Forum Replies Created
Hello Hans,
If you need more help then let us know.
HannanHello lindali2007,
I have checked your site and see that the ajax request does not work properly ( https://prnt.sc/SWZlu-YLa5UU ). Please create a ticket at ( https://codeastrology.com/support/ ). We will check your issue and try to fix it.
HannanHello Hans,
I have checked your product table and It is working fine. Here I am giving you a video here. So, please download it ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/17aVhVnrcD9FKaMvcUEw9Y_nqPIhmMlHb/view?usp=sharing ) and after watching this video try again and let us know.
I can not see your example site ( https://prnt.sc/Org8eQHSjN_x ). Do you want to set a condition on your cart page? please let us know. by the way, check your site link and then send us again.
After that, we will check it and let you know.
HannanYou are welcome
Hello winner singh,
I have seen your screenshots and see that As per your screenshot you are doing a mistake when you are going to add my given custom CSS. So please add the below code carefully on your theme customizer Additional CSS block.
.wpt_product_table_wrapper div.tables_cart_message_box div.widget_shopping_cart_content li.woocommerce-mini-cart-item.mini_cart_item {
display:none !important;
}After adding those custom CSS if still have a problem then let us know. Also, you can create a ticket at: https://codeastrology.com/support/
It’s ok, no problem.
You added the wrong Custom CSS to your site. that’s why it is not working. By the way,
here I am giving you the right custom CSS and it will work on your site. please add this custom CSS on your theme customizer:
.wpt_product_table_wrapper div.tables_cart_message_box div.widget_shopping_cart_content li.woocommerce-mini-cart-item.mini_cart_item {
display:none !important;
}After adding this custom CSS your mini-cart item will not display. see this -( https://prnt.sc/bYNjs4rvrLar ).
Please use the below custom CSS code on your theme customizer.
.qib-button-wrapper .quantity input.input-text.qty.text{
height:40px !important;
}If you don’t know how to add custom CSS code on WordPress then follow this here( https://wooproducttable.com/how-to-add-custom-css-in-wordpress-page-or-post/ ).
After adding this custom CSS your site will look like this – ( https://prnt.sc/gzlqM6IIJH_j ).
If you need more help then let us know
I have seen your video. which version you are using? if you are using our plugin’s old version then update it and try again. If still have a problem then give us your single page link.
We will check your issue and try to fix it.
Also, You can create a ticket at: https://codeastrology.com/support/
We need to check your product table so you can create a ticket at our support: ( https://codeastrology.com/support/ ).
Also, give us your problem screenshots. we will check it and let you know.
HannanHello nomade123456,
We have seen your product table and we need to check it so please create a ticket at: https://codeastrology.com/support/
I have checked your site and see that your site does not load Assets properly that’s why our product table does not appear on your page. your jquery is not defined on your site.
by the way, you can try the below CSS code on your theme customizer. after that, you will see your product table on your site.
element.style {
display: block;
}IF you are our pro user then you can create a ticket at: https://codeastrology.com/support/ here. we will try to fix your problem there.
We have given your solution on your ticket. Please check your ticket and let us know.
HannanHello manosp89,
I have seen your screenshot. we need to check your issue so give us your single page link. after that, we will check it and try to fix it.