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  • Thread Starter petroglyphic


    That for me just prints ‘[calc] my_start = my_var + 86400[/calc]’ to the page. ‘[set tday][today format=U][/set][pass vars][set nday][calc]{TDAY} + 86400[/calc][/set][/pass][get nday date_format=Y-m-d]’ generates the correct UNIX date, but I can’t get it back to ‘Y-m-d’ format. Y-m-d is the only format that TEC recognizes.
    Thanks, Susan

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Seems like a great idea, but I can’t get today+1 to calculate. If I use today+1 it calculates as today. If I use ‘today + 1’, ‘today + one’, or ‘today plus one’ the shortcode doesn’t work at all.
    I have been able to generate the correct Unix timestamp number by turning today to Unix and then adding 86400 (seconds in a day), but I can’t get the result back into the required Y-m-d date format:
    [set tday][today format=U][/set][pass vars][set nday][calc]{TDAY} + 86400[/calc][/set][/pass][get nday date_format=Y-m-d]
    gets the the correct timestamp but doesn’t convert the number back to date.
    Trying to do this on one step ([set vday][calc]’today format=U’ + 86400[/calc][/set][get vday format=date]) doesn’t work at all.
    Any suggestions much appreciated!

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Thanks for the info. Is there any way for us to track down what’s making indexing so slow even without the shortcodes? That would help us figure out what solutions might work. Also, is there a way to figure out which page(s) indexing hangs on? AddSearch looks good, but adding an enterprise-level service is not an option for us at this time.

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Thanks for your help.

    – [loop type=academics taxonomy=division term={TERM} taxonomy_2=degree term_2=ug compare_2=and list=true] [if first] CONDITIONAL HEADER [/if][field title-link][/loop]
    displays the conditional headers where they should be, but it makes the first item in the list

      item 1
    • so the formatting is off.

      – this never displayed the header more than once, but it skipped some! I’m not sure why, because without count=1 it always displays the header once for each item in the loop:
      [loop type=academics taxonomy=division term={TERM} count=1][if taxonomy=degree term=ug]<h6>Undergraduate Majors</h6>[/if][/loop]

      – What finally worked is:
      [loop type=academics taxonomy=division term={TERM} taxonomy_2=degree term_2=ug compare_2=and count=1]CONDITIONAL HEADER[/loop]

      It seems that there might be a bug with ‘exists’. Maybe it is not resetting properly?

    If “first-given-name” and “surname” are separate fields, try [loop type=post category=art orderby=field key=surname order=ASC]. If not, can you add a custom field to each entry for the surname and use that to orderby? The Advanced Custom Fields plugin makes it easy to add custom fields.

    I have some date conditionals working. My experience was
    1. The only text references that worked for me were yesterday/today/tomorrow.
    2. I specified the date format to compare to a specific date, so date_format=yymmdd value=20170808 (no dashes), and I might have needed to use that specific format for it to work. You can still use a different format to display the date.

    Date comparisons have to convert every date to a number, probably the Javascript date object which is the number of milliseconds since 1 January 1970 UTC. That’s why something like “3 months ago” is actually really complicated.

    I love this plugin and have used it for a lot of custom loops, I would love if somebody would pick it up. I’d pay for sure.

    In the WordPress admin see: Settings > Custom Content > Main Features > Taxonomy

    I needed EXACTLY the same thing! THANK YOU.

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Thanks for the response.

    I know which files are there. What I am trying to figure out is: is there a way to enqueue so that the .min.css version of the stylesheet is called if it exists in the specified location but automatically fall back to the plain .css version if there is no minified version there.

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Thank you for the response.

    You’re right: the problem was elsewhere, and kinda stupid on my part, but I didn’t figure it out until I got your reply.


    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    I found another page where it worked properly and found the culprit: it has to be

    <div id="students">
    [loop type=students taxonomy=category term=science-department-news orderby=rand count=2]

    with a paragraph break space between the first div and the loop. If I go to the visual editor (I mostly work in text view) that puts the space in, and then WP puts in the <p>s. With the space the generated code is

    <strong>Major: </strong>
    “Name of Major”
    <em>Class of 201X
    Content text…etc.

    Without the space it’s

    <strong>Major: </strong>
    “Name of Major
    <em>Class of 201X
    Content text…etc


    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    The shortcodes are right in the post content.
    I’m flummoxed. The formatting is working properly on our dev site, which is about a month behind for actual content but updated for plugins and wp_content. I’ve made sure that all the plugins activated on the real site are active on the dev site, even multi-site. I turned on WP_DEBUG, reloaded the page twice, checked the debug log, found notices and warnings but no errors.
    As an added glitch, TinyMCE disappeared from all the edit screens, updating to 2.8.6 brought it back. We’re up to 2.8.7 now.
    I think there’s something in our site files, maybe in the theme, which doesn’t play well, but I have no clue how to find it, especially when I can’t make it happen on the dev site. I’ll have to hardcode the formatting.
    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    That’s it, thank you!
    It might be helpful if you added an example to the documentation – I saw the description, but wasn’t sure how/where to put the “relation=” and also got confused by the commas, since the shortcodes don’t use commas.
    Great plugin.

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Due to customization on our end, sorry for the post.

    Thread Starter petroglyphic


    Thanks for the quick response.

    The issue seems to be [field url]: your code above which should return a list of urls returns a list of empty list items.

    [loop id=”35291″ status=”any”]
    <li>[field title-link]</li>
    returns a list of the correct files, but they link to the post they’re attached to (“35291”) instead of the attachment file itself.

    Wrapping [raw] around [attached] gets rid of the paragraph tags, and the “” from href= no longer migrate to wrap target=”_blank” but doesn’t get the link:
    <ul><li><a href target="_blank">TITLE</a></li></ul>

    Thanks, Susan

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