4 months ago
Bluesky is entirely stable to post to
I was using WP to Buffer Pro to post to Bluesky and it was an easy config and posted no problem
use them where? in what field?
and which username?
I think you need to change your plugin to use the same field names as they use on Bluesky
not working for me
I”m having the same problem. It’s just not doing anything
Has anyone got any support for this?
10 months ago
Cant’ deactivate it. Can’t deleted it, and it’s stopping other posts I had queued from posting
1366×768 it’s a laptop
Did you get any support for this problem?
and i can’t deactivate the plugin. any “enter” button is below the bottom of my screen
Well wiht that attitude I guess I won’t be giving you my money then
Som the pro version does not send anything to Buffer until the date and time I specified?
And stop marking this as resolved.
that fixed it. thank you
this is the channel
I am trying to display posts in a channel
I did that and it didn’t change anything. It still shows the telegram landings page
And, if I use your scheduling does it also schedule the posts on the website?