I am really stumped on this one. Any help could be appreciated. Is this a setting in wordpress? or is this a server thing?
UPDATE: It seems like I only encounter this error when the directory is password protected, such as the forumtest one. If you go to https://amkouri.com/wiki it resolves fine.
THIS Looks really awful in internet explorer, and more help would be appreciated, because I have tried searching for Holly hack and IE peekaboo, and I have goten nothing
I dont know if thats the problem Im having with my blog. I dont know what Peekaboo is…or how it relates to my site…but I dont know how to implement “hacks” with IE….
I dont know anything about mysql…so how exactly would I do this…and how long will it take…should I just start fresh…my site has been up for 5 months and has about 150 semi meaningless posts…?