Forum Replies Created
Hi Joey,
Many thanks for your advice – commenting it out works just fine.
Take Care, Kirby/* SP Template Tags. Deprecated in favor of return tribe_ */
// function sp_get_option($optionName, $default = ”) {
// _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__,’2.0′,’tribe_get_option()’);
// return tribe_get_option($optionName, $default);
// }Rob’s patch works fine.
I’ve tried faberk’s suggestion (i.e. commenting out the
//if( $cur_query->get( ‘orderby’ ) == ‘event_date’ ) {
block.It works for me!! Thanks faberk
Hi, I’m running the basic (free) version of The Events Calender.
I think the solution suggested by aapnootniels may only apply to the paid version. Under settings -> event calender there is no option to set or display the url slug.
Within ‘appearance -> menus’ the calender’s url is shown as
If I change this to
I get a “The requested URL /walk/events was not found on this server” error.So still a problem ??
roblagatta – many thanks for your help !! Kirby
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Events Calendar] [Plugin: Events Calendar] Organizing Event PostsI’m interested in the same issue. It would be very helpful if the events could be listed in the ‘Event List’ window in date (or reverse date) order.
I’ve got the same problem using WP 3.3.1 and The Events Calender 2.0.3.
All the entries under “Event Location” and “Event Organiser Details” are re-set to their default values – which in the case of the free version are all blank plus the United States.