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  • Thread Starter persist9


    Hello Jarret
    Can I just use the above two CSS statements – and delete the earlier CSS formating statements: one for my links in dot points, and the second for my links in headings level 4.
    Thanks for assisting me yet again.

    Thread Starter persist9


    Hi Jarret
    That works. My evidence page, and other pages, are now showing the benefit of your CSS knowledge. Looks like I should learn a bit of this miracle code. Thanks heaps.

    Thread Starter persist9


    seven minutes to get my answer – stunning

    Thread Starter persist9


    I found a cumbersome way to search for a target in these “wp help” documentation posts, e.g. search for “image”

    . Open WordPress dashboard
    . Click on “Publishing help” – near the top left of the screen.
    . click “Manage”
    . enter search target – near top right of screen
    . this will show each documentation post that contains the target
    . click on “edit” the post you want
    . click on “view” to see the post
    . click on “manage” to search again if you want to see another of the posts

    Is there a simpler way to do it?

    This will enable me to load separate posts for a wide range of website operations and people can then search to find what they want.

    It would be wonderful if the plugin:
    . had a ‘search button” or tab next to the “manage tab” allowing target input.
    . then showed a list of posts containing that target.
    . then opened the post for viewing with a click on the post.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by persist9.
    Thread Starter persist9



    Thread Starter persist9


    Hello Ben

    Now that is generous.

    As I do not now know “exactly what I want” now, could you post the CSS code for changing one heading as an example. Pick something that is not a hassle for you, maybe the code for changing heading 3 to Arial, font size 14, bold?
    Then I could work out the rest later.


    Thread Starter persist9


    I am using WordPress theme twenty-fourteen. I’m using only h3, h5 and h6 because they looked good to me, but the Gutenberg editor indicates that not using h1 and h2 before h3, h5 and h6 is bad practice.

    I am also considering using theme twenty-nineteen – but the h1 and h2 headings look too big to me.

    And another issue for me with 2019 is that the separator is no longer a faint line across the whole page, but is a short, dark line on the left of the page.

    See headings and separators in

    We had that sort of problem – something to do with file permissions that I do not understand. We are self-hosted and another person fixed it.

    Thread Starter persist9


    What to do with WordPress calendar events once the event has occurred

    Here is my current answer to my own question. I will:

    . Delete all calendar events, after the event
    . Create an ordinary post to describe some of these past events, for example we briefly describe our radio-shows, including a podcast of the show.
    . Make this ordinary post URL different to the calendar event URL.
    . Note, if I could make these two URLs the same, this would be the best solution to my problem, but I cannot see how to do this.
    . Allow links to the deleted calendar event URLs to generate 404 errors
    . Use plugin “404 to 301” to redirect 404 errors caused by these deleted URLs. This redirects 404 errors to our own customised 404 error page.
    . Note, the 404 to 301 documentation suggests that search engines will not see these as broken links and downgrade our site. I hope this is true.
    . On my customised 404 error page, include a message like, “If you are looking for details of one of our future events, please view our calendar”
    . We have social media sharing buttons at the foot of each individual calendar event description, so people can share these future calendar event URLs. After we delete these URLs, these links will become broken links and will lead people to our customised 404 error page. As the social media focus is on recent postings and happenings, this should not happen much.
    . In our newsletter we can advertise future events, linking to our “future events page”, not to the individual calendar event. This will avoid broken links in the newsletter.
    . Include, at the foot of each calendar event, a message like, “We delete calendar events after the event. Please link to our “future events page”, rather than to individual calendar event URLs.”

    I’m puzzled as everyone who uses this plugin must decide what to do with old calendar events – and I have not found other discussion of this on the web.

    I’d be pleased to hear if you have any feedback on this

    Thread Starter persist9


    Jacob, I tried your above css code and it seems to work. thanks a million.

    Thread Starter persist9


    I deleted the content of this log file.
    I did not delete it.
    BLC has retained its memory and still seems to be working
    Perhaps I will have to do this every 6 months.

    Below is the last ten lines from the big file.
    the same link get repeated many times in this log
    There may be some a debug mode active. A guess.
    Our file system was 91% full as we had 8 copies of the site backup each containing a copy of this enormous file
    The log included dates from when we installed BLC to current

    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] INFO: blcCurlHttp Checking link ‘’
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] DEBUG: blcCurlHttp Clean URL: ‘’
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] DEBUG: HTTP request took 0.257 seconds
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] INFO: HTTP response: 500, duration: 0.26 seconds, status text: “N/A”
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] DEBUG: blcLink:save Updating a link. SQL query:
    ‘UPDATE wp_blc_links SET url = \’\’, first_failure = \’2017-04-19 06:55:43\’, last_check = \’2017-04-19 07:26:06\’, last_success = \’2017-04-16 06:47:41\’, last_check_attempt = \’2017-04-19 07:26:06\’, check_count = 2, final_url = \’\’, redirect_count = 0, log = \’=== HTTP code : 500 ===\\n\\nResponse headers\\n================\\nHTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\\r\\nDate: Wed, 19 Apr 2017 07:26:07 GMT\\r\\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\\r\\nTransfer-Encoding: chunked\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\nSet-Cookie: __cfduid=da11c03f0a01a49d0c68c11740055f36a1492586767; expires=Thu, 19-Apr-18 07:26:07 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly\\r\\nX-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.29\\r\\nExpires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT\\r\\nCache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\\r\\nPragma: no-cache\\r\\nServer: cloudflare-nginx\\r\\nCF-RAY: 351e223f92374d34-PER\\r\\n\\r\\nRequest headers\\n================\\nGET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nAccept: */*\\r\\nReferer:\\r\\nConnection: close\\r\\nRange: bytes=0-2048\\r\\n\\r\\nResponse HTML\\n================\\n<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html xmlns=""&gt;\\n<head>\\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>\\n<title>Database Error</title>\\n</head>\\n<body>\\n<h1>Error establishing a database connection</h1>\\n</body>\\n</html>\\n\\nLink is broken.\’, http_code = 500, request_duration = 0.256568, timeout = 0, result_hash = \’500|broken|0|\’, broken = 1, warning = 0, false_positive = 0, may_recheck = 1, being_checked = 0, status_text = \’\’, status_code = \’\’, dismissed = 0 WHERE link_id=1763′
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] DEBUG: blcLink:save Link updated.
    [2017-04-19 07:26:07 +00:00] INFO: work(): All done.
    [2017-04-19 07:30:16 +00:00] INFO: … 0 links deleted in 0.023 seconds
    [2017-04-19 07:30:16 +00:00] INFO: … 0 links deleted in 0.021 seconds

    Thread Starter persist9


    Thanks Jacob, Your CSS code should give a wider output, good.

    The other iframes difficulty is that iframes is not recognising the URL I entered.
    The URL is an address of a post on my web site.
    The page it shows is my home page, not the post that I entered

    Is there any way around this.

    It seems that [embed] is simply not responsive.
    It is a shame that it is not built a little narrower.

    Thread Starter persist9


    Currently my home page shows:
    ** My menu at the top, then
    ** Information about one of my posts (post information) with its “featured picture” of a flood and its title “Where are our blah blah …”. I’m using the slider option so you can click to see info on another of my posts, then
    ** My static home page begins, with the word “HOME” blah blah

    It is the post information that I would like to remove.

    Thread Starter persist9


    Is there a way of stopping this information about my posts appearing at the top of my static home page?

    I was having difficulty with meaning of words used to describe 2014 theme. I found out that:

    ** Posts can be assigned “tabs” or “categories”
    ** When you assign a post the tag “featured”, then it appears in this post area at the top of the home page. (You have to set a tab named “featured” first)
    ** When you chose a “grid” layout for the post information, 4 posts, each with their own “featured picture”, appear as post information
    ** When you chose a “slider” layout for the post information, one of your “featured” posts with its “featured picture” appears, and the reader can move between your featured posts

    Thanks for your help

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