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  • Thread Starter petedutcher


    Unless it’s because I didn’t name my blog. It has a custom logo instead. The meta tags are manually set up.

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    It is no longer there. That’s what I’m talking about

    Man, you guys are harsh. Thankfully, I haven’t (yet) experienced this issue with the new build, but then I have not written a long post yet.

    I DID have the same issue on a PHPBB system recently, and the Admin fixed the problem there.

    However, I have since reformatted my machine…so most issues I had with IE8 have disappeared with the new install of it.

    It might be intended, but it’s a really bad move. Unfortunately, there are people that us WordPress that are not experienced enough to “add code” or “CSS”. I have clients I design templates for.

    Do you really expect me to tell them to add code? It doesn’t work that way in the commercial market.

    Thread Starter petedutcher



    In your FTP program, right-click the WP-Content directory. Click on Attributes.

    Most likely, the permissions are set to 755, as mine were.

    Change them to 705, and make sure the changes are applied to all sub-directories (BUT NOT TO THE FILES).

    My plugins and theme auto installs work fine now.

    Not sure if this will also fix the auto upgrade of WordPress, as I already upgraded it manually. Guess I’ll find out on the next upgrade.


    In your FTP program, right-click the WP-Content directory. Click on Attributes.

    Most likely, the permissions are set to 755, as mine were.

    Change them to 705, and make sure the changes are applied to all sub-directories (BUT NOT TO THE FILES).

    My plugins and theme auto installs work fine now.

    Not sure if this will also fix the auto upgrade of WordPress, as I already upgraded it manually. Guess I’ll find out on the next upgrade.

    So I’m looking at my FTP structure…and I see the plugins in ZIP form in the wp-content directiory. Apparently it downloaded them but is not unpacking them.

    Same problem. Anyone know if it’s a folders permission?

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    I am experiencing the same problem with the plugins loader…is there a folders permissions I need to look at?

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Also, I opened the header.php file and this is the code to display the title:

    <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php if ( is_single() ) { ?> &raquo; Blog Archive <?php } ?> <?php wp_title(); ?>

    Also in header:

    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="top">
    <div class="blogname">
    	<h1><a href="<?php bloginfo('siteurl');?>/" title="<?php bloginfo('name');?>"><?php bloginfo('name');?></a></h1>
    	<h2><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></h2>

    Thread Starter petedutcher


    Edit files with an outside text editor. DO NOT use the built in 2.8 editor, as it will totally mess up your php or css.

    I had to go in with a text editor and compare the css with the original template one to and edit line by line in order to fix it. Just uploading the original css would not have worked because I would have lost all color changes I had made.

    I cannot believe how much time I am wasting thanks to this junk. I get paid $50 per hour for the work I do, and I’ve put 5 hours into this so far…and am not gettig paid for it.

    That means $250 worth of working time wasted. Again…thanks.

    Nago, 2.8 has been downloaded over 600,000 times. How many reported problems…? If it was something in the code, there should have been 600,000 complaints, not just a handfull.
    2.8 Works well for me on the 4 upgrades that I did. The automatic upgrade does not, but that’s a different subject.

    Your justification doesn’t work either. It’s entirely possible that most of those upgrades are people that do not edit files themselves…such as changing a Hex color in a style sheet.

    Try that and then come back here and say there’s no problems.

    What it should say is:

    “You might want to upgrade, but we cannot test every single internet connection, and we can’t test every single server configuration, so please consider that before upgrading.”

    That’s crap and you know it. It has nothing to do with internet connections or server configuration…this is a totally blown build.

    For those of you who think you’ve had no problems, try editing a stylesheet.

    Goodbye website.

    Would using quick post work, then edit your post?

    To be fair, how much work within the new 2.8 have you done since upgrading? Because my upgrade worked fine.

    I didn’t have issues until I started making changes to my website and realized things are bugged.

    I know:
    1) It’s not my cache (emptied it)
    2) It’s not Java (it’s updated)
    3) It’s not my plugins
    4) It’s the 2.8 bugs

    Just to add a positive note…the WP crew has had a very good track record and I’m sure they’ll get things straightened out. I’m not going to stop using the software over these issues (yet), but I’ll be pretty ticked if my clients start complaining.

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