Philip Chudy
Forum Replies Created
ignore the last message – site functions again
many thanks for attention to the issue
Currently all links on the site are messed up – just in case anyone tries to take a look
Hopefully I will fix the problemForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Blog not working – what did I mess up?Ok so I kinda managed to get what I want but still to summarize – only by kinda cheating
The underlying problems uresolved
Themes other than home may say in settings they are applied to posts page – but they are not. Only Home theme is applied.
Efforts to insert poster image into post summary – in query loop failed at my end – images never showed up
I have no memory how I created my preferred query loop layout theme with full posts and images stacked (as per )
Applying that was only achieved by me when I made a reusable block on the query loop – on the test template – and applying that to the home page
I have no idea if this helps anyone
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Blog not working – what did I mess up?Further to the above:
I am just configuring my posts page (blog) and I see
You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.`
Template Blog (Alternative)then it says
Templates define the way content is displayed when viewing your site.
The posts page template cannot be changed.Well as stated above – the template which influences that page is not Blog (Alternative)
The message may be right that the template cannot be changed – but the actual template influencing the page is home
if I click the edit template on that page – it does take me to edit my favored Blog (Alternative) – but that template is not active on the published site
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Blog not working – what did I mess up?I did not assign that page using Settings > Reading (thanks for mentioning that method)
Initially I did not do anything – one page was there by default
I did create alternative pages which I experimented with from appearance>home page settings.
Ok – and confirming that – it made not difference when I assigned the template to blog(alternative)
Irrespective of which page was selected as the posts page – I went to Pages>quick edit to set the template to be blog(alternative)
I am not sure if there is another way to set the template.
I did find that setting the template via Pages>quick edit was a bit funky. Most of the time I would set the new template and update. Then I went back to quick edit and I would find it had not been set. But this is not a rule – when the new template was chosen – the blog layout did not change.
The blog layout is stuck on the ‘home template’ it seems
And to repeat – reconfiguring the Query loop on the home page never seems to get me to display anything but text (no post preview images)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Blog not working – what did I mess up?I have assigned a bunch of templates to the page which is listed as the posts page in ‘pages’ – but nothing seems to make any difference. The site only responds to changes on the ‘home’ template. If I remove the query loop from the home template and go to my posts page as a site visitor, I see nothing. So that proves that the home page controls the content.
Whatever I do with the ‘posts page’ seems to make no difference to what a site visitor will see. My posts page has zero block content. I have made a new ‘posts pages’ and they behave just the same.
By the same I mean that whether or not there is any block content on them – when connected to my blog menu they all display the configuration of the query loop which is on my home template. But in all instances I see no post images for any post – just the text according to the layout I chose with the query loop.
I made a template which appears to work in the editor. Perhaps you can view this. dont remember how I constructed this template but it is the only template which seems to show images when I am editing (because it is showing the entire posts). But as stated above – I choose this template and apply it to the pages listed as the posts page in my edit pages window and nothing changes at all on the site. This is what I get come what may
It is as if the page which is listed as the ‘posts page’ has no influence at all – and the only control over the posts is from my home template (whether or not it is chosen or even if ‘blank’ is chosen for my template). The page which is listed as posts page is only relevant it seems in that my menu item in the header (blog) routes content from that page link.
I had done what you suggested – namely gone to the home template – deleted and inserted new query loop on it – I removed the ‘post images’ block and inserted new ones in there. In the editor the ‘post images block’ is just a rectangle with no content in it -even while I do get a display of the individual posts text content showing up in the editor.
If I could get what I see on the blog-alternative template I would be very happy if you can think your way through this – I have tried a whole load of things to see what changes what – but not knowing how it works under the hood, I dont have a clear idea what is not working and what is my configuration error
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twenty-Three] Blog not working – what did I mess up?thanks for the response and introduction to query loops
I played around and the only place I could place a query loop which would control what happens on my posts page was the home template
I do not get any of the post ‘featured images’ to appear on the above page – whichever query loop config I choose
Also something else seems to be wrong – I see in the video that there is a button for lists where one can specify how many posts to see on one page. This button does not present itself. Does this indicate something amiss.
And am I installing the query loop on the right page ?
I removed the ‘post featured image’ from the query loop and added afresh from components – and still do not see any imagery. My last post has a regular jpeg – one might forgive the software for not finding featured images in the iframes on the other 2 posts
appreciate further pointers
thanksAlthough you said that the video overlay symbols on thumbs are not modifiable, I should have asked if
1/they could be turned off (I care less that my visitors can see which are videos at thumbnail level on my gallery page)
2/If there is CSS somewhere to change them from harsh black to a grey – would be less dominant on the page – would appreciate definition what points to the symbols.
thanks a lot
thanks for the response – for future iterations, it would be nice to include alternative symbols. I would prefer a simple play button for the thumb – a much cleaner look and one in my case which is not out of place since I have autoplay turned on. Thus the user is literally clicking play.
Meanwhile – can I remove a tag I don’t want to appear above the gallery?
If not easy – If I remove it from every image in the gallery – will it still appear at the top of the gallery ?
And – if not easily removed – what does the difficult way involve?
great thanks
Meantime I achieved copying master gallery and published gallery using
‘Copy & Delete Posts’ plugin. Now I have 2 independent sets with tags etc based on the initial customized galleries/pages.I would be nice to have tag info/ captions attached to the individual pics as per EXIF – which would apply wherever that image is placed.
I had the superficial impression this was possible. Was this incorrect ?
Thanks – that, with my current level of unfamiliarity was what I hunched was the case.
To follow the analogy – if start with a have a preformed text block, I can copy or duplicate it and then I can modify each block independently.
I created a ‘master’ gallery which does not appear on my published pages and I ended up (whether or not this is the correct way of working) placing it on a published page. Changes to the master synchronize fully and end up as changes on the published page.
I dont want two identical placed blocks linked to the same master. I dont want to have to build a new gallery and go through the whole process of tagging the same master set of images and tweak the gallery preferences – so I can pick and choose image on it independently.
What I want to do is to place another copy of this gallery (which has all my design elements and tags etc) and place it on another published page. And then – as per the text block – remove or move images around in each of the two blocks.
Assuming that my master gallery is just code – I am failing to see how I just copy it to another page. I see a copy option but dont see any paste button when I change pages. I see a move to button, but choosing that gives me no dialog box.
Clearly I am an missing a fundamental point somewhere – is there a tutorial somewhere which would help me achieve a viable work flow
tried 2.13.3 earlier and no change in my case
My install of the google drive gallery is now here
Meantime just trying to throw something else up on my main site index page – so removing it from there
Since it loses authorization every half hour or so – I will occasionally try revoking and granting fresh permission
with regard to the appearance of it being an earlier version:
I installed the .2 version from a zip because it was not on the WP upgrade list at the time. That installed both versions rather than update the older one. I deleted the older one. Perhaps that resulted in a former reference to the .1 version