Forum Replies Created
@nintechnet Regarding my error: I have informed our client that the error does not affect the login protection. They are currently fine with it.
I am on vacation the following two weeks, so any responses will be answered after that.
Thanks so far for the support!
Okay thanks, I have run the script as admin. Here are the results (real paths removed):
NinjaFirewall (WP edition) troubleshooter HTTP server : Apache PHP version : 7.2.34 PHP SAPI : FPM-FCGI auto_prepend_file : none wp-config.php : found in /.../wp-config.php
Okay thanks for the suggestion! I downgraded the PlugIn and it seems you are right.
Our client probably just didn’t inform us about the error message prior to the update a couple of days ago.Still why would the plugin not be able to connect to the database if the site runs perfectly fine?
Is there something the diagnostic scripts also need to check?Our client is informed the error is not a problem for the login protection and would be fine with the error just being there. It is still weird to me that WordPress runs fine but NinjaFirewall claims it cannot access the database somehow.
Thanks for the quick reply!
The new script outputs the same as the old script.
Could the error message be incorrect then?Version: 2.01 Found .../wp-config.php. Opening it for reading. Looking for DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST and $table_prefix: DB_NAME: found '...' DB_USER: found '...' DB_PASSWORD: found ... DB_HOST: found '...' table_prefix: found '...' Attempting to connect to the DB: OK Attempting to read NinjaFirewall's options (nfw_options) from the DB: OK Calling fetch_object: OK Checking options integrity: OK Attempting to read NinjaFirewall's rules (nfw_rules) from the DB: OK Calling fetch_object: OK Checking rules integrity: OK Exiting.
First of all, thanks for the plugin!I am experiencing similar issues with a client’s website.
After the recent Ninja Firewall updates it shows the error message:
> NinjaFirewall fatal error: Cannot connect to WordPress database. Review your installation, your site is not protected.I have activated debug logs as well but apart from the unrelated warning or notice I don’t see any messages there. The website itself has no issues.
PHP version is 7.2.34.Output of your debug script seems to be able to connect:
Version: 2.01 Found ... wp-config.php. Opening it for reading. Looking for DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_HOST and $table_prefix: DB_NAME: found '...' DB_USER: found '...' DB_PASSWORD: found ... DB_HOST: found '...' table_prefix: found '...' Attempting to connect to the DB: OK Attempting to read NinjaFirewall's options (nfw_options) from the DB: OK Calling fetch_object: OK Checking options integrity: OK Attempting to read NinjaFirewall's rules (nfw_rules) from the DB: OK Calling fetch_object: OK Checking rules integrity: OK Exiting.
The NinjaFirewall changelog shows that code regarding database connections was changed. Have not looked into the sources yet, but could it be you now assume MySQL over SSL socket by default and one has to configure the defaults differently now?
Understandable if the versions are tested by itself, not upgrading from a lower version.It seems the debugging script is connecting to the database differently in either case.
Can I provide anything else to help find the issue?Thanks in advance.