Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: CyStats User PermissionsSo the solution to change cystats userlevel from only admin user level to include wordpress editor user level, or allow editor user level to see the stats in Cystats is this:
(well, this worked for me, at least… I don’t know what role management plugins you have activated that could interfere)
Download the cystats plugin files
unzip on your desktop
go to the folder called includes
edit a file called admin.php using any editor
Below the line that reads*Builds admin panem menu for plugin
Change ALL the ‘8’ values to ‘6’
up to the point where the code line
“//Get neccesary class file”save the changes.
upload everything including the new admin.php file to the correct folder in your plugins/cystats installationYou will magically see the wordpress “editor” userlevel (user level) gain access to cystats.
Give it a try!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: CyStats User PermissionsAdmins care if the code works.
Editors care if the content works, and want to know the statistics daily.Cystats seems to be locked in at Admin! This plugin is wasted because Admins generally have access to their own stats on the server itself.
Admins would never give editors access to code, and thus no server stats
So editors, who have no access to stats, hassle admins all the time to give them a stats report, which is incredibly annoying.
A stat engine should have editor level reporting if it wants to be useful at all to any blog that involves more than one person.
I hope Cystats, and all the other stat developers, see the logic in this.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Nothing HappeningHey guys. I used that very code and it worked.
this is the example:
Activate adserv in the plugins section
2) Go to Presentation
3) Theme editor
4) Go to a sidebar… in my case ‘right_sidebar.php’
5) Pick your spot … in my case, under the calendar
6) put in that code like this… <?php AdServe(“top”); ?>Here is the code from my sidebar. I put the code with the header “Sponsored by” between my calendar and my recent post headers. I’m using Hitch-10, 3 column as my wordPress template. See link above.
Look at the code below; between the first and the <h2>Recent entries</h2> line.
<?php get_calendar(); ?>
<h2>Sponsored By:</h2>
<?php AdServe(“main”); ?>
<h2>Recent entries</h2>