10 years ago
when changing events page from posts to pages, as you suggested earlier, it doesn’t work as there are no links either forward or backwards displayed on the events page page
does that clarify it
Thanks for that caimin. I’ve tried it with the 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 themes and they all do more or less the same.
Thanks again
Thanks a lot Angelo, I must have been blind when I was looking up and down the placeholders list!
Sorry Angelo that doesn’t work as it doesn’t show any links either forward or back!
Problem appears to have resolved itself, however emails appear in junk folder and not inbox
I’m having the same problem with addresse
10 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for your reply kmessinger
But click on which arrow ? And wot is TinyMCE Advanced.
Sorry I’m a newbie to WordPress