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  • Plugin Author piccart



    good luck with your site

    Plugin Author piccart


    if it’s not the arrow, you can easily style the background and the border and other things related to the selector box itself.

    just add to your theme stylesheet file, something like:

    select.pbytax-dropdown {
       background-color: #FFF ;

    if then you want to tweak the text color or the borders too, by instance, you just add into the brackets something like:

    color: #444;
    border-color: #CCC;

    there are a lot of css styles rules that you could specify, but this is not really the scope of this support forum, sorry.

    I hope this will be enough for sorting your issue.

    Plugin Author piccart


    Hello, and thank you for using my plugin!

    I see what you mean and I’m going to add this in the next update. though I will wait a bit before publishing a new version, in order to see if there is the need of any bug fix or other small features addition.

    In the meanwhile, if you’re going to use the widget with the same introduction text for each place where you put it, you can easily customize the output template file.

    you’ll need to access your site files (with ftp by instance). then browse the folder:

    copy the file:

    and put the copy into your theme folder (something like wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/ )

    edit this copy and scroll down till you see this comment

    go down a couple of lines, and add whatever you want just above the line where you see:
    <select class="pbytax-dropdown" id="pbytax-selector" onchange="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;">

    everything placed above that line, and after the ?> will be printed just above the dropdown.

    I suggest to wrap your text into a -p- tag, like:

    <p> Your introduction text here </p>

    let me know if you managed to do it or need more help


    Plugin Author piccart


    Ah, you mean the little arrow on the rightside I suppose.

    unfortunately that’s a very big shortcome of browsers. each of them is styling it differently and there is no easy way to style it from our side.
    there are some tricks and workarounds to style it, but they require a quite advanced knowledge of css and ability to edit the html too.

    you could try searching on google about it, here are just the first couple of related pages I found (you basically have to wrap the selector dropdown into a div, and then style it as if it was the selector, deactivating the styles of the actual original selector):

    but as you can see, they are not doing exactly what you need. if you just need to change the background behind the arrow, it is probably not worthing to spend time on coding such a workaround.

    I think that the grey/white background of the arrow is not such a big problem and you could easily just leave it as it is.

    Plugin Author piccart


    can you share the link of a sample page please?
    I think it’s because if the css (meaning your site css, I deliberately put no rules about it in the plugin, so it picks the site’s) is not providing info about how to style the selectors and input fields, the browser is styling them following its own styles.

    anyway, each element in the widget template has its own class, so you can easily target the selector and set it to have the style that you wish.
    in this case is:

    selector.pbytax-dropdown {
    put your stile rules here

    I hope this will help

    Plugin Author piccart


    That’s great, thanks!

    I see what you mean but I think that there are already many options and I think that this one is not very important. actually is pretty easy to edit the output template (like you did) if someone needs something so particular. I fear that if I start adding options for everything it might become too crowded and confusing..

    though, for the future, I might consider to make a translatable version of the plugin, but it’s not on the list of my priorities.


    Plugin Author piccart



    I just wanted to tell you that I’ve published the new version (1.2.0) and among the several new options, you can find the option to display the posts into a simple dropdown.

    I hope you’ll enjoy the plugin, and if so, please consider to vote it, it’s very important for me.


    Plugin Author piccart


    Hello Willem,
    I hope you had an awesome starting of the new year.

    I am working on a new version of the plugin, which will be ready in a few days. I think it shouldn’t be difficult to also add the options of displaying the listing in a dropdown. so I will probably add that option in the new version.

    you can download and install the plugin now, so that when the new version will be published, you’ll automatically get the notification for the update.


    Thread Starter piccart


    I had forgot about this topic..
    so, basically I’ve realized that this is a bug which has no solution (or at least it didn’t when I was looking at it), so I’ve figured out a way to going around it.

    basically I’ve created a clone of the homepage (called NEWS), which looks the very same and displays a loop of all posts at the same as the home did (in that case I had a page template for “blog” and I applied it, but it’s not too tricky to create one if you don’t have it).

    anyway, as I said before, the pagination works perfectly in pages other than home, so I’ve just builded up manually the pagination buttons for the home, making it so that the links points to this clone page rather than the home itself, passing the value of the page number that it should be displayed when landing. so basically after the first click on a navigation link from the home, you actually land and then browse pages from this clone page. ??

    note: this hack needs to have the plugin wp pagenavi installed, you can get it here:

    so, after you’ll create the clone page, you should copy this code on your page.php template. I’ve commented it extensively, so you should be fine

    /* code by A Piccart
    /* author ref:
    /* create a clone page of your home (in this case called NEWS, if you name it differently, change it through the code)
    /* add this code below your posts loop in home template file, or in page.php if you have only that template file for pages.
    /* note: this hack requires the plugin page-navi to be activated
    /* you can get it from here:
    <?php // if the page is not the home, call the normal pagination from the plugin ( you can strip this bit if you are pasting this in a home-template file)
    if (is_home()){ // if this conditional is still displaying the real navigation in home, try using if (is_front_page()) {
    else { // if it's the home, print our custom made navigation (if you are pasting this in a home-template file, start from here)
    	// get the number of post in the main query
    	$total_posts = $wp_query->found_posts;
    	// get the number of posts per page set in the options
    	$posts_per_page = get_option('posts_per_page');
    	// calculate the number of total pages
    	$tot_pages = round($total_posts / $posts_per_page) ; // round the result to be an integer
    	// set a var for a counter (since we are in the first page, the counter starts from there)
    	$page_count = 1;
        <!-- print the beginning of the page-navigator -->
        <div class='wp-pagenavi'>
            <span class='pages'>Page 1 of <?php echo $tot_pages; ?></span>
            <span class='current'>1</span> <!-- as this code will be in home, the current page will of course be the 1st -->
            <?php // foreach page till the counter is less than 10 (the number of pages we want in the navigation) , print the number with the link.
            while ($page_count <= 10 ){
                // carry on only if the total pages are actually at least the same amount of the current number
                if ($page_count <= $tot_pages){
                    // increment the counter for the next page
                    $page_count++ ;
                <!-- this will print a number box which links to our news page passing the currently looped number to the page navigation of it -->
                <a class="page larger" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/news/page/<?php echo $page_count; ?>/"><?php echo $page_count; ?></a>
            } // we can close the nuber boxes loop 
            // if there are still pages, print the suspension dots
            if ($tot_pages >= $page_count ){ // consider that after printing the 10th box, the page counter is actually 11
                <span class='extend'>...</span>
            } ?>
            <!-- print the NEXT button which in the homepage will be page 2 -->
            <a class="nextpostslink" href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/news/page/2/">?</a>
            <?php // again, print the last button only if the pages were actually more than 10
            if ($tot_pages >= $page_count ){
                <!-- print the link to the last page -->
                <a class="last" href="<?php echo $tot_pages; ?>/">Last ?</a>
            } ?>    
        <!-- close the pagination div -->
    <?php // close our pagination conditional (strip this if you are pasting this in a home-template file)
    } ?>

    I actually rewrited this now, as that site is not mine and I have not access to it at the moment. so I haven’t tested it but it should work. let me know how it goes! ??


    Thread Starter piccart


    do you mean that if there is one post which is not open to the public, the pagination won’t work at all rather than just don’t display that post in the listing??

    anyway, the default wordpress navigation with previous and next links, is not working as well, so I wouldn’t say the issue is related to the theme.

    anyway, this is the piece of code which handle the pagination and the query in that page-template:

    global $more; $more = 0; // Enable 'more tag' for this page
                // Begin main posts' loop stuff here
                //adhere to paging rules
                if ( get_query_var('paged') ) {
                    $paged = get_query_var('paged');
                } elseif ( get_query_var('page') ) { // applies when this page template is used as a static homepage in WP3+
                    $paged = get_query_var('page');
                } else {
                    $paged = 1;
                if ( $udesign_options['exclude_portfolio_from_blog'] == 'yes' ) {
                    // get the portfolio categories to be excluded from the Blog section
                    global $portfolio_cats_with_minus;
                    $query_string = "cat=$portfolio_cats_with_minus&paged=".$paged;
                } else {
                    $query_string = "paged=$paged";
                query_posts( $query_string );
    Thread Starter piccart


    Hi there!

    Thanks for your reply.

    my pagination plugin uses url like this:

    the problem is that if you go to that link, or if you click on the pagination’s numbers at the bottom of the homepage, you’ll be redirected to the main root
    and so the vars about the $paged are not passed to the main query, which loads the first page again. I am not getting errors, nor 404, it just redirect to the website main root url..

    if I deactivate s2member, everything works fine. and actually if you are in a page which is not the homepage, the pagination works fine even with s2member activated..

    Thread Starter piccart


    yes thanx!

    I was looking to edit the way the loop is builded up, so it will grab the month from the url and then if there is the prefix past/ it will display that month and the previous 2.

    but changing prospective, I’ve edited the code that build up the filters menu, so now the link says November, but the url is asking for december, so the loop will display the 3 months before december, which are exactly what you want to see if you click November in the Archive filters. ^_^

    Thanx for your help!


    got this problem as well after updating a function file in the functions subfolder of the Canvas template.

    sorted deleting the blank space between php closing and new php opening tags..

    the weird thing is that the file was on the server and it was running fine even with that blank line space, then I have downloaded it with ftp, updated in another line and uploaded. and suddenly wordpress realized about that blank space and crashed..

    does anyone have an explanation for this? why before it was fine and then when I have updated the file suddenly that blank line caused the crash?


    Thread Starter piccart


    Hi Barry!
    Thanx for answering!

    so the upcoming/ and past/ additional filters are not from the plugin?

    I mean, does the original plugin allow url like this:

    and if yes, where I can find the code to edit their behaviour?

    As you can see, the upcoming link is showing the events starting from the selected month and then going 3 months in the future.

    The past link is not doing the same good job, as it doesn’t show the selected month, and then shows the previous 3 months events..

    I’m not sure but I think I’ve seen this upcoming and past thing written somewhere in your plugin core files, so I assumed that was an original feature. If is not, I am sorry if I’ve bothered you…

    Thank You and Regards

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