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  • Thread Starter pferdetermine


    I just did some trail and error and had added the following now:
    excluded js: seal.js, js/jquery/jquery.js,wp-spamshield,jquery.js,jquery-migrate.min.js,events-manager,customizr/assets/js,customizr/inc/assets/js

    excludeed css: admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css,czr-control.min.css,tc-common.min.css, green2.min.css

    At the moment I have also deactivated the browser caching in the .htaccess beacuse I wasn’t sure where the missing images came from…

    I probably disable too much now and the performance is not really good now. Can you give some advice how to identify which js and css to exclude and what the syntax for the path is??? Do you have any experiences or live sites using your plugin and events-manager?

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    PS: currently I have added the following to be excluded: seal.js, js/jquery/jquery.js,wp-spamshield,jquery.js,jquery-migrate.min.js
    But I am not sure if I need all of them or only some and what is missing. Please help! Thanks in advance,


    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    Hi Caimin, I just purchased again the pro-version, because I hoped that the error message could have been related to my outdated pro version. So I updated it now – the error still occurs.
    I must admit that I do not know when the above error comes up. I only see it happening in the error log but I do not now how to reproduce it. I have disabled W3TC now and will have a look if it happens again.

    There is a second error message that still comes after disabeling W3TC. The error is related to duplicating an event. If I duplicate the event, the new event is not opened but the old, existing event is still open. The new event is stored as draft. The errormessage might be the reason for that:

    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler Column ‘event_rsvp’ cannot be null f\xc3\xbcr Abfrage INSERT INTO wp_em_events (post_id, event_owner, event_name, event_start_time, event_end_time, event_all_day, event_start_date, event_end_date, post_content, event_rsvp, event_rsvp_date, event_rsvp_time, event_rsvp_spaces, event_spaces, location_id, recurrence_id, event_status, event_private, blog_id, group_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_freq, recurrence_days, recurrence_byday, recurrence_byweekno, recurrence_rsvp_days, event_date_created) VALUES (18616, ‘8’, ‘HansePferd’, ’10:00:00′, ’19:00:00′, NULL, ‘2018-04-20’, ‘2018-04-22’, ‘Auf der HansePferd 2018 in Hamburg finden Sie das Beste f\xc3\xbcr Pferd und Reiter: von exklusiver Reitbekleidung \xc3\xbcber Schn\xc3\xa4ppchen bis hin zu Stallbau und moderner Pferdehaltung. In zahlreichen Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen zu Ausbildung, Gesundheit, Pferderassen und Reitweisen k\xc3\xb6nnen Sie den Profis \xc3\xbcber die Schulter blicken und mehr als 300 Pferde hautnah erleben!\\r\\n\\r\\nZur HansePferd Hamburg werden mehr als 450 Aussteller sowie rund 300 Pferde und Ponys aus \xc3\xbcber 35 Rassen erwartet. Die beliebteste Pferdemesse im Norden hat f\xc3\xbcr jeden Pferdefreund das passende Angebot \xe2\x80\x93 ob Reitanf\xc3\xa4nger, Wiedereinsteiger, Profireiter oder erfahrener Z\xc3\xbcchter. Geboten wird in sieben Hallen eine Vielfalt an Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Freizeit-, Dressur-, Spring-, Westernreiten, Vielseitigkeits-, Fahr-, Polo- und Rennsport, Voltigieren, Trekking- und Wanderreiten.\\r\\nEin Highlight ist das umfassende Rahmenprogramm mit \xc3\xbcber 100 Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen und Vortr\xc3\xa4gen t\xc3\xa4glich. Es gibt anschauliche Demonstrationen sowie Vortragsveranstaltungen in den Foren Gesundheit und Pferdekompetenz. Zudem warten spannende Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen in der gro\xc3\x9fen Show-Halle, im Ausbildungsring, im Rassen-Ring sowie im Horsemanship-Ring auf die Besucher.\\r\\n\\r\\nAbends hei\xc3\x9ft es dann \xe2\x80\x9eB\xc3\xbchne frei\xe2\x80\x9c f\xc3\xbcr die gro\xc3\x9fe GalaShow \xe2\x80\x9eHerzklopfen\xe2\x80\x9c, die mehrere Stunden lang traumhaften Pferdesport und atemberaubende Impressionen zeigt.\\r\\n\\r\\nDie HansePferd Hamburg, das Messe-Erlebnis rund ums Pferd, hat vom Freitag, 20., bis Sonntag, 22. April, t\xc3\xa4glich von 10 bis 19 Uhr ge\xc3\xb6ffnet.\\r\\nBeginn der gro\xc3\x9fen GalaShow \xe2\x80\x9eHerzklopfen\xe2\x80\x9c ist am 20., 21. und 22. April 2018 jeweils 19.30 Uhr.\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n<h3>Eintrittspreise</h3>\\r\\n<table>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr style=\\”text-align: left;\\”>\\r\\n<th>\\r\\n<h4>HansePferd Messe</h4>\\r\\n</th>\\r\\n<th>Online</th>\\r\\n<th>Vor Ort</th>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket Erwachsene</td>\\r\\n<td>10,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>11,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket erm\xc3\xa4\xc3\x9figt\\r\\nMit Gutschein/Gutschein-Code,\\r\\nHVV- und DB L\xc3\xa4nderticket-Nutzer mit g\xc3\xbcltigem Fahrausweis</td>\\r\\n<td>8,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>9,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket erm\xc3\xa4\xc3\x9figt\\r\\nKinder und Jugendliche ab 6 – 17 J. (unter 6 J. kostenlos), Studenten, Rentner, Schwerbehinderte*,\\r\\nGruppen ab 6 Personen (pro Person)**</td>\\r\\n<td>7,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>8,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket Schulklassen **\\r\\n(pro Sch\xc3\xbcler, in Begleitung des Lehrers) —</td>\\r\\n<td>-</td>\\r\\n<td>4,00 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n</table>\\r\\n<small>* Tagesticket f\xc3\xbcr Schwerbehinderte mit B im Ausweis vor Ort an den Kassen erh\xc3\xa4ltlich.\\r\\n** Tickets nur an den Kassen erh\xc3\xa4ltlich.</small>\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n<table>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr style=\\”text-align: left;\\”>\\r\\n<th>\\r\\n<h4>HansePferd GalaShow</h4>\\r\\nPreise inkl. Messe-Eintritt,\\r\\nzzgl. VVK- und Systemgeb\xc3\xbchr</th>\\r\\n<th>Freitag</th>\\r\\n<th>Samstag</th>\\r\\n<th>Sonntag</th>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n<tbody>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Erwachsene</td>\\r\\n<td>42,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>45,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>39,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Kinder (6\xe2\x80\x9315 Jahre)</td>\\r\\n<td>28,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>29,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>25,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</tbody>\\r\\n</table>’, NULL, NULL, ’00:00:00′, NULL, NULL, ‘126’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘2018-01-11 19:45:41’) von require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, em_init_actions, EM_Event->duplicate, EM_Event->save, EM_Event->save_meta, referer:
    [Thu Jan 11 19:48:19 2018] [error] [client] WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler Column ‘event_rsvp’ cannot be null f\xc3\xbcr Abfrage INSERT INTO wp_em_events (post_id, event_owner, event_name, event_start_time, event_end_time, event_all_day, event_start_date, event_end_date, post_content, event_rsvp, event_rsvp_date, event_rsvp_time, event_rsvp_spaces, event_spaces, location_id, recurrence_id, event_status, event_private, blog_id, group_id, recurrence, recurrence_interval, recurrence_freq, recurrence_days, recurrence_byday, recurrence_byweekno, recurrence_rsvp_days, event_date_created) VALUES (18617, ‘8’, ‘HansePferd’, ’10:00:00′, ’19:00:00′, NULL, ‘2018-04-20’, ‘2018-04-22’, ‘Auf der HansePferd 2018 in Hamburg finden Sie das Beste f\xc3\xbcr Pferd und Reiter: von exklusiver Reitbekleidung \xc3\xbcber Schn\xc3\xa4ppchen bis hin zu Stallbau und moderner Pferdehaltung. In zahlreichen Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen zu Ausbildung, Gesundheit, Pferderassen und Reitweisen k\xc3\xb6nnen Sie den Profis \xc3\xbcber die Schulter blicken und mehr als 300 Pferde hautnah erleben!\\r\\n\\r\\nZur HansePferd Hamburg werden mehr als 450 Aussteller sowie rund 300 Pferde und Ponys aus \xc3\xbcber 35 Rassen erwartet. Die beliebteste Pferdemesse im Norden hat f\xc3\xbcr jeden Pferdefreund das passende Angebot \xe2\x80\x93 ob Reitanf\xc3\xa4nger, Wiedereinsteiger, Profireiter oder erfahrener Z\xc3\xbcchter. Geboten wird in sieben Hallen eine Vielfalt an Produkten und Dienstleistungen aus den Bereichen Freizeit-, Dressur-, Spring-, Westernreiten, Vielseitigkeits-, Fahr-, Polo- und Rennsport, Voltigieren, Trekking- und Wanderreiten.\\r\\nEin Highlight ist das umfassende Rahmenprogramm mit \xc3\xbcber 100 Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen und Vortr\xc3\xa4gen t\xc3\xa4glich. Es gibt anschauliche Demonstrationen sowie Vortragsveranstaltungen in den Foren Gesundheit und Pferdekompetenz. Zudem warten spannende Vorf\xc3\xbchrungen in der gro\xc3\x9fen Show-Halle, im Ausbildungsring, im Rassen-Ring sowie im Horsemanship-Ring auf die Besucher.\\r\\n\\r\\nAbends hei\xc3\x9ft es dann \xe2\x80\x9eB\xc3\xbchne frei\xe2\x80\x9c f\xc3\xbcr die gro\xc3\x9fe GalaShow \xe2\x80\x9eHerzklopfen\xe2\x80\x9c, die mehrere Stunden lang traumhaften Pferdesport und atemberaubende Impressionen zeigt.\\r\\n\\r\\nDie HansePferd Hamburg, das Messe-Erlebnis rund ums Pferd, hat vom Freitag, 20., bis Sonntag, 22. April, t\xc3\xa4glich von 10 bis 19 Uhr ge\xc3\xb6ffnet.\\r\\nBeginn der gro\xc3\x9fen GalaShow \xe2\x80\x9eHerzklopfen\xe2\x80\x9c ist am 20., 21. und 22. April 2018 jeweils 19.30 Uhr.\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n<h3>Eintrittspreise</h3>\\r\\n<table>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr style=\\”text-align: left;\\”>\\r\\n<th>\\r\\n<h4>HansePferd Messe</h4>\\r\\n</th>\\r\\n<th>Online</th>\\r\\n<th>Vor Ort</th>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket Erwachsene</td>\\r\\n<td>10,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>11,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket erm\xc3\xa4\xc3\x9figt\\r\\nMit Gutschein/Gutschein-Code,\\r\\nHVV- und DB L\xc3\xa4nderticket-Nutzer mit g\xc3\xbcltigem Fahrausweis</td>\\r\\n<td>8,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>9,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket erm\xc3\xa4\xc3\x9figt\\r\\nKinder und Jugendliche ab 6 – 17 J. (unter 6 J. kostenlos), Studenten, Rentner, Schwerbehinderte*,\\r\\nGruppen ab 6 Personen (pro Person)**</td>\\r\\n<td>7,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>8,50 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Tagesticket Schulklassen **\\r\\n(pro Sch\xc3\xbcler, in Begleitung des Lehrers) —</td>\\r\\n<td>-</td>\\r\\n<td>4,00 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n</table>\\r\\n<small>* Tagesticket f\xc3\xbcr Schwerbehinderte mit B im Ausweis vor Ort an den Kassen erh\xc3\xa4ltlich.\\r\\n** Tickets nur an den Kassen erh\xc3\xa4ltlich.</small>\\r\\n\\r\\n \\r\\n<table>\\r\\n<thead>\\r\\n<tr style=\\”text-align: left;\\”>\\r\\n<th>\\r\\n<h4>HansePferd GalaShow</h4>\\r\\nPreise inkl. Messe-Eintritt,\\r\\nzzgl. VVK- und Systemgeb\xc3\xbchr</th>\\r\\n<th>Freitag</th>\\r\\n<th>Samstag</th>\\r\\n<th>Sonntag</th>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</thead>\\r\\n<tbody>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Erwachsene</td>\\r\\n<td>42,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>45,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>39,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n<tr>\\r\\n<td>Kinder (6\xe2\x80\x9315 Jahre)</td>\\r\\n<td>28,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>29,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n<td>25,\xe2\x80\x93 \xe2\x82\xac</td>\\r\\n</tr>\\r\\n</tbody>\\r\\n</table>’, NULL, NULL, ’00:00:00′, NULL, NULL, ‘126’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘2018-01-11 19:48:19’) von require_once(‘wp-admin/admin.php’), require_once(‘wp-load.php’), require_once(‘wp-config.php’), require_once(‘wp-settings.php’), do_action(‘init’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, em_init_actions, EM_Event->duplicate, EM_Event->save, EM_Event->save_meta, referer:

    Any Idea what that is?

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    Just an additional test I made: I deactivated EM Pro and it works normal! But unfortunately that is not a solution, because I need the booking part…. but just as help to find the error. It must be a conflict between those versions of EM and EM Pro! Please help!

    Thanks for your support in advance, Angelo!

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    Hi Angelo, I just update my development-site to 5.7.3 and I still have the same effect. I can duplicate the event in the EM event submission form but the event-slug is that of the original event! In the events-list you can see the new duplicated event but if you click on it the old, original event is shown and not the new event (because the event-slug is the old one).
    So the error is the same – also in this newer version of EM.
    Any ideas how to solve this???

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    That wasn’t my question. My question was, if the error that I get is related to the different versions! I expected that the versions should work together without any errors! Can you please check if the error is related to the older Pro version.

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    I tested it on a complete new em installation an the error can be reproduced if you use EM (Version 5.7.2) and EM Pro (Version ). Obviously you cannot use the EM Versions without paying yearly for the updates of the PRO Version! I did not continue to pay for the pro version, because it was said that you only would have to pay once for the functionality. But this does not seem to be correct! At least the two versions do not work together!
    Can your developers solve this?

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    Yes, I tested without any other plugins and with the default theme. And with that default theme I had no custom coding enabled – no mu-plugins and no child theme and therefore no individual functions.php – only Events Manager standard. Could this be related to the two different versions from EM basic and EM Pro? And what about the error in the debug.log relating to the em-shortcode.php?

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    The “meine Veranstaltungen” page is an EM-standard page and it does include the “+” for duplication! I added or changed nothing. I am talking about the “my events” Overview page that has the”+” next to the event name.

    I use an rss-feed. I copied the normal event-rss-feed of EM and changed the line 24 to :

    		$args = array_merge(array('scope'=>get_option('dbem_rss_scope'), 'owner'=>false, 'limit'=>$page_limit, 'page'=>1, 'order'=>'DESC', 'orderby'=>'event_date_created', $args));

    to get the events ordered by creation date descending. I integrated this in my mailchimp-newsletter.

    Maybe this could be also helpful for what you are looking for.

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    This used to work until this new release of EM. And as I wrote above I already tested with all plugins deactivated and it still occurs. I also tested it with twenty fourteen and it is the same error: The new URL is the old URL and therefore the details page of the new event shows the old event – as described in detail above and as you can see in the example-link I posted above.

    And when I duplicate the event I get the following notice in the debug.log : “PHP Notice: Undefined variable: style in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress_pferd/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/em-shortcode.php on line 53” – maybe this is related?

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    In the form that is defined in the settings of EM: the event submission form. There one sees the list of “my events” and I click the small “+” next to the event name. That duplication does not work. Btw I see a undefined variable in the debug.log of my test-site – I am not sure if this is related – but may be, because it says:
    PHP Notice: Undefined variable: set_post_name in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress_pferd/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/classes/em-event.php on line 1154

    And as I described above, the duplication in the WP-menue works correctly, only the duplication in the EM-event-submission form does not work. But my users only use the EM-form – therefore this is a big issue for me!

    Thread Starter pferdetermine


    You can see one live example on my live website:
    click on the second event in the google maps display: 10.08.19-17.8.19 Reiturlaub R?m?
    That event is dulicated from an older event. The permalink in the WP-page for the event is – but that one does not exist! The event has the event_slug – as the original-event and therefore shows the old, original event instead of the new one from 2016!

    Do you use w3tc? I had the same issue as you describe. When I deactivated w3tc and cleared the cache of my browser AND the website and plugin-data in the browser everything worked well again. Then I activated w3tc and the problems were gone. So may be the trick was to clear not only the browser cache but also the “cookies and other website and plugin data”. Hope this helps.

    The problem seems to be related to the caching. I purged all caches – the problem still exists. I deactivate W3TC – the slider works as expected. Now I want to activate W3TC again – but this does not work anymore!!! I cannot activate W3TC anymore. Has anyone else these issues?

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