Forum Replies Created
Hello sdnazdi,
Our table header titles are saved as a hardcoded string in wordpress Database. So you can change our product table header title by following the below step:
1. Frist changes your product table columns text by your language like this – screenshots: ( https://prnt.sc/sfA4vwapZBYk ).
2. Then you will see your table header translated to your language. like this – ( https://prnt.sc/I_APjiVpF0zS ).
If you still have a problem then let us know.
We have checked it but we could not find this error. so please tell us actually which situation you got this error in. Also provide some screenshots.
After that, we will check it and let you know.
Hello soulman77,
I have checked your site and see that You are using our plugin-free version that’s why You could not show Quick QTY buttons. it’s our plugin pro feature. so you need our pro version for this.
HannanHello pbjwordpress,
I need to see your single product page so if possible then give us your single product page link. we will check and give you an udpate.
You are welcome.
HannanHello adaptablewebsites,
You can remove the default Input selector from Mozilla to use this below code on your theme customizer Additional CSS Block
.qib-button-wrapper input[type=”number”] {
-moz-appearance: textfield !important;
}After adding this code your cart will look like this – ( https://prnt.sc/6zNkwrGxX8v4 ).
HannanHello vitruvian24,
Please add below Custom CSS code on your theme customizer Addition CSS Block.
.woocommerce div.product form.cart div.quantity, .woocommerce-page div.product form.cart div.quantity, .woocommerce #content div.product form.cart div.quantity, .woocommerce-page #content div.product form.cart div.quantity {
margin: 0 10px 0 10px !important;
width: auto;
overflow: hidden;
}.qib-button-wrapper .quantity input.input-text.qty.text {
height: 38px !important;
}After adding those Custom CSS codes your button will look like this screenshot ( https://prnt.sc/HZJMdR20nUVg ).
HannanHello vitruvian24,
I have checked your site and Found that current our plugin is not active on your site. so please active our plugin First. after activating our plugin on your site I will try to fix your issue.
HannanHello vitruvian24,
You can remove them to use below the custom CSS code:
/* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */
input::-webkit-inner-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
}/* Firefox */
input[type=number] {
-moz-appearance: textfield;
}Please add those custom CSS codes on your theme customizer – Additional CSS Block.
After Adding those codes input arrows will hide. see this – ( https://prnt.sc/B3JqixQxAdNc )Regards,
HannanHello fyxed,
You are most welcome and also thanks for using our plugin.
HannanHello fyxed,
Since Displaying “only featured product” will be a new feature on our product table so you can contact us at our support.
HannanHello omarsalas,
We understood your issue but right now we have no option for those. but if you want from us then we can do it for you and its need to customize. if you are interested to do customization then you can contact us at our support: https://codeastrology.com/support/
HannanHello omarsalas,
Please tell us details about below points:
1. If your products out of stock then is the plus-minus button will display or not?
2. If your products stock more than one then is the plus-minus button will display or not?
By the way, give us your page link where you want to display our Plus-minus button.
Hello webb,
we have no option Right now to translate this message “Please Choose items”. but we will add this option in our plugin as soon as possible.
Right now you can not Translate “Please Choose items.” on our plugin.