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  • WP Realty


    Actually the new version which well be released as version 1.1 will be added under its own heading “UIDX TOOLS” since UltimateIDX now has a handful of tools to its credit. So all of its and my own plugins will go under the new heading for ease of management.

    It should also be noted that I have a ton of menu examples I’m going to publish as well so people will find it a bit easier to build menus.


    WP Realty


    Yes its on my list to add this week. I’m updating a small fix in a moment which adds additional features to the link REL aka Relationship attribute which will allow for both “NoFollow and New Window”


    WP Realty


    Can you send me a URL? Look at your page source and see if the menu items even show up for subs. If so it will help us narrow down the possible cause.


    WP Realty


    I’ll look that over and see what we can do.

    WP Realty


    Make sure you have the correct template tag for sub menus to work.

    <?php displayMenu(1, 2); ?>


    Ok I have updated this item to now feature the correct REL method for opening in a new window so it validates with XHTML Strict.

    You do need to add the following to the header area of your site usually in header.php

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>/wp-content/plugins/wp-menu-creator/external.js”></script>

    We have removed the target= and replaced it with rel in order to keep the menu XHTML Strict compliant.


    We have added new features and functionality.

    Check the update docs

    Adding it to Thesis is difficult because that particular template doesn’t follow the standard hierarchy for WordPress themes.

    It can be done but it would take me about an hour or so to hash it out.

    Where did you want the menu to appear?


    Do you mean the actual “MENU TITLE” or are you asking about menu item names?

    If MENU TITLE, that isn’t a feature but I can see the importance of having it so I’ll work on that as well.

    As per the ampersand, if you put in the correct & it may show that is is changed but in reality when looking at the source its the correct & in the code so your site will validate and not toss an error.

    Jared Ritchey

    BTW from W3C.ORG

    Why was the target attribute removed from XHTML 1.1?
    It wasn’t. XHTML 1.0 comes in three versions: strict, transitional, and frameset. All three of these were deliberately kept as close as possible to HTML 4.01 as XML would allow. XHTML 1.1 is an updated version of XHTML 1.0 strict, and no version of HTML strict has ever included the target attribute. The other two versions, transitional and frameset, were not updated, because there was nothing to update. If you want to use the target attribute, use XHTML 1.0 transitional.

    If people really think they need this changed I’ll do it for version 1.0.6 this week. Its not a major modification to the script.

    Jared Ritchey

    EntarteteMuzak, the only alternative for it to work XHTML Strict is to have the end user add a javascript alternative which we wanted to avoid.

    I’m like you in that I do prefer to work in strict mode but transitional is exceptionally common among theme designers which is the reason why the decision was made to go with the target option.

    Let me consider the JS a bit more and see what I can do.

    As per guides here is one I quickly put together that is not as detailed as I would like.

    Jared Ritchey

    Thread Starter WP Realty


    New features added to the menu manager to help with those using the cascading or dropdown menus in WordPress 2.7

    The plugin has been updated to make it easier to style by adding new selectors for css such as the one for active menu item and we have included a title tag and a target option.

    I’ll be adding the jQuery drag and drop feature soon for easy menu order sorting and then some basic code snippets which I think I’ll do by popup window so people can add the correct CSS to their project to get the results they want.

    Jared Ritchey

    Basically I say the same thing to all Realtors considering WordPress. Joomla although the ideal solution for a brokerage is serious overkill for most people. It is so feature rich that its intimidating to novice or casual site administrators. Because of this 90% of all website conversions we do at are for WordPress.

    WordPress is easier to use, easier to learn, and fully capable of being structured as a CMS. A lot of people don’t know that you can use WP as a CMS but with some clever template building tricks and a few settings in WP you can build a pretty nice CMS solution with it.

    As per different menus on different pages the answer is yes. The easiest way to accomplish this in my opinion is WP Templates!

    For instance, I created a site recently where the owner wanted to have a menu specific to “Communities” on his WP Blog so I created a new template titled communities.tpl.php and put this in the header;

    Template Name: COMMUNITIES

    The template file would then include a different sidebar I created so instead of <?php get_sidebar(); ?> I use <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/’); ?> which is a duplicate of sidebar but with a different menu.

    My own sites new template has 11 menus in it and each is for a different section of my site, like tutorials or news for instance. I built my newest template to have multiple sidebars and all of which I simply assign by either some clever WP Looping or by template.

    Jared Ritchey.

    This is likely a CSS Issue. I have dozens of examples just haven’t had time to publish them in a tutorial but you are welcome to take a look at some code examples I did for these projects. (code in the template already) (code in the template already)

    Some templates like those they used in the last two examples came with the suckerfish code already in place. All I did was open the style.css file and change the UL ID being referenced in the menu to that of the menu creator prefix which is #mc_menu_1

    I’ve also created a basic guide on the CSS coding here at

    I’ll get some code examples published later this week.

    For now feel free to contact me and I’ll help where I can.

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