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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapI am not yelling – I am just emphasing the things that are important and the “strong” does not display. And yes, I tested with 1.5.1, and yes, I tested every combination. That’s why I said it is the table and the ATT-Field.
Btw. The search by location from EM normally also needs he Google API. Is this also replaced by your plugin and OSM? In my local test-version it does not work anymore and complaints that the google API is missing.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by pferdetermine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapI did BUT It is NOT the hard enter – since the balloon works with </br> on a location without upcoming events! It is related to the table or an ATT-attribute that is included in the formatting of the shortcode #_LOCATIONNEXTEVENTS.
If there is only
#_{d.m.y}#@_{-d.m.y}, #_EVENTLINK</br>
the map is displayed.
As soon as I add{has_att_seminarleiter}, #_ATT{Seminarleiter} {/has_att_seminarleiter}
it does not display the map anymore.
If I delete the additional attribute and I add my normal table, the map is also not displayed (see my last comment). So it is definetly the ATT-Attribute AND the TABLE that causes your plugin to break and it is NOT the hard break.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapI found out one thing: I can see some maps – but only those without any upcoming events! So I guess the problem is indeed related to the content of the balloon. I use a table for displaying all upcoming events in the ballon text:
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: small; padding: 0 0 0 0;"><thead><th min-width="75px !important" max-height="40px"></th><th ></th></thead><tbody style="padding: 0; margin: 0"> <tr> <td min-width="75px">#_{d.m.y}#@_{-d.m.y} <td> #_EVENTLINK {has_att_seminarleiter}, #_ATT{Seminarleiter} {/has_att_seminarleiter} </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
So maybe the problem of not displaying any maps on my events and locations is related to the table or the {has_seminarleiter} ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapHi Patrick, I disabled all minifying etc. But that does not change a thing. The main problem on my test-website is that all links include the https:// before the localhost – which is wrong. I do not see any map at all! And this is not related to the minify or the balloon markup.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapJust updated to the latest version 1.5 on my localhost
Now I see no map at all! ??
Neither in the single events nor the locations nor he locations_map…The Google Chrome Console says: Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token in line …
const balloon = '<strong><a href=\"https://localhost/wordpress_pferd/veranstaltungsort/pferdepension-spitzbarth/\">Pferdepension Spitzbarth</a></strong> I guess it is related to one of the lines before: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://localhost/wordpress_pferd/wp-content/plugins/stonehenge-em-osm/inc/em-osm.min.css"> <script src="https://localhost/wordpress_pferd/wp-content/plugins/stonehenge-em-osm/inc/em-osm.min.js"></script>
It is probably the https:// before the localhost that does not work…
I will only be able to use or test your plugin on the live website when your plugin supports the full shortcode functionality of EM for example shortcodes like
[locations_map eventful=1 scope="future" near="#_LOCATIONLATITUDE,#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE" near_unit="km" near_distance="100"]
[locations_map eventful="1" scope="future" state="Schleswig-Holstein"]
AND when it shows Map, Marker and all Balloons correctly.
My website is probably one of the more complex and bigger EM-Installations with a very extensive use of the Google Map (that I already partially migrated to OSM, because otherwise I would have had tremendous costs already.If you need anything further from the google chrome console to analyze this, just let me know. I would love to migrate everything to OSM.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapPatrick, any idea, why I do not see any marker in the map? In the admin-area when editing a location, I can see a marker. But not when using the normal shortcodes in the events/locations….
I already use the API now (that one works) and have nothing in use on my local test-site but the pure Shortcode…. but no marker in the map…. ??Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapI read the description ?? In the single event there is no width=100% and in the settings I added instead of my formerly 520px :
100%; max-width:520px !important; min-width:350px
just as it was stated in your FAQ. But I do not see any marker on my localhost with that setting. and the singleevent now just uses #_LOCATIONMAP…
Any idea what might be missing?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapJust installed it on my localhost.
For single events there is no marker shown and the locations_maps only shows my local area and also no marker at all…. ([locations_map width=100% height=800 scope=”future” em_locations_get_default_search=1 eventful=1][/locations_map])
So where is the trick? What do I have to change where so that it works?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Events Manager - OpenStreetMaps] Locations_MapMy website is a live-website with more than 1000 events and several hundred users who can online create new locations and events. Therefore I cannot try it out without editing anything ??
And as far as I understand I need to have an API key for that (although it is free). So I will need some time and have to try it once over night…I assume that I could change back to my existing config even if I edited locations with your plugin in case it wouldn’t work?
Btw: can I test it on a localhost test-site? Google Maps does not work there. Would your plugin work on a localhost?
@wenkunst: So what did you add now to your functions.php that is in addition to the “styles” example? I had a similar problem and couldn’t solve it. Your working code would be very helpful for me.
Thanks in advance!
KathrinForum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Customizr] Preview and Update buttons send me to 404I had the same issue on several of my web-pages – not all of them! I saved the permalinks twice under the WP settings and that solved my problem! I guess this error is related to some of the latest updates. But after saving the permalinks twice everything works well again!
Maybe you have the same issue…. Hope this helps for you too.
Regards, KathrinUnder the Events Manager Settings in the Formatting part for the single events page
Thanks @leleuf62 for the idea and the code. I had to change it a little , because your version did not work for me. The names have changed sligthly. It works now on the single event page. But I still do not have a solution for all events in the map or the locations in the map. Anyone who solved that with Open Street Map?
What also does not work is to display the map marker-pop up-text with the list of events for that place….Here is my current code:
{has_location} [osm_map_v3 map_center="#_LOCATIONLATITUDE,#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE" zoom="13" width="520" height="400" marker_latlon="#_LOCATIONLATITUDE,#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE" map_border="thin solid white" marker_name="mic_green_horseriding_01.png" marker_text="<strong>#_LOCATIONLINK</strong><p>#_LOCATIONADDRESS</p> #_LOCATIONPOSTCODE #_LOCATIONTOWN (#_LOCATIONSTATE)</br>"] {/has_location}
AND what is important if you use a caching/optimizaton plugin like autopimize: add some of the js-files to the “exclude” part, because otherwise the maps are not displayed for not-logged-in users….
If anyone has an idea what has to be done to display the marker text properly (that does not work in the above code) – your ideas are welcome ??
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by pferdetermine.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by pferdetermine.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by pferdetermine.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by pferdetermine.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by pferdetermine.
It is not only a bug with the “near” attribute but a bug with all placeholders in the shortcode on the events setting page! i.e. [events_list search=’#_ATT{Seminarleiter}’ pagination=”1″] does not work anymore since EM
Interstingly enough it works fine in the settings part of the location.Hope this is of help to find the bug!!!
I think I have the same issue. See my bug-ticket here:
I identified that from EM onwards it is no longer possible to use a shortcode in the settings page! Up and until EM everything works fine.
Event the shortcode with standard-placeholders do not work correctly anymore, e.g. [events_list near=”#_LOCATIONLATITUDE,#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE” near_unit=”km” near_distance=”100″ limit=”10″ pagination=”1″] gives as a result ALL events and not only the nearby events.
So the error is probably related to the updates in EM!