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Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)
  • Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Ok, thanks. I’ll keep you posted.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    I’ve set a different url for an English language:

    here are the URLs:
    This stands for ARmenian:

    This one for english:

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Here is the screenshot:

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    only the logos.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Hi, sorry for late reply.

    I haven’t succeeded with this.

    Here is the content of my wpml-config.xml:

    <key name=’hb_highend_option’>
    <key name=’hb_logo_option’ />
    <key name=’hb_logo_option_retina’ />

    Then I’v seen added strings in the Languages admin panel:

    I changed the links to the images for each langauge, but the logo still showed up the main chosen on the Highend Options-> logo settings page.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Forgot to add the shortcode :
    [mctagmap columns=”2″ hide=”yes” num_show=”50″ more=”more ?” toggle=”? less” show_empty=”no” name_divider=”|” tag_count=”yes” descriptions=”yes” width=”250″ equal=”yes” manual=”” basic =”no” basic_heading=”no”]

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Here is the long result:

    [hb_apple_icon] =>×57.png
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    [hb_apple_icon_114] =>×114.png
    [hb_apple_icon_144] =>×144.png
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    With Powerful Page Builder
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    [] =>

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    If I did everything correctly, then I got this.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    I guess this is it

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    I don’t have wp_options in my database, but I have wp_mgdq_options, I guess that shoud be the same.

    Here is the screenshot.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    I am very new to this, so if you could tell me more in details, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    I am using a theme called Highend.

    Is there a special configuration for it? Or should I setup any other plugin? I just created a .xml extension file and copied a code above, but no other options there.

    Thread Starter petrosyan.hov


    Hi, thanks. Not actually. Can you please describe it more in details?

    Here are my steps:
    1. I opened up a polylang directory,
    2. Created a new file called ‘wpml-config.xml’, (should I create a new file or I should copy it from other place?
    3. copy and pasted the code and changed the theme name.

    <key name=’theme_mods_twentytwelve’>
    <key name=’header_image’ />

    4. Actually I can’t see “header” in the Appearance, but I’ve uploaded the logo in my themes options menu, but I can’t see any image settings in the string translations part.

Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 42 total)