15 years, 8 months ago
nice, but why are you talking to yourself with different ids?
Or perhaps you cached his page? ha ha ha!
Your from Singapore! what are you trying to do? Rob Americans?
Oh Lord,
dont give him ideas. now you want him to rip people off large scale?
Sounds good. WPMu, you can rip people of large scale!
their are always suckers.
WordPress? are you a sucker too?
please dont call him a moron. He is not.
May be, hes a thief, not a moron.
Report them to Google, WordPress. If doenst care,
xoomla is a good alternative to wordpress
when was the last time you visited your public library?
your ad is showing 1 out of 4 times!
what the F
we know who you are!
your slip (ip) is showing!
you go ahead and do that, I will be glad to re-post it as “Not to easy adnsense with no sneaky ads by the author plugin”
actually using (not so) easy adsense, it over a year, my bad.
I have been using this plugin for some years, I have not been told of revenue sharing!
Its only after he got caught, that he added the info to the plugin admin page!
let the truth be told!