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  • Thanks Alex! Any idea when the update will officially make it in the repository on

    Thanks Alex! Great work with this plugin!

    Btw, did you guys update the site(s) you are having this issue with to WP 3.2?

    I have the exact same issue on a client site. If these changes are done on the first page of a gallery they save OK. But on any other page they don’t.

    As a temporary workaround, click the “Sort Gallery” button then move the images you want to edit at the beginning of the list so they en up on the first page. Save new sort order. Go back to the gallery, make your description changes and save then go back to the sort page to put everything back in order.

    I don’t know when this problem appeared as this client site is the only one I manage where there’s enough images in a single gallery to have more than one page of images. This site has been updated to WP 3.2 if it makes a difference. No idea if the issue existed before that.


    Thanks for the fast reply Tobias. Knowing where the issue comes from I’ll try to figure out how to fix it and will share with you if I do.


    Any progress with this issue? I don’t use IE to admin WordPress (or at all for that matter) but some of my clients do and I’m starting to get support calls. Must be a CSS thing. Trying to figure it out myself.

    I’m now having an issue with JetPack’s Stats on a multisite install. This is a pretty large network (main site plus 44 “sub” sites).

    Everything was working OK after the upgrade from plain Stats to the JetPack version but, I created 2 new sites on the network yesterday and the first of these is now showing the stats from the main site (blog ID 1). The main site is showing stats from I don’t know what but not the ones it did before. The last site (second one I created yesterday) seems to be ok but the Top Search terms are weird. First, that site shouldn’t be seeing any traffic yet and the terms seem more related to main site as well.

    Is there anything that can be done to fix this?

    Btw, I had network activated JetPack before and after the 2 new site created borked the install, I deactivated and reactivated on a site by site basis. Same problem pertists.

    I’m having the same issue. Do you run WordPress 3.1?

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Yep! I’ll certainly be there next summer. WordPress is taking more and more place in my business and I LOVED WordCamp Montreal last summer.

    I’ll say hi for sure and, no I don’t believe we spoke after your presentation although I might have asked a question or 2 during it as I was in the earliest stages of planning this multisite project then and it was my first multisite.

    Have not looked much into WP 3.1 yet and I guess the focus will be on the new stuff in there next summer. Can’t wait!!

    Thanks again Andrea!

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Yeah I was there! ??

    I was just wondering because, I read a bit about that field and some people have issues with it becoming bloated and stuff (not my problem here) but I gather it controls links to attachments and other things which would be different between the sites on my network, even if their page structure is the same. It seems that the content of that field varies greatly across different setups and I didn’t want to break something that is not immediately visible by pushing the value of this field from one site to all the others. But I’ve seen no ill effect so far and I guess that, at worst, I can go through each site again and save permalinks the old fashioned way if something breaks when I do my “fix” on the live site.

    Thanks very much for your help!

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Yes, I did find the bug report after I posted. But regardless of what triggers the issue, I’d like to know if you or anyone else thinks the fix I found can break other things I didn’t notice yet or if it’s pretty safe to do? In the meantime I’ll try to figure out what I may be doing that causes the permalinks to stop working.

    Thanks Andrea! Btw, your presentation at WordCamp Montreal last summer was awesome!

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Thanks Alex!

    Sorry for the panic mode but this is a large project for me and I hate like when I don’t understand a problem like that ?? I should have suspected the Blog Templates plugin sooner as it was the new element here. Never had issues with NextGen before.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    Alright… after further testing, it seems the New Blog Template plugin was causing the issue. If I create new sites without it, NextGen works correctly. Huge relief for me but new site creation just became much more time consuming!

    Thanks to anyone who read this! Will probably post in the forum to warn them.

    Thread Starter pixelyzed


    OK, made some progress figuring out what is going on but no closer to figuring out why it does this or how to fix it.

    I just did a test on my local server with the same site described above but starting from a backup from yesterday where everything was working ok to eliminate any possibility of data corrupetion today..

    I created a new site again using the New Blog Template pluing (blog ID 10) and tested if Nextgen workd ok. Opened the Options page and all the settings are there although the Gallery Path option still points to my template blog (blog ID 2). If I now leave the “gallerypath” option to “wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/” in ngg_options in the wp_10_options table or change the “2” in there to any single digit number, the settings remain and everything works (aside from the Gallery Path pointing to the wrong blog.dir folder). Remember that I made this same database change to blogs 3 to 9 without problem.

    But if I change that “2” to 10 or any 2 (and I’m guessing more than 2) digits number, as soon as I load the NextGen options page, all the settings are blanked including Gallery Path and, in the actual database, the ngg_options value in the wp_10_options table is “reduced or corrupted to ” a:1:{s:11:”installDate”;i:1295305470;} ” as in my previous post.

    Can anyone think of what could cause this and why single digits blog id numbers are OK and double digit numbers are not?

    Please, I’m desperate to make this work as I’m already blowing my deadline on this project and this is the only snag I’m running into. I could leave all galeries to be created in “wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/” for every site with an ID of 10 and above but I would really prefer for this to work correctly.


    Thread Starter pixelyzed



    I’m now running into an even more serious issue. I created 7 sites yesterday without issue but today, the ones I create loose their settings and ngg_options gets “rewritten” after I update the gallery path for each new site then simply load the NextGen Options page. I update the path using Navicat (I just change the blog id number in the path) as the New Blog Template plugin doesn’t do that automatically as it just replicates the settings of an existing site.

    The settings are changed from this:

    a:71:{s:11:”gallerypath”;s:29:”wp-content/blogs.dir/14/files/”;s:9:”deleteImg”;s:1:”1″;s:9:”swfUpload”;b:1;s:13:”usePermalinks”;s:1:”1″;s:14:”graphicLibrary”;s:2:”gd”;s:14:”imageMagickDir”;s:15:”/usr/local/bin/”;s:11:”useMediaRSS”;b:0;s:10:”usePicLens”;b:0;s:12:”activateTags”;b:0;s:10:”appendType”;s:4:”tags”;s:9:”maxImages”;s:1:”7″;s:10:”thumbwidth”;s:3:”100″;s:11:”thumbheight”;s:3:”100″;s:8:”thumbfix”;s:1:”1″;s:12:”thumbquality”;s:3:”100″;s:8:”imgWidth”;s:4:”5000″;s:9:”imgHeight”;s:3:”600″;s:10:”imgQuality”;s:2:”85″;s:17:”imgCacheSinglePic”;s:1:”1″;s:9:”imgBackup”;s:1:”1″;s:13:”imgAutoResize”;s:1:”1″;s:9:”galImages”;s:1:”5″;s:17:”galPagedGalleries”;i:0;s:10:”galColumns”;s:1:”0″;s:12:”galShowSlide”;b:0;s:12:”galTextSlide”;s:11:”[Diaporama]”;s:14:”galTextGallery”;s:11:”[Vignettes]”;s:12:”galShowOrder”;s:7:”gallery”;s:7:”galSort”;s:9:”sortorder”;s:10:”galSortDir”;s:3:”ASC”;s:10:”galNoPages”;s:1:”1″;s:13:”galImgBrowser”;b:0;s:12:”galHiddenImg”;b:0;s:10:”galAjaxNav”;s:1:”1″;s:11:”thumbEffect”;s:7:”shutter”;s:9:”thumbCode”;s:35:”class=\”shutterset_%GALLERY_NAME%\””;s:5:”wmPos”;s:8:”botRight”;s:6:”wmXpos”;i:5;s:6:”wmYpos”;i:5;s:6:”wmType”;s:4:”text”;s:6:”wmPath”;s:0:””;s:6:”wmFont”;s:9:”arial.ttf”;s:6:”wmSize”;i:10;s:6:”wmText”;s:23:”AAPARS – Jacques Landry”;s:7:”wmColor”;s:6:”000000″;s:8:”wmOpaque”;s:3:”100″;s:8:”enableIR”;b:0;s:7:”slideFx”;s:4:”fade”;s:5:”irURL”;s:0:””;s:12:”irXHTMLvalid”;b:0;s:7:”irAudio”;s:0:””;s:7:”irWidth”;i:320;s:8:”irHeight”;i:240;s:9:”irShuffle”;b:1;s:17:”irLinkfromdisplay”;b:1;s:16:”irShownavigation”;b:0;s:11:”irShowicons”;b:0;s:11:”irWatermark”;b:0;s:13:”irOverstretch”;s:4:”true”;s:12:”irRotatetime”;i:10;s:12:”irTransition”;s:6:”random”;s:10:”irKenburns”;b:0;s:11:”irBackcolor”;s:6:”000000″;s:12:”irFrontcolor”;s:6:”FFFFFF”;s:12:”irLightcolor”;s:6:”CC0000″;s:13:”irScreencolor”;s:6:”000000″;s:11:”activateCSS”;b:1;s:7:”CSSfile”;s:13:”nggallery.css”;s:11:”installDate”;i:1291999147;s:9:”imgResize”;b:0;s:12:”hideDonation”;b:1;}

    to this:


    All the options are blanked out and I simply open the Options page.

    I created the first 7 new sites with this method without issue (up to log ID 9) and starting at 10, the issue showed up. Anyone has any idea what might be causing this? I need to get this working again!

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