Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Mail Recipient always differentIt depends on how your posts or pages are set up. Are these user profile pages? If so, you may be able to use one of the pre-written special mail tags. There is one available for the post-author email. So, on the form settings page in the Mail TO: field put [_post_author_email] and as long as each post or page is for that specific user, then it should send it to that user’s email. Here are all the special mail tags built into the plugin –
If these aren’t user profiles and the posts or pages aren’t created by different authors, then you’ve got just a little bit of custom coding to do. My first step would be to see if I can utilize custom fields for the recipient email address.
Try this…
In /wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7/modules/special-mail-tags.php add this line of code just before the return $output on line 69:
elseif ( '_post_recipient' == $name ) $output = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'recipient', true);
Then go to one of your posts where you will have these custom forms and add a custom field with the name “recipient” and enter the recipient’s email for the value.
Lastly, go to your form settings that is inserted within your post and add [_post_recipient] in the TO field.
Now test it and see if it will work. Doing it this way will allow you to use only one form for all 200 posts, but you will need to specify the recipient email in the custom fields of each post.
Good Luck!
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: HTTPS, SSL, WP_CONTENT_URLThank you for the useful code. It worked just fine making sure the one page I specified is ssl. But I’m still running into issues with plugins using get_option(‘siteurl’) to reference their plugin css and js files. IE shows constant security errors when there are non-secure items. I really want to avoid hacking the plugins as it makes updating difficult.
There are two plugins in my specific situation causing the issues, one being wp-facebox-gallery and the other wordtube.
wp-facebox-gallery creates init functions to establish the root path and then uses $this->root to load the plugin scripts…
function init() { $this->home = get_option('home'); $this->site = get_option('siteurl'); $this->root = $this->site . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-facebox-gallery';
I’ve tried several different things to look for the https in the post meta and possibly get the siteurl option to then return https, but my php skills are very limited and I’m not quite sure I understand exactly how to add this type of filter. Or, maybe a way to get the WP_CONTENT_URL to be https…
Got any ideas? Thanks for your time and sharing the above code with us.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Form 7 loading icon keeps spinningJust to let everyone know I figured out my problem and it was the javascript programming on my end. Due to my theme modifications I was attempting to put a special javascript function but obviously put it in the wrong theme file. I apologize… of course, I wouldn’t have even thought to look at the javascript if it weren’t for takayukister. So, thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Form 7 loading icon keeps spinningIf I look at firebug while trying to submit the form, this is the Response I get in the console:
<script type="text/javascript"> function changeDisplay(x) { var obj = document.getElementById(x); if ( === "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block";} } </script>{ mailSent: 1, into: "#wpcf7-f1-p7-o1", captcha: null, message: "Your message was sent successfully. Thanks.", onSentOk: null }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Form 7 loading icon keeps spinningWell that minor javascript error had to do with wp-slimbox, so I deactivated it so no more javascript errors show. Still the same issue with the loading icon. I really am kinda stuck as I don’t know what could be causing the conflict.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Contact Form 7 loading icon keeps spinningI’m still having this issue. Its not a plugin conflict as I disabled all other plugins and tested, still receiving the same results… the email does get delivered but the loading icon keeps spinning.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] Code For Bypassing PluginJust giving this topic a bump. I would still like for related videos to show up by tags… any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: wordTube] Code For Bypassing PluginThese instructions work great. Thanks for the help. I would like to take it one step further and post videos only with certain tags. I’ve made a page template and use nextgen to display related images by tag, I would also like to display related videos by tag. Any ideas?
Just fyi, I am using a plugin to tag my pages – so it would basically work similar to displaying related posts by tag… only I need to do this using php in my page template. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Manually coded slideshow not working upon upgradeTHANK YOU! Just so everyone can benefit from this, here is the code to get these updates to work properly:
<div class="ngg-widget-slideshow" id="sbsl3_1" style="width:552px; height:263px; background-color:#FFFFFF;"> <a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> and <a href="">a browser with Javascript support</a> to see the slideshow. </div> <script type="text/javascript" defer="defer"> <!-- //<![CDATA[ var sbsl3_1 = { params : { wmode : "opaque"}, flashvars : { file : "<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/nggextractXML.php?gid=1", shownavigation : "false", rotatetime : "5", overstretch : "fit", transition : "slowfade", shuffle : "0", backcolor : "0xFFFFFF", frontcolor : "0xFFFFFF", lightcolor : "0xFFFFFF", screencolor : "0xFFFFFF", width : "552", height : "263"}, attr : {}, start : function() { swfobject.embedSWF("<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/nextgen-gallery/imagerotator.swf", "sbsl3_1", "552", "263", "7.0.0", false, this.flashvars, this.params , this.attr ); } } sbsl3_1.start(); //]]> --> </script>
Of course, all the variables can be set accordingly to achieve different things… but this basically sums it up and works perfectly in the most recent published versions of WordPress (2.6.3) and NextGen (0.99.1).
Thanks again for a quick reply and a great plugin Alex! Maybe this code snippet can be put on your sample pages. Have a great week.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Image thumbnail creation stalling at 1Does it still throw an error when uploading the images via FTP?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] NextGEN as CMSWhy not use the normal image uploader that is already included with wordpress? You can specify your thumbnail and medium image sizes in your options. If you want a single image upload for your users, NextGen is definitely overkill as it’s main function is to power extensive galleries and albums.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Badly-designed InterfaceHaha… The fact that this thread started out as pure whining is a bit humorous. So hopefully someone will find it constructive in the end!
I use NextGen for a lot of client websites and even some of the most web-illiterate clients seem to find NextGen extremely easy to use.
Yes, when I first started using it, the mixup between the word “gallery” and the word “album” was a tad confusing, but this plugin has been around so long it would almost cause more problems to change it now. Plus, have there been any better suggestions?
It is a good suggestion to make the “Add Gallery” page title a little more clear. It is not quite clear that images can be uploaded there until you visit the page. But, if you visit the main Gallery page in the admin, it has a button that clearly says “Upload Pictures.” So maybe if this page could be called “Add Images & Galleries” it will solve the confusion.
I think the instructions given by bluebird2 up above are a bit useless as it is SUPER simple to add images, galleries, slideshows, albums, etc. using the nifty NextGen button in the wysiwyg. If you don’t use the wysiwyg, then you are obviously not a noob and should have the knowledge to look at instructions given on the official plugin site.
Honestly, I think Alex does an excellent job with documenting exactly what is needed to understand the plugin and its functionality directly on his sample site
Offering documentation directly in the admin panel of a plugin really seems like a daunting task. I honestly don’t know how delicious:days manages to keep up with all the extensive documentation they provide with cformsII and my hats off to them for it. I’d rather the coder continuing to spend their time developing an already wonderful plugin than worrying about keeping up with docs in the admin panel. A simple text file with the plugin always works fine and a sample site works even better!
So, just my two-cents… Keep up the awesome work Alex!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Sidebar Slideshow Stretch (still)The options above is the way to fix your problem, but if some images were cached prior to changing those settings, then you will only see a difference with newly added images. For some reason, I do not think this is a browser cache because even clearing my browser cache does not help. There is a way to clear the cache for single images, but I do not think this effects the slideshow.
So, in the future, try to change your slideshow stretch settings to false prior to viewing them using the widget. Hopefully this will help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: eShop interfering with css drop down menuJust FYI – I received an email back from the plugin developer with the answer to my question. Just in case someone runs across this, here is the fix:
Open eshop.php and scroll to line 404. Comment out the line that starts with “add_filter…”
Change THIS:
//fold the page menu as it is likely to get long... //this can be removed in a theme by using remove_filter... add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes', 'eshop_fold_menus');
To This:
//fold the page menu as it is likely to get long... //this can be removed in a theme by using remove_filter... ##add_filter('wp_list_pages_excludes', 'eshop_fold_menus');
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to put up a “persistently playing” music player jukeboxThere is nothing wrong with expressing opinions. Being helpful is what this forum is for… and you are not being helpful. It is a rather difficult request that I expressed my interest in. I now see that there are some people around here that post just to waste my time.