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  • Plugin Author piccart


    Hello Willem,
    I set up that warning by purpose, to inform who has customized versions of the template file, and let them know that they must update it if they want that the plugin is fully working (although it shouldn’t break even if you don’t update that file, but some new things won’t work..)

    I don’t know exactly what you have changed in your customized file..

    in any case, what you have to do now is to duplicate the new pbytax_template.php file which is in the new plugin version, and put in this file the same edits that you have done to the old version.
    and then substitute the old file in your theme with this new customized one.

    this is the topic where you asked about customizations, maybe if you read it again you will figure out what you have changed and then you can re-do the same edits in the new file

    p.s. you might also have a look at the new options within the widget, because I’ve added quite a few things since that discussion (by instance you can now set the word for “browse..” directly in the widget options), and maybe you don’t need some of the edits which you have done to the template file..

    let me know how it goes

    Thread Starter piccart


    ok perfect!

    yes I imagined they were only very minor warnings.
    i just wanted to ensure that you were aware about it. ??

    I mark this as solved.

    Plugin Author piccart


    in case you are using the option to display the posts into a dropdown, instead of changing that piece of code, you have to find this piece here (line 141):

    <option value="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>">
          	<?php echo $post->post_title ?>

    and replace it with this:

    <option value="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>">
          	<?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG', true); ?>


    Plugin Author piccart


    actually, I can provide you with directions, and then you can just change the slug of the meta field into this code.

    so, first of all, you have to make a duplicate of the file that you will find here:


    put the duplicate of that file into your theme folder.

    then edit this duplicated file and go to the line 183. you will find this:

    <a class="pbytax-post-title" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $post->post_title ); ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title ?></a>

    change that piece of code and put this piece instead:

    <a class="pbytax-post-title" href="<?php echo esc_url( get_permalink( $post->ID ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $post->post_title ); ?>"><?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG', true); ?></a>

    remember to change YOUR-META-FIELD-SLUG and put the slug of your custom meta field.

    let me know if it’s what you wanted to achieve, and don’t forget to give a rating to the plugin if it’s been useful for you. ??


    Plugin Author piccart



    I am sorry but this plugin isn’t meant for what you need.

    though, if you let me know which is the meta-field slug, I might provide directions to do a little tweak on the plugin’s code, in order to display that short title field, instead of the post title

    Thread Starter piccart


    Sorry if I add another reply, but I think that the more info/clues the better. ??

    I am using inmotion as hosting company and I’ve just bumped in this post from a couple of days ago (exactly when the plugin stopped working..)

    might this configuration in the new cPanel be conflicting with your plugin or wordpress?


    Thread Starter piccart


    I’m sorry,

    I’ve just realized that actually the plugin just stopped working..

    it was working ok before, and the hosting company has also raised the email per hour and was working like a charm. then all in sudden is not sending any email and I don’t get any error or notification, so I don’t think is a server problem..

    the only thing I’ve changed is that I’ve deselected “subscriber”, from the roles list. then it was not sending emails, so I’ve put it back, but now is not working in that way neither..

    I haven’t updated anything in these days, so I don’t know what else could have been happening..

    do you have any clue about where to look?

    Thread Starter piccart


    ah ok!
    good to know then. ??

    though, I think you should specify in the changelog and in the plugin description, that version 2+ are compatible only with php 5.4+
    it will probably also save you the hassle of getting bad reviews or help requests. ??


    Plugin Author piccart



    sorry for the delay but I’ve missed this post.. I whish there was a better notification system for new posts..

    in any case, that feature is not included in the plugin, but could be an idea which I might work on. thanks! ??

    in the meanwhile, you could easily tweak the code to make it work for you.

    first of all, duplicate the file:

    and place it into your theme folder.
    then edit this new file in your theme, and look for this bit of code (near line 100)

    // add the taxonomy query to the args
    		$pbytax_args['tax_query'] = array(
    				'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
    				'field' => 'id',
    				'terms' => $filter_term_id,
    				'operator' => 'IN'

    just above that piece of code, you should add this bit here:

    if ($filter_term_id==15){
    			$filter_term_id = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'my_taxonomy', array("fields" => "ids"));

    in order to make it work, you must:

    – create a placeholder term within the same taxonomy that you want to use, and place its id in place of where you can see
    15 in the code above

    – change ‘my_taxonomy’ with the slug of the custom tax

    – in the widget, select to list the product post types, select the taxonomy, and then select the placeholder term.
    then the code will not consider that term, and instead grab posts from the categories of the current page.
    the placeholder is just so the above code will run only for widgets where you select that term, and you can still use normal widgets if you want.


    Plugin Author piccart


    Hi Willem,

    sorry but I think I haven’t received any notification about this post..

    anyway, you could obviously change the title of the post, but you can also set the title to be cut off if it is longer than XX digits.

    if you edit the file pbytax_template.php
    on line 135 you will see:
    <?php echo $post->post_title ?>

    and you have to change that line with this:
    <?php echo substr( $post->post_title, 0, 25 ); ?>

    25 is the number of digits, including spaces. so you can change that number and put what works best for you.

    hope this would help

    I think you should rather contact the developer and tell them about this sql flaw, rather than sending a negative rating.

    please, help the wp community and send a private message to the developer, explaining the details of the sql security flaw.


    Plugin Author piccart


    Hello rwkiii,

    that could be helpful for someone else, thank you very much for sharing it.

    unfortunately I can’t use it for the default version of the plugin, as the widget allows to select more than one term, and so in that case, having the title linking to only one of them, wouldn’t make much sense.

    instead, if you need something like that you could leave the title empty, and then use the introduction html box, to insert an html heading which links to your desired term.

    it depends on how your widgets are styled by the template, but assuming that the heading is defined using h3 tags, you could write something like this in the html box:

    <h3><a href="">Term Name</a></h3>

    many times the heading has a class which is
    <h3 class="widget-title">
    so you should check the code to see how your widget heading is marked up and then replicate it in the html box

    in my experience, this would work for many standard widget styling, as the heading title is normally placed inside the same wrap as the widget content, so it won’t make any difference if you add it in that way rather than before the actual content (content is normally not wrapped in a separated div, because of the options used to set up the register_sidebar).

    let me know how it goes. ??

    Plugin Author piccart


    Thank you very much!

    I saw it and I really appreciate it, that’s why I’ve replied here when I’ve sorted the bug. ??

    by the way, I am working on a new premium version which will have an enormity of new options and settings. in particular it will have the shortcode so you can add the listing into a post content as well, and it will have a lot of style options in order to create very cool post lists (even in grid-style), bigger or smaller images, etc..

    it will be a paid plugin, but quite cheap. it’s just because otherwise I won’t get anything at all from donations only..
    and obviously I’ll keep updating this free version as well.

    Stay tuned! ??

    Plugin Author piccart



    I think I’ve figured out which was your problem.
    there was a conflict showing up in Chrome (and maybe in other browsers as well), that was blocking the javascript which changes the content of the terms selector based on the taxonomy selected item. so nothing was loaded in the terms when you selected something in the taxonomy.

    the issue is now fixed from version 1.2.2.


    Thread Starter piccart


    Hello guys!

    just wanted to close this ticket because at the end of the day it turned out that paypal gave the wrong suggestion.

    the money were on hold because I’ve received them before verifying the email, but when I asked them they said the problem was the delivery thing. though there was no delivery issue, and I assume neither nothing that I should have added to my form.

    thanks for your help anyway, and thanks for your plugin!


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