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  • As plugins become essential to the success of WP, WP really needs to do a better job of imparting awareness of such issues to plugin developers.

    Alternately, we users must delay upgrading until we are sure that every single plugin we have has been certified to be compatible with the latest WP version. Unfortunately, there seems to be no tool that allows us to get this information at a glance in our dashboard.

    What salmanager mentions seems to be the issue. After a lot of back and forth with tech support at Bluehost, this seems to be the only issue. I am now on 2.8.1, upgraded to Advertising Manager, and now enjoy tolerable load times.

    And, I really have to hand it to tech support at Bluehost. They were extremely patient and went beyond due diligence to follow this problem along with me until it was solved this past week.

    Ok. After some testing the patience of the wonderful folks at Bluehost, I found the culprit: the Google Adsense Manager widget

    As the page says, we are well advised to upgrade to Advertising Manager.

    I discovered this purely by a fluke. I rebuild my blog in a test folder, and activated this plugin first. Everything was fine, until about the third pass through the admin pages. It’s very bizarre, but the effect is not really immediate, which is why no one could seem to pin point it.

    This is not my final answer, but I have a feeling it will be.

    Best of luck.

    So, it looks like the problem is that my php scripts are taking a long time to load. Here is what firebug captured when I entered my dashboard. I just disabled google gears (turbo), to no effect.

    You can see the firebug screen cap here:

    I am left to conclude that the problem is php optimization because even if the longest mysql query took 2 seconds yet the page took 10 seconds to load, then there is a problem processing all the scripts.

    I have tried just about everything: changing themes, deactivating all plugins, repairing and optimizing all database tables and even resetting php settings from my control panel. All to no avail.

    I’ll upgrade manually to 2.8.1 final. If that doesn’t fix the problem, I’ll export my database, wipe out the wp directory and do a fresh install. If that doesn’t work, I guess, I’ll be looking for another hosting company.

    This is today’s slow sql log:

    ‘# Tue Jun 30 12:00:16 2009
    # Query_time: 3 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 0 Rows_examined: 0
    use minoofar_wrdp1;
    SELECT YEAR(post_date) AS year, MONTH(post_date) AS month, count(ID) as posts FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = ‘post’ AND post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY YEAR(post_date), MONTH(post_date) ORDER BY post_date DESC’

    Well, I regenerated a php.ini file from the cpanel for fastcgi php configuration, I changed the memory limit to 64M, I copied the file to the root wp folder, but absolutely nothing changed. It’s still slow!

    None of the above worked for me. I tried increasing memory to 64 Mb, and the server refused it. (26 Mb is the limit allowed.)

    I am now almost certain that there is some detritus in either my .htaccess files or in my config file that is causing the problem. I am also wondering if this is a problem with the automatic upgrade feature introduced in 2.6. I have upgraded automatically from 2.6 to 2.7 and to 2.8.

    These are the slow mysql query logs that were generated yesterday:

    # Mon Jun 29 17:15:02 2009
    # Query_time: 2  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
    use minoofar_wrdp1;
    UPDATE <code>wp_usermeta</code> SET <code>meta_value</code> = 'classic' WHERE <code>user_id</code> = 2 AND <code>meta_key</code> = 'admin_color'
    # Mon Jun 29 15:08:44 2009
    # Query_time: 2  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
    use minoofar_wrdp1;
    SELECT post_modified_gmt FROM wp_posts WHERE post_status = 'publish' AND post_type = 'post' ORDER BY post_modified_gmt DESC LIMIT 1
    # Mon Jun 29 12:00:02 2009
    # Query_time: 2  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
    use minoofar_wrdp1;
    SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value FROM wp_postmeta WHERE post_id IN (854,770,833,630,419,758,812,619,772,810,806,800,795,791,785,751$
    # Mon Jun 29 12:19:54 2009
    # Query_time: 18  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 0  Rows_examined: 0
    use minoofar_wrdp1;
    SELECT *,
      <code>TABLE_SCHEMA</code>       AS <code>Db</code>,
      <code>TABLE_NAME</code>         AS <code>Name</code>,
      <code>ENGINE</code>             AS <code>Engine</code>,
      <code>ENGINE</code>             AS <code>Type</code>,
      <code>VERSION</code>            AS <code>Version</code>,
      <code>ROW_FORMAT</code>         AS <code>Row_format</code>,
      <code>TABLE_ROWS</code>         AS <code>Rows</code>,
      <code>AVG_ROW_LENGTH</code>     AS <code>Avg_row_length</code>,
      <code>DATA_LENGTH</code>        AS <code>Data_length</code>,
      <code>MAX_DATA_LENGTH</code>    AS <code>Max_data_length</code>,
      <code>INDEX_LENGTH</code>       AS <code>Index_length</code>,
      <code>DATA_FREE</code>          AS <code>Data_free</code>,
      <code>AUTO_INCREMENT</code>     AS <code>Auto_increment</code>,
      <code>CREATE_TIME</code>        AS <code>Create_time</code>,
      <code>UPDATE_TIME</code>        AS <code>Update_time</code>,
      <code>CHECK_TIME</code>         AS <code>Check_time</code>,
      <code>TABLE_COLLATION</code>    AS <code>Collation</code>,
      <code>CHECKSUM</code>           AS <code>Checksum</code>,
      <code>CREATE_OPTIONS</code>     AS <code>Create_options</code>,
      <code>TABLE_COMMENT</code>      AS <code>Comment</code>
      FROM <code>information_schema</code>.<code>TABLES</code>
      WHERE BINARY <code>TABLE_SCHEMA</code> IN ('minoofar_wrdp1')
      LIMIT 250 OFFSET 0

    Are there any clues in here? Or, should I just wipe it out and start from scratch? I have exported the blog as an xml file. I guess all I got to do is make sure that I keep the uploads folder.

    This is among the problems I’ve been experiencing.

    In my case, it’s the edit widget page that fails ever to load.

    I should add that I also noticed that my dashboard reports 268 blog entries while phpmyadmin reports 795 entries in the wp_posts table. (I do not have 500 drafts.)

    I do not have WP-Stats_Dashboard installed. This seems to be totally independent of widgets at this point, frankly. After all, my admin pages are loading very slowly, too.

    I noticed that my wp_options table is rather large at 1.2 Mb. Examining it, I saw A LOT of option entries like this one:

    I have also noticed that the WordPress RSS feed entries on the dashboard front page are loading VERY slowly.

    Furthermore, the plugin edit page either fails to load or reports an error when I try to edit a plugin’s source.

    I’m experiencing this also. I “upgraded” to 2.8.1 beta2 and the problem persists. It gets only slightly alleviated when I turn off all plugins.

    I do get slow mysql errors, but I cannot find any particular pattern to them. My hosting company,, insists that the mysql server is running fine, and at this point, I find it difficult to refute their point.

    I have analyzed and optimized all tables, but both admin and the blog itself are still running very slowly.

    This started happening very suddenly last week, about three weeks after I upgraded to 2.8.

    I did the upgrade automatically via the dashboard. I upgraded to 2.8.1 b2 manually.

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