My concern is that by placing the images in the footer is that it will push the page down further. Idealy I would like the images to float below the posts and responses.
Nope it did not fix it. But Im not sure changing the font size has much to do with it. I tested the font sizes earlier and no success.
My steps are to first create a new page, then drop in the <iframe> block of info and submit it. I check the page from the front end of the site, only to see the <iframe> area being a small box on the left side of the page. Very unusual considering I’ve used <iframe> in about 15 of my clients sites.
By-the-way Visual Anatomy person; I love it. can I syndicate the page giving you full credit of course.
I’ll look that over and see about putting the images in the main pages. they are just affiliate ads I dont want in the footer or in the right side navigation area.