Forum Replies Created
No problem; thank you!
Hi, I just got the same message, too, about 3.1.2
When I look at my php info page, 8 times out of 10, it says I have only an 8M upload. 2 times out of 10 it says the correct 200. I’ve clicked through, refreshing the page for 3 cycles — about 30 page refreshes, and it stays on 8M for about 8 refreshes, changes to 200 for 2 refreshes, then goes back to 8M for 8 to 9 refreshes. What is that?
Thanks, RVoodoo! I appreciate your help!
Anyone else? Please! ??
I did the phpinfo file, and it says I have 200M file upload, etc. as in my php.ini files. This is my php.ini:
register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off
expose_php = Off
max_input_time = 60
variables_order = “EGPCS”
extension_dir = ./
upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
precision = 12
url_rewriter.tags =“a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=”
zend_extension=/usr/local/zo/4_3/ZendOptimizer.somemory_limit = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 200MI will make the php test file in just a second — I hadn’t seen your file before my post went through…. hold on…. and thank you!!
And how long does it usually take for the php.ini files to “take” with GoDaddy? I know the .htaccess files used to take 24 hours sometimes…
RVoodoo, I’ll add the php.ini file back, in addition to the php5.ini! Where did you put them? I have php5.ini in a main directory, in the directory for the WP site, and in that site’s wp-admin folder…. Overkill?
I’ve tried clearing the cache and restarting Firefox, but it’s just giving me the “This file is too big. The maximum upload size for your server is 8M.” message. Again.
Is it possible the GoDaddy is overriding my php5.ini at the top of the hour when they reset the servers or something?
Thank you for responding — I’ll try to recreate it, although my last few tries just got me the over 8M error message.
I had talked with one GoDaddy rep about a month ago who basically told me I was out of luck. He was pushing me to get a more expensive hosting plan.
PS: I basically followed the directions in this thread to increase max upload file size:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: GoDaddy Hosting issues with secondary domainsHi MacMare, how did things shake out? I’m looking at doing a similar process myself, suggested by GoDaddy staff, but am having trouble wrapping my head around how it all will work, since everything in WP is based on the domain name and using Deluxe/Unlimited hosting requires using aliases (fake domain names). Has it worked for you? What did you do? Any recommendations?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Permission error when trying to upgrade?I could only get as far as unpacking core update with my 2.8.1 upgrade/update until I deleted the wp-content/upgrade folder. Did the trick. Changing permissions on that folder did not for me.
Update: It’s working fine now, except that I have to re-enter all the categories. But the site is running fine! Whew. I am relieved. I don’t know what I changed that did the trick. I’m now running 1.9.9 on 2.7.1 and everything is fine.
Well, despite upgrading and downgrading and deactivating and reactivating, I haven’t yet gotten my categories back. What can I do? This really stinks. I use SRQ all over my site, and I have some wonderful new testimonials from clients that I really want to put up, but they’re not working right!!!