Forum Replies Created
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can I edit the “spam/splogging” message?Just for benefit of other MU users .. here’s the code I used for the admin message .. naturally you can customize it to your own use
<?php /** * The main template file. * * This is the most generic template file in a WordPress theme * and one of the two required files for a theme (the other being style.css). * It is used to display a page when nothing more specific matches a query. * E.g., it puts together the home page when no home.php file exists. * Learn more: * * @package WordPress * @subpackage Twenty_Ten * @since Twenty Ten 1.0 */ get_header(); ?> <div id="container"> <div id="content" role="main"> <strong>This PetLvr Blog Is No Longer Active ..</strong><br /><br /> This blog has either been deactivated, deleted, or archived by the administrator. If you feel this was done in error, please contact admin via the Contact Form on the front page. <br /><br /> Thank-You<br /> </div><!-- #content --> </div><!-- #container --> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
(i just modified one of the 2010 theme index.php file.)
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Can I edit the “spam/splogging” message?Thanks Andrea! I’ve added both of the mentioned files blog-suspended.php and blog-deleted.php in my wp-content folder and it worked great ??
Here’s how it looks when user deletes a blog:’s how it looks when admin deletes a blog:’ll probably come back to this and add an image or list of other links a reader/user can browse to over time, but this is good enough for me ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Clean Archives Reloaded] clean archives reloaded messing up the pageHi Viper.
I’ve been using this plugin on my blogs for 2.8.6 but when I upgraded to 2.9 it halts at the beginning of the page. I see your blog has archives – is it still on 2.8.6? I’m using thesis – maybe it’s me?
(for now – I’ve left it with the error –
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Yikes! People are commenting under the ADMIN accountK.. thanks for trying .. I don’t know what happened before.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Yikes! People are commenting under the ADMIN accountuugh .. I logged out – can you go back again and try? I’ll log back into the blog
(you were commenting on this entry) Requests and Feedback
In reply to: WordPress failure: i′ve had enoughIf you are getting the white screen .. that’s easy to fix.
1) Go to the front page of your blog
2) hover your mouse over your header link to your homepage
3) look in the bottom right of the task bar and note the URL
4) go into your settings/general and look at WordPress address (URL)
5) if different – change it.As an example – I was getting a white screen. My homepage was showing: had in my settings: I changed my settings to:… no more white screen of death.
It’s frustrating the lack of support lately in here. I’m closing this ticket.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My PLUGINS.PHP page is blank in my WordPress!To mark this as resolved.
I have been activating a couple of new plugins, directly from my URL address line, since I’ve been unable to see the plugins page.
However, when I finally upgraded this blog using the “InstantUpgrade” Plugin to wordpress 2.2 – afterwards the plugin page came back and is now visible.
Maybe it was version 2.2 that fixed it? I have no clue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Something major is wrong with my blog and now I’m scaredAgain I am disappointed from no response from support. Although, and another “ticket” here, it could have been related to the TimeCapsule plugin – so, if you are reading this because you were getting the same problems as I had been … deactivate the plugin – it might be working in cahoots with another plugin (check my profile and other posts about this)
I mark this resolved. even though I am not really sure it was resolved. — more like “taken care of” – than fixed.,
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Why are my 2007 comments associated with 2006 posts?I think that was it. Or, it was a combination of this and something else.
Unfortunately, nobody helped me so I’ll never really know what happened. Yes I did remove the plugin, but the same plugin works fine on another blog and I have experienced no problems whatsoever with the commenting on the other blog.
I came back to just mark this support question resolved, even though there was no help or interest from support.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Why are my 2007 comments associated with 2006 posts?Well .. I just noted that 1-year date .. coincides with the settings of my TIMECAPSULE plugin … as I can’t see anything in my plugins page in my blog to deactivate, I just deleted the plugin from the wp-content/plugins/ folder directly.
I tried one comment and this seemed to post on the correct and originating post. I will try another but so far 1 out of 1 is 100% in my books ?? I’ll report back on this issue only if it doesn’t seem to be the problem.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My PLUGINS.PHP page is blank in my WordPress!I’m also presuming that the answer is no. I have many domain aliases and I can see the plugin page on the other blogs with no problem. For instance .. my is just a folder on the same server ..
Meanwhile, I have taken the time to manually delete each plugin separately, and then refresh my Plugins Page, to see if anything would result.
And guess what? .. apparently – it turns out that this was ///
EDIT: ABOVE DELETED: I don’t think this was it. Am still in the dark. So far every combination that I tried resulted in same blank screen
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: autosave crashes posting in 2.1Hi NetReaper.. You noticed that I have similar issue with autosave HERE in wordpress support …
I’ve noticed this problem in 3 separate instances and all of them were upgraded blogs from version 2.0.4 (which is probably not a coincidence)
But, my posts are posting. I get the white screen after and go into another tabbed window to refresh to be sure it exists. Then, I just remove the ../wp-admin/post.php to just ../wp-admin/ and refresh and continue to write new posts. I’ve noticed that in some cases, I actually do get back to the WRITE screen, if there is not any time to do any autosave (or get that ERROR: next to the save and continue button) proving this is definately an issue caused by autosave after autosave does not work.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to create new categoriesWell .. scratch the above as a permanent fix. It worked on the two blogs only – one was 2.0.2 and the other was 2.0.4 that were both upgraded to 2.1 so, I have no idea why even that worked once, yet alone twice.
Still Stumped and hope there is a known fix.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Unable to create new categoriesI just tried the suggestion on another thread: created another user called admin2 and made full administrator rights, then logged off of admin. I then signed on and reduced my admin rank down to Editor and updated. Then I just changed it back to Administrator, and then logged off. I signed back on with the original admin and tried to add a new category in the middle of a post – and it worked.
This worked on 2 of my 6 blogs that were not working. I hope it’s the right fix.