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  • Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    this works as expected so once again thank you.

    Thread Starter pekos


    Ok Thank you

    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    regarding placing the code in an extension (plugin) or in functions.php, we are on the same track. For testing purposes i am using the functions.php method, but the final product will be an extension as you prefer.

    Now regarding the code, this is what I ended up doing, however I am 100% sure that the code can be improved. For example the $pool variable should be global and available to template_start, template_row.

    Also i am not sure if the $match_info is already available or what I am doing is correct i.e. define the same logic [SQL query] as yours to get the $match_info details.

    Nevertheless, see my working code below, and feel free, should you have enough time, to make edits.

    ?* Plugin Name: Football Pool Match Predictions
    ?* Description: Overwrites for the Match Predictions view templates.
    ?* Version: 1.0
    ?* Author: Antoine Hurkmans
    ?* Author URI: mailto:[email protected]
    ?* License: MIT
    ?* 1. Save this file in the /wp-content/plugins folder.
    ?* 2. Activate the plugin via the Plugins screen in the WP admin.

    add_filter( 'plugins_loaded', ['FootballPoolMatchPredictionsViewTemplate', 'init_extension'] );

    class FootballPoolMatchPredictionsViewTemplate {
    ? ? public static function init_extension() {
    ? ? ? ? // Display a message if the Football Pool plugin is not activated.
    ? ? ? ? if ( ! class_exists( 'Football_Pool' ) ) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? add_action( 'admin_notices', [__CLASS__, 'no_fp_plugin_error'] );
    ? ? ? ? ? ? return;
    ? ? ? ? }
    ? ? ? ? // The three filters for the individual templates
    ? ? ? ? add_filter( 'footballpool_matchpredictions_template_start', [__CLASS__, 'template_start'], 10, 2 );
    ? ? ? ? add_filter( 'footballpool_matchpredictions_template_end', [__CLASS__, 'template_end'], 10, 2 );
    ? ? ? ? add_filter( 'footballpool_matchpredictions_row_template', [__CLASS__, 'template_row'], 10, 2 );
    ? ? }

    ? ? public static function template_start( $template_start, $match_info ) {
    ? ? ? ? global $wpdb, $pool;
    ? ? ? ? $prefix = FOOTBALLPOOL_DB_PREFIX;
    ? ? ? ? $sql = "SELECT
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? m.home_team_id, m.away_team_id,
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? p.home_score, p.away_score, p.has_joker, u.ID AS user_id, u.display_name AS user_name ";
    ? ? ? ? if ( $pool->has_leagues ) $sql .= ", AS league_id ";
    ? ? ? ? $sql .= "FROM {$prefix}matches m
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LEFT OUTER JOIN {$prefix}predictions p
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ON ( p.match_id = AND = %d )
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? RIGHT OUTER JOIN {$wpdb->users} u
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ON ( u.ID = p.user_id ) ";
    ? ? ? ? if ( $pool->has_leagues ) {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $sql .= "INNER JOIN {$prefix}league_users lu ON ( u.ID = lu.user_id )
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? INNER JOIN {$prefix}leagues l ON ( = lu.league_id ) ";
    ? ? ? ? } else {
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $sql .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN {$prefix}league_users lu ON ( lu.user_id = u.ID ) ";
    ? ? ? ? ? ? $sql .= "WHERE ( lu.league_id <> 0 OR lu.league_id IS NULL ) ";
    ? }

    ? ? ? ? $sql .= "ORDER BY u.display_name ASC";
    ? ? ? ? $sql = $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $match_info['id'] );
    ? ? ? ? $predictions = $wpdb->get_results( $sql, ARRAY_A );
    ? ? ? ? $rows = apply_filters( 'footballpool_statistics_matchpredictions', $predictions, $match_info );
    ? ? ? ? $layout_class = $pool->match_table_layout === 0 ? 'classic-layout' : 'new-layout';
    ? ? ? ? $template_start = sprintf( '<style>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? table.tablesorter thead tr th {border:0;}
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? </style>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <table class="matchinfo match-%d %s statistics tablesorter">
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <thead>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <tr>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th class="custom-username">%s</th>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th colspan="%d" class="custom-prediction sortless">%s</th>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <th class="custom-score">%s</th>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? </tr>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? </thead>'
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , $match_info['id']
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , $layout_class
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , __( 'name', 'football-pool' )
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , ( $pool->has_jokers ? 4 : 3 )
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , __( 'prediction', 'football-pool' )
    ? ? ? ? ? ? , __( 'score', 'football-pool' )
    ? ? ? ? );
    ? ? ? ? return $template_start;
    ? ? }

    ? ? public static function template_end( $template ) {
    ? ? ? ? return '<!-- PEKOS --></tbody></table>';
    ? ? ? ? //return $template;
    ? ? }

    ? ? public static function template_row( $template ) {
    ? ? ? ? $template_row = '<tr class="%current_user_css_class%">
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td><a href="%user_url%">%user_name%</a></td>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td class="home">%home_score%</td>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td class="match-hyphen">-</td>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td class="away">%away_score%</td>
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <td class="score"><span class="user-points">%score%</span></td></tr>';
    ? ? ? ? //if ($pool->has_jokers) {$row_template .= '<td title="%joker_title_text%"><div class="nopointer %joker_css_class%"></div></td>';}
    ? ? ? ? //$row_template .= '<td class="score"><span class="user-points">%score%</span></td></tr>';
    ? ? ? ? return $template_row;
    ? ? }
    ? ? public static function no_fp_plugin_error() {
    ? ? ? ? $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ );
    ? ? ? ? $plugin_name = $plugin_data['Name'] ?? __CLASS__;
    ? ? ? ? echo "<div class='error'><p>The Football Pool plugin is not activated. ",
    ? ? ? ? ? ? "Make sure you activate it so the extension plugin '{$plugin_name}' has some use.</p></div>";
    ? ? }

    Thank you in advance

    Thread Starter pekos


    Well it is not only the span with class I need to insert there…

    Even though the string replace function seems OK for other functionalities, in this one I need to introduce other changes in the template which are mainly for styling reasons.

    However, it has now came to my attention that I would like to also change the template html start and introduce <thead> after the <table> and make the th elements part of the <thead> element.
    In this way I can use the “table sorter” plugin which requires that thead is correctly declared in the table structure.

    In order to achieve the above I suppose I don’t need an football pool extension plugin rather I can use a PHP snippet to do so right ? Would you be able to provide the code I a looking for ?

    Thank you

    thank you @fanman1948

    Hi @fanman1948 & @antoineh

    can you please share location for Football Pool Sort Match Predictions ?

    If this is in dropbox, is there a main download location with all plugins listed?


    Thread Starter pekos



    the new version 3.3.1 breaks my site. I can live with 3.2 for now.


    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    well it actually does make the difference. This is the new chart type i got after uploading the file you sent me.

    So, once again, i have to thank you for troubleshooting quickly and successfully.

    If you need for any tests or reports from my side, I will help you.

    I did not answer before, but I did not see any errors in the console.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter pekos


    Just checked with earlier version and I still get the same chart type (not the column-chart)

    Thread Starter pekos


    Latest…. I will try to upload earlier version and come back to you… However please do also a check on your side if there is need to update json or class.


    Thread Starter pekos


    This is exactly the same as what I have in my page:

    <div id="chart6-wrapper" class="chart-wrapper column-chart chart stats-page">

    Is something else like a json object controlling the type of charts which is missing or udpated in later highchart version?


    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    this is clear. I will try your suggestion.

    Something out of subject: in the help page of the plugin you are mentioning some simple examples such as the following :

    // only show the first 20 users in the user selector
    add_filter( 'footballpool_userselector_widget_users', function ( $a ) {
        return array_slice( $a, 0, 20 );
    } );

    However i found out that the correct way for the filter to work is as per the following:

    // only show the first 20 users in the user selector
    add_filter( 'footballpool_userselector_users', function ( $a ) {
    return array_slice( $a, 0, 20 );
    } );

    Maybe you might need to change the help page for this specific matter.

    Thank you

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 1 week ago by pekos.
    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    it was actually due to the simple calculation method setting.

    Thanx for the quick reply

    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    thank you for the response. That was indeed the problem. I disabled the plugin and the page works as expected.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter pekos


    Hi Antoine

    let me explain.

    A user that is registered and allowed to participate in a league, when logged in can visit the predictions page (not the prediction form page). On that page, he can see his predictions, but the page only shows future matches. What I need is for the user to see all the predictions he has made so far. Therefore I am not talking about another page other than the predictions page, I am saying that the predictions page shows only the predictions submitted for future matches while it should show predictions for matches already played.
    A user can see all predictions made from all users if he goes to the matches page and clicks on the actual result, then he is directed to a page where the predictions for the specific match from all users are shown even if the match has already been played.
    Therefore I believe there is a logic that prevents past matches from being displayed on the current user’s predictions page.

    Thank you

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