,

    I will try it on another site if I run into the issue. For now I needed to move forward and unisntalled WP Cerber Security.

    FWIW, I had ran into another similar issue with CSS Hero in that it was unable to create its linked CSS file until I deactivated WP Cerber after quite a bit of troubleshooting time. I have that on a sandbox site so I’ll be able to test it soon. On the client site where that happened, I have also remove WP Cerber in order to be able to work.


    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    @bugnumber9 Do you have any other input on this issue as a host? Did you know the host I mentioned? I’m running into the same issues again with the same site and WP Cerber is not installed anymore (but I saw another plugin also has its tables as MyISAM and I was about to change that when the connexion errors started again. Waiting on the host to restart the MariaDB server or whatever they did last time to fix it.

    Adding this so others searching for similar issues may know that WP Cerber might and probably is not the cause of the problem. My issues with it here were probably symptoms of a larger problem.


    Same thing is happening to me. It’s preventing me from uploading GeneratePress settings which is a JSON file.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Forgot to give you their World plan link:

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    @bugnumber9 The host I’m talking about is called PlanetHoster and that’s on their “World Platform” plans. Our clients are hosted in their Montreal facilities (they also have facilities in France).

    FWIW, they are using LiteSpeed and cPanel too but so is MDDHosting which is a host we’ve been using for a lot longer and we’ve never had thoses kinds of issues there (not with the servers and MDDHosting’s support has always been stellar).

    What kind of info would you need that I can get from cPanel. These are all shared plans in their “World” infratructure. Here’s what they advertise about them if that gives you a clue.

    In comparison, on paper, ressources are more limited on SiteGround and, one of the sites we’ve had issues with at PlanetHoster was on SiteGround’s GoGeek before and they only reason we left was hard drive space which was getting maxed. It was not cost effective to my client to move to the next tier at SiteGround which would have been 3 to 4 times the price of a GoGeek account. But we never got near max CPU and other ressources usage on SiteGround for the same site that has given us a lot of issues on PlanetHoster recently. That was before the issues with the site that prompted me to start this thread. I was using WP Cerber Security on both FWIW but it was not “flagged” as clearly as now on the other site.

    So whatever specific info you think I may get for you as a regular shared client, just ask and I’ll try to get it for you. I don’t see PlanetHoster ever doing what you are doing now as they’re way too busy deflecting… And ressources issues are far from thet the only thing prompting me to say that. But whatever can help mitigate these issues I’ll try to help with.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by pixelyzed.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by pixelyzed.
    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Hi there,

    Thanks for the reply and looking into this. Misconfigured DB server would not surprise me at all with these guys. Their default position is always to blame plugins, WordPress or me and I’ve been having DB usage resources issues with them on multiple sites recently. We use other hosts and do not run into the same issues and I pretty much use the same tool set on every site with minor differences depending on site needs.

    From their replies to tickets, they have very little WordPress expertise and it’s starting to be troublesome for us. No new client sites are going there and I’ll be moving existing ones away as they come close to renewal.

    Thanks again for your help! I love your plugin and will keep using it on better hosting ??

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    It is shared hosting but quite powerful (on paper). Site is running PHP 7.1.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    You’re right about not forcing InnoDB.

    And yes, for some reason, unclosed long running connections is something the host mentioned as well.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Hi there,

    Here’s the stuff the tech support guy at the host sent me:

    260390 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 5457 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 1534935 0.000
    260295 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 5528 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    260292 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 5528 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349356 0.000
    260199 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 5609 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    259971 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6196 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349350 0.000
    259951 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6235 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349349 0.000
    259923 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6316 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349349 0.000
    259897 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6354 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349348 0.000
    259724 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6723 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    259577 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 6843 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 1534934 0.000
    259476 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7031 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    259458 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7076 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 1534934 0.000
    259097 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7427 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 1534933791 0.000
    258861 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7886 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349333 0.000
    258843 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7924 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349332 0.000
    258822 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7962 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349332 0.000
    258803 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 7998 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 15349332 0.000
    258723 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 8176 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258655 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 8339 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258544 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 8583 Waiting for table metadata lock DELETE FROM cerber_log WHERE stamp < 1532344235 0.000
    258389 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9082 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    258328 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9170 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258316 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9188 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    258253 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9339 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258176 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9522 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258155 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9573 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT * FROM cerber_log LIMIT 0, 350 0.000
    258118 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9658 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    258047 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9879 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT * FROM cerber_log LIMIT 0, 350 0.000
    258044 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 9880 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    257948 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 10217 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT * FROM cerber_log LIMIT 0, 350 0.000
    257858 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 10528 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT * FROM cerber_log LIMIT 0, 350 0.000
    257714 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 10923 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT * FROM cerber_log LIMIT 0, 350 0.000
    257354 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 11854 Waiting for table metadata lock LOCK TABLES cerber_log READ /*!32311 LOCAL */ 0.000
    255785 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 15822 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    255781 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 15832 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    255735 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 15985 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    255613 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 16365 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    255298 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 17475 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    254720 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 19188 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    254628 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 19286 Waiting for table metadata lock DELETE FROM cerber_log WHERE stamp < 1532333531 0.000
    254189 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 19824 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    254067 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 19932 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    253948 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 20010 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    253865 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 20067 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    253699 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 20188 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    252073 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 23012 Waiting for table metadata lock DELETE FROM cerber_log WHERE stamp < 1532329806 0.000
    251801 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 23575 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    251782 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 23616 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    249835 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 26645 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    249634 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 26775 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    249509 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 26870 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    246892 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 30184 Waiting for table metadata lock DELETE FROM cerber_log WHERE stamp < 1532322634 0.000
    246587 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 30755 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    246555 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 30807 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    244185 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 34054 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    243680 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 34383 Waiting for table metadata lock ALTER TABLE cerber_log CHANGE stamp stamp DECIMAL(14,4) NOT NULL 0.000
    243021 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 34805 Waiting for table metadata lock INSERT INTO cerber_log (ip, ip_long, user_login, user_id, stamp, activity, session_id, country, deta 0.000
    242259 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 35254 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT count(ip) FROM cerber_log WHERE ip = “” AND activity IN (7) AND stamp > 1534905 0.000
    240994 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 36029 Waiting for table level lock OPTIMIZE TABLE cerber_log 0.000
    240993 [db_username] localhost [db_name] Query 36029 Waiting for table metadata lock OPTIMIZE TABLE cerber_log 0.000
    262958 [user] localhost NULL Sleep 20 NULL 0.000
    262957 [user] localhost [db_name] Query 19 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [db_name].cerber_log 0.000
    261950 [user] localhost [db_name] Query 2040 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [db_name].cerber_log 0.000
    261741 [user] localhost [db_name] Query 2242 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [db_name].cerber_log 0.000
    261639 [user] localhost [db_name] Query 2540 Waiting for table metadata lock SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [db_name].cerber_log 0.000

    Seems to be a lot of waiting on table locks. You should probably force InnoDB engine when the plugin is installed. Some of those tables are MyISAM in the DB and that is really not a DB engine optimized for modern web applications anymore as it has table level locking when InnoDB has row level locking which is a lot more efficient.

    Hi @sirulli,

    I’m testing your plugin in our sandbox for inclusion in our client sites and I’m seeing the same issue as scottybowl2. We use Advanced Custom Fields Pro in all our sites and the Search tab is not showing in the add/modify featured image modal.

    And FWIW, I agree with him that having this tab elsewhere where images can be added would be great.



    I updated to 1.9.34 and the site was already on WP 4.8.2.

    There is progress as now, after pressing the Nexcellent button in the TinyMCE editor, the UI actually shows in the modal popup when it was blank before.

    But after selecting the Gallery option and selecting a specific gallery to add, the actual Insert button does nothing. The modal window stays open and no shotcode gets inserted. The Cancel button does work though.

    Hi there!

    FWIW, this issue is still there for me on a multisite install where 1.9.33 has fixed 2 other major issues I was having with cropping thumbnails and saving description and alt text depending on version used and context.

    But the Nextcellent button in the page/post editor still brings up a blank window here.


    I reported this issue months ago so I’d also appreciate a fix. I’ve been staying on 1.9.27 for this reason.

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