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  • Thread Starter petedutcher


    On the menu issues, the menu links are being displayed a line lower, at least half of them are.

    Upgrading is one thing. Actually working on the upgraded website is another. I already “lost” one website due to the upgrade. And before you say that I have to look at my plugins, I just installed a fresh WordPress with 2 plugins, one being Akismet and the other upload+.

    I went to options to change my time and my site crashed. This kind of thing has never in my history with WordPress happpened before and I have been using it since version 1.5. This is seriously the worse upgrade ever.

    You have a very good point. I too thought the upgrade had gone fine…until I started adjusting the layout (widgets for example) of the website.

    WP is not displaying correctly in FireFox. I heard this second hand, installed FireFox, and experienced the same issues. Menues drop down and colors are changed in FireFox. My video box doesn’t even display. And this is the case on 5 different WP websites.

    It seems to me, people should not have to “dig” for solutions when upgrading. It should go smoothly.

    Keep in mind, many, many Web Develops set up websites and those clients that have WP are freaking right about now. This upgrade is adding unneeded stress.

    And btw…when upgrading, the backup should automatically be done and an option to restore should be added.

    I take back everything I said! I AM NOW HAVING PROPLEMS.

    I removed the links widget from my sidebar because it would not let me remove the “Show Decription” option…thinking readding it would allow me to modify it.


    Now it would let me add the widget back.

    I realize this issue will be fixed…but just what am I supposed to tell my clients????! Thanks to this update, I may well end up losing money.

    I saw the link to the FAQ and found this:
    Try these things to resolve problems with Widgets such as not able to drag and drop
    1. A number of plugins have been reported to present problems so deactivate all plugins and reactivate one-by-one to find culprit

    2. In Appearance->Widgets under Screen options, try the Enable Accessibility Mode

    3. Delete or refresh the browser cache

    #2 did the trick…thank God.

    WP has a pretty good track record, so as long as it isn’t costing me money, I’ll be more patient now.

    I would suggest a fast update enabling #2 (by default) right away.

    So far, I’m not having any problems. That said, I HATE the plugins page now. It’s too disorganized.

    I like it better when inactives were seperated from actives, and it makes absolutely no sense to have changed it.

    Also, in Admin mode you can no longer right click “Visit Site” on the top right to open in a new tab…something I constant do when opening clients sites.

    I’m in love with the new “Add Themes” feature, something I was hoping would be added.

    Suggestion for next update: Add “Choose Colors” for admin section; Group plugins by active status again.

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Okay, I came up with an alternative.

    I set the successful submission message to display the password after they submit the form. Now if only I can figure out how to format that text…

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Good point.

    I should mention this was on a GoDaddy, Linux Shared Hosting account.

    Yes Thanks. I just learned something new too ??

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Forgot to add, whenever I tried modifying the .htaccess file as suggested on several websites, the site went down and I had to change it back. Turns out you don’t have to do so.

    And if you do not have a php.ini or php5.ini file in your root, you can create on with notepad.

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Found it. For others reference:

    This is great…and I can use it to add instructions that are visible right there on the page as the creat their posts.

    Personally, I work on the theme design in a sub-directory…and when I get it done I use FTP to download the theme itself to my computer, install WP to the root and upload the theme, plus and needed plugings.

    After I get everything set up and working fine, I uninstall WP from the sub directory, freeing up the database it used.

    I do this with all of my clients too…

    …the other option is a redirect, but your WP is buried pretty deep in your site.

    Thread Starter petedutcher



    I also tried an experiment…and people might find this useful.

    It seems if you view the homepage of a theme that has an encrypted footer, you can right-click and view source…

    …the footer is decoded there. All you have to do is find the php that is the footer, copy it, and past it into the footer file replacing everything.

    Quick and simple as it turns out.

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Actually, and explanation of how to decode would be nice too. I’ve seen decoders, but never seems to get them to work for me. I suspect I only paste in certain parts of hte above code, but not sure what parts.

    BTW, traditionally I don’t use themes with encoded footers, but I spent two days and many hours working on it, and neglected to check the footer before I started.




    Can you provide a link to the decoder, and step by step instructions fit for a kid…because that’s my level of intelligence when it comes to this.

    For example, here’s my code (which is already decoded above, but using it for an example):

    <?php /* WARNING: This file is protected by copyright law. To reverse engineer or decode this file is strictly prohibited. */



    What I don’t understand is what parts of the page code gets pasted where?

    Also, I bolded the word “eval” in the string. Do we simply replace that word with the word “echo”?

    Please help me understand this, as I have a failry large learning curve, and am just a beginner at this.

    If I can learn how to do this, I won’t have to bug people anymore and might be able to actually help.

    A guide is what I need ??

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Cause I fixed it ??

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Okay…I figured it out. Turns out the graphic is assigned to Header 2, so whenever I use that text format, it puts in the pic.

    Gotta figure out a fix for that so the client doesn’t do the same.

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