Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: AnnouncementsDear all,
I controlled the earlier answers and did not changed it. BUT: I still don’t get any notifications on my webmaster-email adress, what is mentioned in the general settings for administrative purposes.
I even can’t change this emaildres, because I don’t get any messages!
My general settings in: Algemene instellingen
Administratie e-mailadres is: [email protected].
My website
Please repair!!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: AnnouncementsAllereerst wens ik alle medewerkers een gelukkig 2023.
Lisa, bedankt boor je bericht.
De email setting is nu in de algemene instellingen:
Administratie e-mailadres: [email protected]
Dit adres wordt gebruikt voor administratieve doeleinden. Als je het wijzigt, sturen we je een e-mail op je nieuwe adres om het te bevestigen. Het nieuwe adres wordt pas actief nadat het is bevestigd.
Deze email heb ik gehad.
Dit bericht bevestigt dat het e-mailadres van de beheerder op is gewijzigd.
Het nieuwe e-mailadres van de beheerder is [email protected].
Echter ik krijg hier geen notificaties op!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disapperead1. Again after updating the Updraft Plus Feeversion ( Plugin “UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore” moet worden ge-upgrade (1.22.16 -> 1.22.18) and the Google analystiscs plugin (* Plugin “Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights” moet worden ge-upgrade (8.7.0 -> 8.8.2).together, the navigatian bar was disappeared. And again I had to repair the menubar. See my earlier complaint.
2. An other problem was, when I wanted tot restore from the last backup-file the installed plugins, there was an error that is wasn’t possible to restore the plugins!
And the advise was to remove the old files! Result: I had to re-insatll all the plugins!!!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disappereadVanmorgen drie beschikbare up-dates geinstalleerd. Na de installatie was de navigatiebar wéér verdwenen! en was het weer zoals onderstaande foutmelding! Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disappereadI am only using the icons Facebook and Youtube in the header-icons; no other plugins as all the plugins.
All the plugins are auto-updates disabled.
Because it happens at least for times, it is frustrating without knowing how this is happend.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disappereadThis were the views:
This is the view after the up-date
This how it should be; Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disappereadCodor Santosh,
I don’t know how to add screenshots to my website!Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Event Star] Menu disappereadThat isn’t possible because the menu has been repaired. The screenshots are copied ina word document.