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  • Thread Starter pierrehooker


    @haseeb0001 just curious, I noticed the fixed plugin you provided installed in addition to the already installed version. So I disabled the non-beta plugin and enabled the plugin you provided.

    Will this regex fix roll out in the next regular version of the plugin? Essentially Im wondering when I am safe to disable the beta version and continue using the regular version?


    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    @haseeb0001 thanks I will give it a shot!

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Hello @haseeb0001
    Here is the diagnostic report:

    Mailer: postsmtp
    cURL Version: 7.58.0
    OpenSSL Version: OpenSSL/1.1.1
    OS: Linux pod-100656:apache2_74:v0.0.1 5.4.0-1069-gcp #73~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Mar 30 06:23:51 UTC 2022 x86_64
    PHP: Linux 7.4.33 C
    PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=No, zlib_encode=Yes
    WordPress: 6.0.3 en_US UTF-8
    WordPress Theme: Metro Sales
    WordPress Plugins: ACF: Better Search, Advanced Custom Fields PRO, Advanced Custom Fields Viewer, Block Manager, BulkPress, Contact Form 7, Custom Post Type UI, Disable Comments, Disable Gutenberg, Disable REST API, Duplicate Page, Email Templates,, Post SMTP, Redirection, Safe SVG, Show Current Template, TablePress, Yoast SEO, WP All Export Pro, WP All Import Pro, WP Sync DB Media Files, WP Sync DB, WP All Export - ACF Export Add-On Pro, WP All Import - ACF Add-On
    WordPress wp_mail Owner: /nas/content/live/metrosales/wp-content/plugins/post-smtp/Postman/PostmanWpMailBinder.php
    WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email, PostsmtpMailer->get_mail_args, Mailtpl_Mailer->send_email
    WordPress wp_mail_from Filter(s): Mailtpl_Mailer->set_from_email
    WordPress wp_mail_from_name Filter(s): Mailtpl_Mailer->set_from_name
    WordPress wp_mail_content_type Filter(s): Mailtpl_Mailer->set_content_type
    WordPress phpmailer_init Action(s): wpcf7_phpmailer_init
    Postman: 2.1.10
    Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): |
    Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
    Postman Active Transport: SendGrid API (
    Postman Active Transport Status (Ready|Connected): Yes | Yes
    Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 1741 | 11

    Im working on getting the email header from the client.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    @takayukister I added the same ticket in both plugins that I thought could be the cause of the problem.

    Contact form 7 handles the form obviously.
    Post STMP is the form mailer.

    I have no way of knowing if the header is there when cf7 passes it on to be mailed.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by pierrehooker.
    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    @joyously I am setting it in my functions, not in index. Im saying the file this function should be acting on is index.php.

    @michael, I am (one of)the developers of our theme. Our starter theme is based on _s but with Bootstrap 4 and with our tooling integrated.

    Here is a fiddle of the blog index file:

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    I was hoping to be able to do something like this, but with complete hierarchy of the terms:

                            if( $terms = get_terms( array( 'taxonomy' => 'project_category', 'orderby' => 'name' ) ) ) :
                                echo '<ul class="projects-filter">';
                                echo '<li class="dropdown-item"><div class="project-filter-button" data-projects data-filter="all">All</div></li>';
                                foreach ( $terms as $term ) :
                                    echo '<li class="dropdown-item"><div class="project-filter-button" data-projects data-filter=".' . $term->slug. '">' . $term->name . '</div></li>'; 
                                    echo '</ul>';
    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Hi Joy,
    Im looking trough lots of stack posts, but its not very clear to me how to filter the output of wp_list_categories.

    What I am trying to do is add a generic data attribute (data-projects), and another data attribute containing the actual term slug (data-filter=”.termname”) to the anchor elements of the unordered list.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Hi @xeonz yes not setting headers was the fix.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    OMG I Love you.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Thanks @corgdesign

    Working with business clients, we have a saying…

    Clients are F@#$ing stupid. If there is a way for them to screw something up, they will.
    As such we try to make that as hard for them to do as we possibly can.

    I do use thumbnail sizes in all of my sites using add_image_size. However having an exact size option would allow us to ensure the correct aspect ratio is used on upload. Because inevitably the client will upload something with ridiculous dimensions, and then complain when it gets cropped. This option removes ALL ambiguity.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    @joy, this is not a great answer. I work at an agency, we code all of our own themes from scratch. We often have super complex layouts that pull in content from multiple custom post types. We need to ensure that the images have very exact final dimensions so the layouts dont look like garbage. Im not talking about a blog, im talking about complicated corporate websites.

    Even with crop enabled for thumbnails, users will upload images in the wrong aspect ratio that get cropped with bad results. We would prefer all users to have to upload images of exact predefined dimensions to minimize problems.
    So my question still stands.



    I believe we are running into the exact same issue.

    We have a product that costs 4.25. There is a 5% bulk discount. This brings the price to 4.83 per unit. If you multiply $3.83 x 25 you should get a total of $95.75 but in this instance it’s giving me a total of $95.63. The only way to get that total is if the price of the staples is actually $3.825. Which means it’s rounding up for the discount but then using 3 decimal places to give the line item total. Not a huge deal accept when it imports the payment, it now shows in QB that the customer owes 12 cents.

    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Here is the difference in the html output structure in the nav:

    //mincart more than one item in cart - correct output!
    		<li class="minicart hidden-xs">		
    			<a class="wcmenucart-contents spot4" href="https://XXXXXX.local/cart/" title="View your shopping cart">
    				<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart minicart" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    				<span class="cart-count">2</span>
    				<span class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-sm"> Items in Your Cart - </span> 
    				<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">
    					<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>
    		//minicart one item in cart - incorrect output!
    		<li class="minicart hidden-xs">			
    			<a class="wcmenucart-contents spot4" href="https://XXXXX.local/cart/" title="View your shopping cart">
    				1 item 
    				<span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount">
    					<span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">$</span>
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by pierrehooker.
    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    Hello @rynald0s

    I need it to be a function that inserts the code INTO the menu as an li, i.e. NOT coded into the header file.

    This would use the wp_nav_menu_items hook.

    Here is what I have so far:

     * Place a cart icon with number of items and total cost in the menu bar.
     * Source:
    add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items','bbaby_wcmenucart', 10, 2);
    function bbaby_wcmenucart($menu, $args) {
    	// Check if WooCommerce is active and add a new item to a menu assigned to Primary Navigation Menu location
    	if ( !in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) || 'primary' !== $args->theme_location )
    		return $menu;
    	global $woocommerce;
    	$viewing_cart = __('View your shopping cart', 'bbaby');
    	$start_shopping = __('Start shopping', 'bbaby');
    	$cart_url = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_url();
    	$shop_page_url = get_permalink( woocommerce_get_page_id( 'shop' ) );
    	$cart_contents_count = $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count;
    	$cart_contents = sprintf(_n('%d item', '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="cart-count">%d</span>', $cart_contents_count, 'your-theme-slug'), $cart_contents_count);
    	$cart_total = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart_total();
    	if ($cart_contents_count == 0) {
    		$menu_item = '<li class="minicart hidden-xs"><a class="wcmenucart-contents spot2" href="'. $shop_page_url .'" title="'. $start_shopping .'">';
    	} else {
    		$menu_item = '<li class="minicart hidden-xs"><a class="wcmenucart-contents spot3" href="'. $cart_url .'" title="'. $viewing_cart .'">';
    	$menu_item .= '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart minicart"></i> ';
    	$menu_item .= $cart_contents.'  '. $cart_total;
    	$menu_item .= '</a></li>';
    	echo $menu_item;
    	$social = ob_get_clean();
    	return $menu . $social;
    // Ensure cart contents update when products are added to the cart via AJAX (place the following in functions.php)
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', 'woocommerce_header_add_to_cart_fragment' );
    function woocommerce_header_add_to_cart_fragment( $fragments ) {
    	<a class="wcmenucart-contents spot4" href="<?php echo wc_get_cart_url(); ?>" title="<?php _e( 'View your shopping cart' ); ?>"><?php echo sprintf (_n( '%d item', '<i class="fa fa-shopping-cart minicart" aria-hidden="true"></i><span class="cart-count">%d</span><span class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-sm"> Items in Your Cart - </span>', WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ), WC()->cart->get_cart_contents_count() ); ?> <?php echo WC()->cart->get_cart_total(); ?></a> 
    	$fragments['a.wcmenucart-contents'] = ob_get_clean();
    	return $fragments;

    This works – unless there is only one item in the cart. The item counts still displays but my icon disappears. Only if there is one item in the cart. Zero items, works fine. More than one item, works fine. One item: no icon. Pulling my hair out on this.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by pierrehooker.
    Thread Starter pierrehooker


    I put in a support ticket and woocommerce support was able to help.

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