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As I said before the Vision Interactive plugin developer did not answer my question, so that path is a dead end.
I would like to know if you have some solution for this conflict or I will have to choose between using Transposh Translation or Vision Interactive plugins because I can not use both at the same time?I already asked but he is not responding.
I searched the entire site and the only other occurrence of the config.json file is here:
Hi! I unchecked the setting “Enable default language translation”.
Is that what you mean, right?Ok! I did that. I replaced the minified version with the complete one and confirmed that it is been served on the page
The non-minified version of the script in this link I provided:
I have enabled “Allow translation of default language – useful for sites with more than one major language” and I have Portuguese as the “Default Language” in the settings.Hi! The link where the problem is present is
Currently I activate in this page both Transposh Translation and Vision Interactive plugins, but Vision Interactive plugin breaks.In 7 months I have not had any response from this author.
I have to conclude that the author of this plugin doesn’t give any support to the users, and doesn’t even care about the problems his plugin causes.Hi! 6 weeks have passed since your last message.
I need to use these 2 plugins in another website, so I would like to know if you have found a solution for the error?Any news?
Have you found a solution for the error?
The only occurences of “o.config” on the code are on the relevant code I posted before.
The last code I posted is about the “o” meaning.
The JS file has 868 lines, so it’s excessive to post it here, but you can see the non-minified version of the script in this link I provide: think it cames from here:
!(function () {
for (var t = null, o = r.getElementsByTagName(“script”), i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
if (/[i].src)) {
(t = o[i].src.substring(o[i].src.lastIndexOf(“/”))), (t = o[i].src.replace(t, “”));
})();The error is in the line: ?console.error(‘Cannot load image “‘ + o.config.imgSrc + ‘”‘);?
The relevant code is:
_create: function () { var o = this; function i() { o._buildDOM(), o._setTheme(o.config.theme), o._bind(), o._initLayers(), o._beforeReady(), o._updateSize(), o._ready(); } var e = new Image(); (e.onload = L.proxy(function (t) { (o.imageWidth = e.width), (o.imageHeight = e.height), setTimeout(i, 300); }, this)), (e.onerror = L.proxy(function (t) { console.error('Cannot load image "' + o.config.imgSrc + '"'); }, this)), (e.src = o.config.imgSrc); },
Any solution for the error?
Any solution for the error?